Because those small provinces are a minority. Surely you must agree that it's not fair to have two provinces where your vote counts (Ontario, Quebec) and all of the other provinces are constantly along for the ride?
This makes no sense. Why do you think any politician worth his salt would care more about winning a seat in Quebec or Ontario than he would about winning a seat in BC or Alberta?
Chrétien would be just as happy to win seats anywhere in Canada.
Yeah, that's much worse than having the federal government do the same thing to you. Tell me, what has the Quebec provincial government done on the scale of the NEP?
Did Trudeau tell Albertans that they weren't actually Canadians and were living here on sufferance?
Hah. Let's see: school closures that target English school boards, ditto with hospital closures, the abrogation of our right to free speech...
As compared to regulations on the oil industry.
