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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
No, Just refering to your "most" don't, a hell of alot do.
Scared? I fiqure Quebec is about as big a drag on Canada as it is a benefit. Naturally I don't want to
see a civil war over Ungava and the south shore.
It was supposed to be a open bidded contract, Are you
defending political corruption of equality of Canadians?
I think it would have been "oui", yes would have bombed.
If he could have said oui and been the first president of Quebec, he would have. A yes vote would really cause
a lot of trouble, you don't honestly think Canada will
trash itsself for an Independant Quebec's sake.
Still : most don't.
Ontario is the answer you're looking for.
As for your clever "oui" repartie, i can do this whole thing in both of our country's official languages ( although i'll admit my understanding of some of the more difficult words like "Most" is deficient )
I still don't get your De Havilland references. I'm just not aware of the specifics.
Originally posted by Richelieu
As for your clever "oui" repartie
I still don't get your De Havilland references. I'm just not aware of the specifics.
Thanks, it was to lighten things up abit. Quebec has had
real greivances in Canada, (the West too) but, the
constant separtation threat needs to end, one way
or another.
De Havilland of Winneipeg should have got the C-18
contracts based on and price and expertise. It went
to bombardia (snow mobiles) of Monteal.
The first five pages seemed to be mostly people trying to wind up Asher. The last couple of pages there seems to be some thought going on as to some of the legitimate concerns over the problems with our country's regions.
Asher, I can't honestly remember who said that Alberta should vote Liberal to obtain federal representation. But it is a comment I have heard often enough here and elsewhere and it doesn't work anyway. Ontario and Quebec would still have way more influence.
Your suggestion that Alberta would have more autonomy in the US does not reflect the the strong powers that the provinces have vis-a-vis the the states which has already been commented on. The 'notwithstanding' clause alone provides more provincial clout than anything the states have.
To my mind the incredible, almost inevitable, influence that Ontario has on the country due to its large proportion of the votes is largely a result of the poor decisions made divving up the land around the time of Confederation.
Your comments regarding oil pipelines seem valid to me. The oil flows directly to the US and I can't imagine BC agreeing to federal pressure to restrict access to BC ports in the unlikely event of Alberta separation. Besides the trade flow in North America tends to be more north/south than east/west anyway. In many cases our access to US markets under NAFTA is better than to the restrictive Ontario market.
Keep in mind too that the Ontarians have always voted Liberal or Conservative which are basically the same party. Their fear and loathing over something new like Reform which could be a threat to their status quo is huge. My feeling is that they felt even more threatened by Manning than they did when the Bloc head was opposition leader. This is because Reform could have conceivably won the election whereas the Bloc could never.
The Mother Corp's news will often lead with Clark's questions to the government rather than Harper's. The central Canadian media establishment sees a pompous washed-up windbag from a safe party as less of a threat than Harper and his ilk. So they will go on bashing Harper and promoting Clark. It might not be fair, right or reasonable but it happens. For the record I did not vote Alliance last election though.
Finally regarding Alberta's noble contribution to the transfer payments... It wasn't always that way. Before there was oil there was drought on the prairies in the 1930's. At the time Alberta was very much a have not province. So just remember that over the course of many years things can change. Who would of thought that the BC gov't would be so incompetent to make us have-nots?
Originally posted by Flubber
If you are going to do a senate totally proportional to population, why bother ? Thats what the House of Commons is and to replicate the same regional proportions is simply duplication for no added benefit.
Actually, if you'd thought it through you would realise that the proportional representation bit of the method used to elect candidates is exactly what provides "the West" with a more unified voice.
And if you hadn't noticed, the suggestion of an equal number of seats for all provinces in some future senate is simply a way to hand excess power to, as I said, the Maritimes, Sask and Man.
Alberta gets nothing out of such a system, since it already has 1/10th of Canada's pop. And given the likely trend, it will soon get a net loss of power via such a system.
There's absolutely no reason why 140 000 people in PEI should count more than 140 000 people in Montreal or Toronto.
60/40 in 80. 51/49 in 95. (Getting scared ?)
De Havilland aircrafts ? What about them ? Should we compare which province in the history of this country has been the most favored by the Federal government ? Can you really have any doubts about that?
The word was yes.
And 60/40 now (or even 65/35, depending who you believe)
It crested, and luckily it did so just shy of 50%.
Originally posted by Frogger
The US senate is precisely what I hate about the American system of government. All you're doing by asking for equal senatorial representation from all provinces is handing an inordinate amount of power to PEI, NS, NB, Nfld, Sask and Man.
BC and Alberta are equally well represented (or so) and Quebec and Ontario get the shaft. More than half the people of Canada but only 20% of the representation?
God forbid we have two bodies formed by representation by population, and a third body formed with an equal interest by each province so we can protect the rights of those in the minority rather than ignore them.
The current system allows whoever leads the majority party to be an effective dictator. It's one of the stupidest forms of government I've ever seen.
What's worse, is it won't ever change because in order to change the people in central Canada need to realize that there are other people in this country that deserve to be heard, too.
"The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
Originally posted by Frogger
Silly American. Our government actually does stuff, and does it via the legislative branch instead of by executive orders...
True dat!
Like this year we got a ridiculously over-priced gunregistry that still wants more money, the rush-job pass on Kyoto, the millions of dollars in taxpayer money in propaganda to convince Canadians that kyoto is good, an exemption given to Ontario automakers from Kyoto's impact because so many MPs are from Kyoto.
It's f*cking great that our government can do things, since we give one man all the power at once, even if he's slightly retarded and senile.
"The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
Originally posted by Tingkai
What we should do with these stupid separatist is give them a swift kick in the butt and make them look at reality.
Look around. Canadians live in one of the best countries in the world where they have access to an incredible quality of life, and all these spoiled brats do is complain.
Hey, I agree with you that Canada is one of the best countries in the world.
The problem is, there happen to be better ones for some of our interests. Ones that are pretty damn close to us...
I still love this argument, by this logic you should stay in an abusive relationship if the spouse is really hot and most of the time "he/she's not that bad".
The Albertan separatists are the worst. They have everything they need. They're not oppressed. They can voice their opinions just like anyone else and be heard, if they're smart about it.
Voicing opinions is kind of worthless when you're either ignored (see federal government) or called whiners (see Apolyton) for it, don't you think?
[quote]Look at Asher. He lives in a country where his daddy can become incredibly wealthy. He gets a great education. He has a nice home. He can get a great job. And what does he do. He complains, and complains, and complains.
And what has he done for his country. Nothing I bet.
Why should I do anything for my country? I prefer the one with a hick in a cowboy hat a president, how sad is that?
The current country as it stands has done nothing but aggravate me. You can go on and on all you want about all of the people who have died "for my freedom" or some equally irrelevant righteous spiel, but I'm still just going to laugh at you.
The fact is, the current system sucks. Badly. It needs reform. Badly. You can continue trying to ignore that or discredit the people who want to reform it by saying "well Asia is worse!" or "You haven't done anything for this country!", but I'm sure people on Apolyton are smart enough to see through that lame tactic.
Even worse, he's constantly complaining and demanding changes, even though he's planning to leave in a few years.
Did it ever occur to you the reason I'm planning to leave is the lack of changes?
These brats should just shut the **** up. Either that or leave Canada. No one is going to stop them.
I see what you mean, KrazyHorse, about having a voice and a say in this country. "If you don't like it, go the **** away". Brilliant stuff.
"The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
Why don't we raise the stakes. You win, you get BC and Alberta. We win, we get Alaska to join a BC/Alberta government. That's a little more fair for a poker game.
The only case in Canada's history that looks like the US' is the adding of Nfld in 1949.
BC was a British Dominion up until 1872. The only reason we joined confederation was the promise of a railroad extending across the continent. The federal government stopped funding passenger service for the CPR just recently. Is the deal off?
If it really wants to make inroads into eastern Canada it needs to put forward a leader and platform a little more palatable.
Now were talking. What would have to change in the Alliance platform to make them more palatable?
Scouse Git (2)La Fayette Adam SmithSolomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
God forbid we have two bodies formed by representation by population
The current system allows whoever leads the majority party to be an effective dictator
a third body formed with an equal interest by each province so we can protect the rights of those in the minority rather than ignore them
Why is it that protecting "the minority" only means "protecting the interests of people living in small provinces by giving them more of a say just by virtue of their location"?
And why is it that somebody's vote in small-town Western Ontario should count less than the vote of his cousin 30 minutes west of him in small-town Manitoba?
Man, you're such a whiny ***** sometimes Asher. I can't stand this sh*t when it comes out of the mouths of Quebec separatists, and I can't stand it when it comes from you.
You want marginalised? You should try living as an Anglophone in Quebec. The provincial government really doesn't give a **** what you say. As a matter of fact, they tell you on any occasion they can that they don't even consider you a Quebecer.
It still doesn't mean that the Anglophones should get more votes because they're a minority. And living in a small province shouldn't mean that you get more votes either.
If you think you've been screwed because Alberta's only the 4th largest province, then get your act together and amalgamate with BC.
But wait; that would mean that the CA wouldn't get every seat in the new province, now would it? And it would mean that the concerns of each individual citizen mattered less, wouldn't it?
You want the best of both worlds; you want the uniform voice and concerns of a small province, and the loud voice of a big province at once.
Living in a big province means sh*t to how important your voice as an individual is.
Why is it that protecting "the minority" only means "protecting the interests of people living in small provinces by giving them more of a say just by virtue of their location"?
Because those small provinces are a minority. Surely you must agree that it's not fair to have two provinces where your vote counts (Ontario, Quebec) and all of the other provinces are constantly along for the ride?
You want marginalised? You should try living as an Anglophone in Quebec. The provincial government really doesn't give a **** what you say. As a matter of fact, they tell you on any occasion they can that they don't even consider you a Quebecer.
Yeah, that's much worse than having the federal government do the same thing to you. Tell me, what has the Quebec provincial government done on the scale of the NEP?
If you think you've been screwed because Alberta's only the 4th largest province, then get your act together and amalgamate with BC.
What the hell would this change?
"The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "
BC was a British Dominion up until 1872. The only reason we joined confederation was the promise of a railroad extending across the continent. The federal government stopped funding passenger service for the CPR just recently. Is the deal off?
Canada built the railroad. AFAIK it didn't agree to continue funding it. You should have gotten PEI's lawyers...
The executive branch isn't a body, and it's composed entirely of those whom the PM selects. In Canadian political structure it's an extension of the legislature. Try not to apply American political theory to Canadian politics...