I admitted I didn't think he could win and he won. I still think he was too green and naive about how to play hard ball politics and as a result he's wasted 3/4ths of his first term trying to compromise with people who had no interest in doing anything other than trying to crash the economy for political gain. Even stuff the Republicans campaigned on and said they supported have been filibustered, literally 98% of all legislation including Republican sponsored legislation has been filibustered, and it's all because the GOP leadership has decided they want Obama to be seen as a failure more than they want to do the job the people sent them to Washington to do; if achieving their personal power means deliberately trying to crash the economy then they are all for it.
Does anyone else remember how the GOP motto in 2008 was "Country first"? Seriously, they're the worst patriots ever. Even if you hate Hillary she at least knew what the bastards in the GOP were like so she would have come out gunning for them on day one not trying to say "pretty please can we do something good for the country now?"
Does anyone else remember how the GOP motto in 2008 was "Country first"? Seriously, they're the worst patriots ever. Even if you hate Hillary she at least knew what the bastards in the GOP were like so she would have come out gunning for them on day one not trying to say "pretty please can we do something good for the country now?"