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IF tommorow the Palestinian people peacably protested in the street+did so for month

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  • Bullcrap, GePap. Israel didn't initiate NOTHING on the northen border.


    • gs a succint difference...

      annoyance only because i dont give your input the slightest, like most of the rest ive reprimanded here are bigotted and your posts reek of contempt and disdain at israel's rights to EXIST nevermind defend itself. When you start to see the light perhaps i may change my stance... until then deal with my derision like it or not!

      Oh and please do stop whimpering like a puppy dog its unbecoming a moral evangelist like yourself LOL


      • Everybody better chill a bit... especially you mandarin.

        Enough with the personal insults.
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • Thank you.

          The original post might have open to a decent discussion....BUT

          maybe others will think twice about posting highly inflammatory and controversial statements when their content is patently prejudiced and aimed to incite.
          Last edited by mandarin; December 17, 2002, 21:36.


          • Originally posted by mandarin
            Thank you.

            The original post might have open to a decent discussion....BUT

            maybe others will think twice about posting highly inflammatory and controversial statements when their content is patently prejudiced and aimed to incite.

            While, of course, you have done nothing wrong.

            It might suprise you to find out that most people are on the fence on this issue.

            I don't live there, all I see are news reports. Suicide bombers, Israeli retaliation. Seems nobody is blameless there.

            Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


            • Originally posted by panag

              hi ,

              not to mention of all the houses that are empty now because hezzfucball shoots true the fence at the border each day , ......

              and the UN just sits back in some lawnchairs a bit further reading newspapers , .......

              strange how some people only complain when certain "species" get hit , .......

              the only good terrorist is a death one

              have a nice day
              Panag, I really don't get why the UN is not doing something about cross-border terrorism. Clearly this kind of activity leads to war and should be within the perview of the Security Council.

              Has Israel asked the Security Council for help?


              • Originally posted by mandarin
                Thank you.

                The original post might have open to a decent discussion....BUT

                maybe others will think twice about posting highly inflammatory and controversial statements when their content is patently prejudiced and aimed to incite.

                You really shouldn't thank me... you seem to be one of the biggest offenders here. You are about one post away from getting restricted.
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • Originally posted by Ned

                  Panag, I really don't get why the UN is not doing something about cross-border terrorism. Clearly this kind of activity leads to war and should be within the perview of the Security Council.

                  Has Israel asked the Security Council for help?
                  hi ,

                  there are plenty of UN people in Israel , some soldiers , to monitor the borders , mainly Isra-Leb and the Golan , now those people always write in great lenght and details reports , however it seems that only certain reports make its way to the press and to HQ , those of Israeli "wrongdoings" , however international and our laws are constantly being violated , shelling , fence firing ( hezz****la puts there rifles in the fence and shoulder height and they start to fire with or without target )
                  when you are on the border you can see the positions from where they launch mortar attacks , now when they fire the soldiers on the border have the order not to fire , however ones in a while they should back when there is a hezz****la on the fence targeting them ( the trick is to shoot the Israeli in the legs and wait untill help arrives , then they start to shoot at more legs ) so when we should back there is always immediate protest from the local UN , last week (because of family visit) two UN guys where spotted , sitting in a chair with sunglasses on , 500 meters from the fence , sipping from a soda in a nice comfortable chair , they did nothing when hezz****la fired , but when an Israeli fired a round back they jump out of the chairs and went to help the hezz****la guy , .......

                  the UN in NY cleary forgets there is a hole inside the city they are in , ........ they do absolutely next to nothing when it comes to fight terror , .........
                  and even if they do something its always "to little and to late"

                  they dont even protect the locals in south lib from the criminals , when we where there everything turned out fine , now we are gone and they do nothing
                  the locals are under extreme pressure from the hezz****la guys and noone does anything , ...... why they dont tell the truth about syria , why they dont kick syria for what they are responsable for in libanon

                  have a nice day and happy X-mass
                  - LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
                  WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?


                  • Originally posted by Tuberski

                    While, of course, you have done nothing wrong.

                    It might suprise you to find out that most people are on the fence on this issue.

                    I don't live there, all I see are news reports. Suicide bombers, Israeli retaliation. Seems nobody is blameless there.

                    hi ,

                    ahem , small correction here ;

                    foreign groups and countries give support to low live no-good-for-nothing-without-any-respect-for-other-humans-killers-and-suicide-bombers , KABOOM some Israel , some american , some europeans death , .....

                    tring - tring , ..... "yes" Mr prime minister ; "yes" 'PIGUA' , so many injured , this and that , so many death , bla-bla , etc , .......
                    this and this guy carried out the attack , ......

                    then a panel of people sees what can be done , only then , and only then we go out to bring the quilty ones to justice , ........
                    but of course its more intresting for a newspaper to show the poor death or injured pals then the poor death Jews or poor death americans , ..........

                    have a nice day
                    - LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
                    WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?


                    • gsmoove:

                      CyberGnu, I can't see a point in saying that Israelis do not have a moral right to be there. This sort of argument is supremely unhelpful if the objective is peace and not endless bloodshed. If it was 1917 the story might be different but now Israel is populated with people who only know Israel as there home. It is ridiculous to say they don't have 'moral rights' to be there.
                      Reposting from page 17, with bold for emphasis:

                      Gnu: Morally, I don't think Israel has a right to be there.

                      But practically, we all know that it isn't going away, and we will have to deal with reality. If we want a civilized solution to the conflict, we will have to accept Israels existance, and adhere to a deal.

                      (However, the settlements were implicitly part of the original Oslo accord, and I don't think we should expect the palestinians to accept a LESSER deal 10 years later...)

                      It is reminiscent of putting innocent people in jail... Yes, in a perfect world they should not be there, and morally, we have no right to put them there... But unfair things do happen, and we will just have to trust the system because it is the best we can come up with. You see what I mean?
                      Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                      • hi ,

                        Ming maybe it would be intresting to close this thread , its not going to go anywhere

                        as for pesonal insults , well its about time some people stop to attack Jews and Israeli's just because they are being what they are , ...... we dont start to attack everytime we have an oppurtunity the pals , ......

                        its exactly this kind of talk from some people in far away countries that feeds the horror some of us have to walk with the rest of our lives , ........

                        this is a nice site with great people but personal insults , shocking PM's and e-mail that contain BS in them solve nothing what so ever , they only lead to "flame wars" , it would be best if we all talk about something else , héy there is plenty enough to talk about , .....

                        its a shame to see each time the same people starting to launch attacks on others just for what they are , ......

                        whats going to be next , we are going to go after Mark , just because he is a greek , read his sig !

                        oh and next time some of you start to launch an attack on some-one just for what or who he is , you have an internet connection , so use it ones in a while to research before you post , .........

                        posting insults and launching personal attacks is how conflicts start , sooner or later some-one goes to the next level of violence , and then the other side responds , and so on and so on , .........

                        have a nice day
                        - LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
                        WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?


                        • Date Name and Location Details
                          January 9, 2002 Captain Ashraf Hawayish, 28, from Beit Zarzir Was killed by terrorist gunfire in southern Israel in a pre-dawn terrorist attack near Kibbutz Kerem Shalom.
                          January 9, 2002 Private Ali Abu Ranem, from Haifa Was killed by terrorist gunfire in southern Israel in a pre-dawn terrorist attack near Kibbutz Kerem Shalom.
                          January 9, 2002 Sgt. Mufid Sawayed, 25, from Abu Snan Was killed by terrorist gunfire in southern Israel in a pre-dawn terrorist attack near Kibbutz Kerem Shalom.
                          January 9, 2002 Sgt. Ibrahim Hamadieh, 23, from Rehaniya Was killed by terrorist gunfire in southern Israel in a pre-dawn terrorist attack near Kibbutz Kerem Shalom.
                          January 14, 2002 Sergeant Elad Abu-Gani, 19, of Tiberias Was murdered by terrorist gunfire in the Shomron as he was manning a checkpoint in the area of the Jewish community of Kedumim.
                          January 15, 2002 Avi Boaz, 72, of Maale Adumim Was lynched by Palestinian terrorists in PA-controlled Beit Sachur
                          January 15, 2002 Yoela Chen, 45, of Givat Ze’ ev Was killed when two terrorists opened fire on her car at a Givat Ze'ev gas station. Chen was the mother of two.
                          January 17, 2002 Aaron Ben-Yisrael Alise, 32, of Ra'anana Was killed when a terrorist launced a shooting attack at a bat mitzva reception in Hadera.
                          January 17, 2002 Avi Yazdi, 25, of Hadera Was killed when a terrorist launced a shooting attack at a bat mitzva reception in Hadera.
                          January 17, 2002 Dina Benayev, 48, of Ashkelon Was killed when a terrorist launced a shooting attack at a bat mitzva reception in Hadera.
                          January 17, 2002 Boris Milichov, 56, of S'derot Was killed when a terrorist launced a shooting attack at a bat mitzva reception in Hadera.
                          January 17, 2002 Anatoli Bakshayev, 63, of Or Akiva Was killed when a terrorist launced a shooting attack at a bat mitzva reception in Hadera.
                          January 17, 2002 Edward Bakshayev, 48, of Or Akiva Was killed when a terrorist launced a shooting attack at a bat mitzva reception in Hadera.
                          January 23, 2002 Sarah Hamburger, 79, of Jerusalem Was killed when a terrorist opened fire in downtown Jerusalem
                          January 23, 2002 Svetlana Sandler, 56, of Jerusalem Was killed when a terrorist opened fire in downtown Jerusalem
                          January 27, 2002 Pinhas Tokatli, 81, of Jerusalem as killed when a terrorist opened fire in downtown Jerusalem
                          February 6, 2002 Miri Ochana, 50, of Moshav Hamra Was killed when Palestinian terrorists infiltrated Moshav Hamra in the Jordan Valley.
                          February 6, 2002 Yael Ochana, 11, of Moshav Hamra Was killed when Palestinian terrorists infiltrated Moshav Hamra in the Jordan Valley.
                          February 6, 2002 IDF First-Sergeant Moshe Makonan Majus, 33, of Beit Shean Was killed when Palestinian terrorists infiltrated Moshav Hamra in the Jordan Valley.
                          February 9, 2002 Atla Lipovsky,78, of Maale Ephraim Was shot to death in a shooting attack on the Trans-Samaria Highway between Ariel and Tapuach Junction.
                          February 8, 2002 Moran Amit, 25, of Kibbutz Kfar HaNasi Was killed in a terrorist stabbing attack on the Haas Promenade in the Armon HaNatziv neighborhood of the capital.
                          February 10, 2002 Corporal Aya Malachi, 18, of Ein HaBasur Was killed when two Palestinians began shooting randomly at soldiers and others passers-by near an IDF base in the Negev city of Be'er Sheva. An army officer quickly shot and killed one of the terrorists; the other then ran away and was pursued, shot, and killed by police officers. The tragedy could have been many times greater had one of the terrorists managed to detonate the explosives pack he was later found to be wearing on his person.
                          February 10, 2002 Lt. Keren Rotstein, 20, from Ashkelon Was killed when two Palestinians began shooting randomly at soldiers and others passers-by near an IDF base in the Negev city of Be'er Sheva. An army officer quickly shot and killed one of the terrorists; the other then ran away and was pursued, shot, and killed by police officers. The tragedy could have been many times greater had one of the terrorists managed to detonate the explosives pack he was later found to be wearing on his person.
                          February 15, 2002 Lt.-Col. Eyal Weiss, 34, commander of the elite Duvdevan undercover unit Was killed during the military operation in Sida early Friday morning.
                          February 15, 2002 Sgt. Lee Nachman Akunis Was killed on Friday night when two Arabs attacked a military guard post at the Surda checkpoint, north of Ramallah.
                          February 14, 2002 Sgt. Asher Zaguri, 21, Was killed when a 100-kg. explosive was detonated under his tank.
                          February 14, 2002 Sgt. Moshe Peled, 20 Was killed when a 100-kg. explosive was detonated under his tank.
                          February 14, 2002 Sgt. Ron Lavi of Katzrin, 20, of Netanya Was killed when a 100-kg. explosive was detonated under his tank.
                          February 16, 2002 Nechemiah Amar, 15 of Karnei Shomron Was murdered by a suicide terrorist who blew himself up at the Karnei Shomron shopping center.
                          February 16, 2002 Keren Shatzky, 15, of Karnei Shomron Was murdered by a suicide terrorist who blew himself up at the Karnei Shomron shopping center.
                          February 18, 2002 Policeman Ahmed Mazrib, 31, from Beit Zarzir Was killed when a suicide terrorist blew up his car at el-Zaim
                          February 18, 2002 Givati Brigade Captain Mor Elraz, 25, from Kiryat Ata Was killed in a shooting attack in Kissufim.
                          February 18, 2002 Givati Brigade Sergeant Amir Mansuri, 21, from Kiryat Arba Was killed in a shooting attack in Kissufim.
                          February 18, 2002 Ahuva Amragim, 30, from the Gush Katif community of Ganei Tal Was killed in a shooting attack in Kissufim.
                          February 19, 2002 Sergeant Mark Podolsky, 20, from Tel Aviv Was killed in a terrorist shooting attack at Ein Arik.
                          February 19, 2002 Sergeant Benny Kikis, 20, from Carmiel Was killed in a terrorist shooting attack at Ein Arik.
                          February 19, 2002 Sergeant Michael Uksman, 21, from Haifa Was killed in a terrorist shooting attack at Ein Arik.
                          February 19, 2002 Sergeant Erez Turgeman, 20, from Jerusalem Was killed in a terrorist shooting attack at Ein Arik.
                          February 19, 2002 Sergeant Tamir Atzami, 21, from Kiryat Ono Was killed in a terrorist shooting attack at Ein Arik.
                          February 19, 2002 Lt. Moshe Eini, 21, from Petach Tikvah Was killed in a terrorist shooting attack at Ein Arik.
                          February 22, 2002 Valery Ahmir, 59, of Beit Shemesh Was killed by terrorists in a drive-by shooting on the Atarot-Givat Ze'ev road north of Jerusalem.
                          February 25, 2002 Aharon Gorov, 46, of Nokdim Was killed in a terrorist shooting attacbetween Tekoa and Nokdim, south of Bethlehem.
                          February 25, 2002 Avraham Fish, 65, of Nokdim, Was killed in a terrorist shooting attack between Tekoa and Nokdim, south of Bethlehem.
                          February 26, 2002 F.-Sgt. Galit Arviv, 21, of Nesher Was killed terrorist attack in Jerusalem's Neveh Ya'acov neighborhood.
                          February 27, 2002 Rachel Thaler, 16, of Karnei Shomron Died today from wounds she suffered in the Palestinian terror bombing of Karnie Shomron's commercial center 10 days ago.
                          February 27, 2002 Gad Rejwan, 34 of Jerusalem Was shot and killed by his Palestinian employee in Jerusalem's Atarot industrial area.
                          February 28, 2002 St.-Sgt. Chaim Bahar, 20, of Tel Aviv Was killed during an IDF operation in the Jenin and Balata refugee camps.
                          March 1, 2002 Golani Brigade Sergeant Yaakov Avnei, 20, of Kiryat Ata Was killed by terrorist gunfire in the army’s Jenin operation.
                          March 2, 2002 Chief-Supt. Moshe Dayan,of Ma'aleh Adumim Was discovered by Beduin several hundred meters from the Mar Saba Monastery in the Judean Desert. Police believe that terrorists are responsible for the murder.
                          March 2, 2002 Shlomo Nehmad, 40,of Rishon Lezion Was killed in a suicide bombing in the Beit Yisroel nieghborhood of Jerusalem.
                          March 2, 2002 Gafnit Nehmad, 32, of Rishon Lezion Was killed in a suicide bombing in the Beit Yisroel nieghborhood of Jerusalem.
                          March 2, 2002 Shiraz Nehmad, 7 of Rishon Lezion Was killed in a suicide bombing in the Beit Yisroel nieghborhood of Jerusalem.
                          March 2, 2002 Liran Nehmad, 3 of Rishon Lezion Was killed in a suicide bombing in the Beit Yisroel nieghborhood of Jerusalem.
                          March 2, 2002 Shauli Nehmad, 15 of Rishon Lezion Was killed in a suicide bombing in the Beit Yisroel nieghborhood of Jerusalem.
                          March 2, 2002 Lidor Ilan, 12 Was killed in a suicide bombing in the Beit Yisroel nieghborhood of Jerusalem.
                          March 2, 2002 Oriya Ilan, one year old Was killed in a suicide bombing in the Beit Yisroel nieghborhood of Jerusalem.
                          March 2, 2002 Sofia Yaarit Eliyahu, 23, of the Beit Israel neighborhood in Jerusalem. Was killed in a suicide bombing in the Beit Yisroel nieghborhood of Jerusalem.
                          March 2, 2002 Ya'akov Avraham Eliyahu, seven months old, of the Beit Israel neighborhood in Jerusalem Was killed in a suicide bombing in the Beit Yisroel nieghborhood of Jerusalem.
                          March 2, 2002 Avi Hazan, 37, of Adora Was killed in a suicide bombing in the Beit Yisroel nieghborhood of Jerusalem.
                          March 2, 2002 Eliyahu Nachmad, 17, of Rishon L'Tzion Died of wounds sustained in the suicide bombing in the Beit Yisroel nieghborhood of Jerusalem, on June 20
                          March 3, 2002 Yitzhak Didi, 66, from Eli Was killed in a shooting attack near Ofra.
                          March 3, 2002 Vadim Balagula, 32, from Ariel Was killed in a shooting attack near Ofra.
                          March 3, 2002 Sergei Butarov, 33, from Ariel Was killed in a shooting attack near Ofra.
                          March 3, 2002 Capt. Ariel Hovav, 25, of Eli Was killed in a shooting attack near Ofra.
                          March 3, 2002 Sgt.-Maj. Refael Levy, 42, of Rishon Lezion Was killed in a shooting attack near Ofra.
                          March 3, 2002 Sgt.-Maj. Avraham Ezra, 38, of Kiryat Bialik Was killed in a shooting attack near Ofra.
                          March 3, 2002 Sgt.-Maj. Yohai Porat, 26, of Kfar Saba Was killed in a shooting attack near Ofra.
                          March 3, 2002 Lt. David Demelin, 29, of Meitzar Was killed in a shooting attack near Ofra.
                          March 3, 2002 Sgt.-Maj. Eran Gad, 24, of Rishon Lezion Was killed in a shooting attack near Ofra.
                          March 3, 2002 Sgt.-Maj. Kfir Weiss, 24, of Beit Shemesh Was killed in a shooting attack near Ofra.
                          March 3, 2002 Steven Kenigsberg, 19 of Hod Hasharon Was shot dead in an attack south of the Kissufim crossing.
                          March 5, 2002 Yossi Habi, 52, of Herzliya Was killed during an attack on a Tel Aviv resturaunt.
                          March 5, 2002 Eli Dahan, 53, of Lod Was killed during an attack on a Tel Aviv resturaunt.
                          March 5, 2002 Maharatu Tagana, 85 of Upper Nazareth Was killed when an Islamic Jihad suicide bomber blew himself up aboard a bus as it pulled into Afula's central bus station.
                          - LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
                          WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?


                          • March 5,2002 Dvora Friedman, 45, of Efrat Was killed and her husband Yona lightly wounded yesterday morning in an ambush on the Bethlehem bypass road. She leaves 4 children.
                            March 6, 2002 Givati Brigade officer Lt. Pinchas Cohen, 23, of Jerusalem Was killed in a clash with Palestinians overnight in IDF operations in the Gaza Strip.
                            March 6, 2002 Aexander Nastarenko, 37, of Netanya Was killed in a clash with Palestinians overnight in IDF operations in the Gaza Strip.
                            March 7, 2002 Tal Kurtzweil, 18, from Bnei Brak Was brutally murdered when a terrorist entered the yeshiva/military preparation acadamy of Atzmona in the Gaza Strip and sprayed gunfire and threw grenades at the unarmed students. 24 others were wounded.
                            March 7, 2002 Asher Marcus, 18, of Jerusalem Was brutally murdered when a terrorist entered the yeshiva/military preparation acadamy of Atzmona in the Gaza Strip and sprayed gunfire and threw grenades at the unarmed students. 24 others were wounded.
                            March 7, 2002 Ariel Zana 18, of Jerusalem Was brutally murdered when a terrorist entered the yeshiva/military preparation acadamy of Atzmona in the Gaza Strip and sprayed gunfire and threw grenades at the unarmed students. 24 others were wounded.
                            March 7, 2002 Eran Pekar 18, of Jerusalem Was brutally murdered when a terrorist entered the yeshiva/military preparation acadamy of Atzmona in the Gaza Strip and sprayed gunfire and threw grenades at the unarmed students. 24 others were wounded.
                            March 7, 2002 Arik Krugliak,18, from Beit El Was brutally murdered when a terrorist entered the yeshiva/military preparation acadamy of Atzmona in the Gaza Strip and sprayed gunfire and threw grenades at the unarmed students. 24 others were wounded.
                            March 9, 2002 Mir Yeshiva student Yisrael Yechya, 27, of Bnei Brak Was murdered in the terrorist attack in Netanya’s Jeremy Hotel on Saturday night. Over 60 persons were wounded.
                            March 9, 2002 Aviva Malka, 9 months old Was murdered in the terrorist attack in Netanya’s Jeremy Hotel on Saturday night. Over 60 persons were wounded.
                            March 9, 2002 Orit Ozorov, 28, of Jerusalem Was killed in the Moment Cafe suicide bombing attack in the Rechavia neighborhood of Jerusalem on Saturday night. Over 50 people were wounded.
                            March 9, 2002 Lior Bat-Shoham, 27, of Jerusalem Was killed in the Moment Cafe suicide bombing attack in the Rechavia neighborhood of Jerusalem on Saturday night. Over 50 people were wounded.
                            March 9, 2002 , Dan Emuni, 23, of Jerusalem Was killed in the Moment Cafe suicide bombing attack in the Rechavia neighborhood of Jerusalem on Saturday night. Over 50 people were wounded.
                            March 9, 2002 , Uri Felix, 25, of Givat Ze’ev Was killed in the Moment Cafe suicide bombing attack in the Rechavia neighborhood of Jerusalem on Saturday night. Over 50 people were wounded.
                            March 9, 2002 Avraham Chaim Rachamim, 29, of Jerusalem Was killed in the Moment Cafe suicide bombing attack in the Rechavia neighborhood of Jerusalem on Saturday night. Over 50 people were wounded.
                            March 9, 2002 Livnat Dvash, 28, from Jerusalem Was killed in the Moment Cafe suicide bombing attack in the Rechavia neighborhood of Jerusalem on Saturday night. Over 50 people were wounded.
                            March 9, 2002 Danit Dagan, 25, of Tel Aviv, Tali Eliyahu, 26, from Jerusalem Was killed in the Moment Cafe suicide bombing attack in the Rechavia neighborhood of Jerusalem on Saturday night. Over 50 people were wounded.
                            March 9, 2002 Baruch Lerner, 29, of Yishuv Eli Was killed in the Moment Cafe suicide bombing attack in the Rechavia neighborhood of Jerusalem on Saturday night. Over 50 people were wounded.
                            March 9, 2002 Nir Rachamim Borchov, 22, Givat Ze’ev Was killed in the Moment Cafe suicide bombing attack in the Rechavia neighborhood of Jerusalem on Saturday night. Over 50 people were wounded.
                            March 9, 2002 Netanel Kochavi, 31, from Kiryat Ata Was killed in the Moment Cafe suicide bombing attack in the Rechavia neighborhood of Jerusalem on Saturday night. Over 50 people were wounded.
                            March 9, 2002 St.-Sgt. Edward Korol, 20, of Ashdod Was killed by Palestinian sniper fire.
                            March 10, 2002 Staff-Sgt. Kobi Eichelboim, 21, of Givatayim Was killed when a terrorist posing as a Palestinian worker shot him in the head at Netzarim.
                            March 11, 2002 Eyal Lieberman, 45, of Moshav Tzoren Was killed in a terrorist attack near Kiryat Sefer
                            March 12, 2002 IDF Lt. Germen Rozkov, 25, of Kiryat Shmona Was killed in a terrorist attack along Route 70 in the western Galilee
                            March 12, 2002 Yehudit Cohen, 33, of Nahariya Was killed in a terrorist attack along Route 70 in the western Galilee
                            March 12, 2002 Alexi Kitman, 29, of Kibbutz Beit Ha****a Was killed in a terrorist attack along Route 70 in the western Galilee
                            March 12, 2002 Lynne Livne, 49, of Kibbutz Hanita Was killed in a terrorist attack along Route 70 in the western Galilee
                            March 12, 2002 Atarah Livne, 16, of Kibbutz Hanita Was killed in a terrorist attack along Route 70 in the western Galilee
                            March 12, 2002 Ofer Keneri, of Moshav Betzet Was killed in a terrorist attack along Route 70 in the western Galilee
                            March 13, 2002 IDF Lt. Gil Badihi, 21, of Mantaf Was killed by PA gunfire in Ramallah.
                            March 14, 2002 Sgt. Rotem Shani, 19, of Hod HaSharon Was killed near the Netzarim junction in Gaza. Terrorists hiding behind a building near the road detonated a powerful roadside bomb by remote control while the tank passed by.
                            March 14, 2002 Sgt. Matan Biderman, 21, of Karmiel Was killed near the Netzarim junction in Gaza. Terrorists hiding behind a building near the road detonated a powerful roadside bomb by remote control while the tank passed by.
                            March 14, 2002 First Sergeant Ala Beishi, 20, of Juilis Was killed near the Netzarim junction in Gaza. Terrorists hiding behind a building near the road detonated a powerful roadside bomb by remote control while the tank passed by.
                            March 17, 2002 Noa Orbach, 18, of Kfar Saba Was killed in the Sunday afternoon terrorist shooting attack in Kfar Saba.
                            March 18, 2002 Lieutenant Tal Tzemach, 20, of Kibbutz Hulda Was killed when Arab militiamen attacked the north Jordan Valley IDF base where his unit was stationed. Three other soldiers were injured in the incident.
                            March 20, 2002 Sergeant Michael Altifero, 19, of Pardes Hana Was killed in a bomb attack on an 823 bus traveling from Tel Aviv to Nazareth.
                            March 20, 2002 Warrant Officer Meir Fahima, 40, of Hadera Was killed in a bomb attack on an 823 bus traveling from Tel Aviv to Nazareth.
                            March 20, 2002 First-Sergeant Shimon Edri, 20, of Pardes Hana Was killed in a bomb attack on an 823 bus traveling from Tel Aviv to Nazareth.
                            March 20, 2002 Corporal Aaron Ravivo, 19, of Afula Was killed in a bomb attack on an 823 bus traveling from Tel Aviv to Nazareth.
                            March 20, 2002 Mogus Mahaneto, 75, of Holon Was killed in a bomb attack on an 823 bus traveling from Tel Aviv to Nazareth.
                            March 20, 2002 Alon Goldenberg, 27, of Tel Aviv Was killed in a bomb attack on an 823 bus traveling from Tel Aviv to Nazareth.
                            March 20, 2002 Bella Schneider, 54, of Hadera Was killed in a bomb attack on an 823 bus traveling from Tel Aviv to Nazareth.
                            March 21, 2002 Chief Warrant Officer Gad Shemesh, 34, of Jerusalem Was killed in a suicide bombing attack on King George Street.
                            March 21, 2002 Tzipi Shemesh, 32, of Jerusalem Was killed in a suicide bombing attack on King George Street.
                            March 21, 2002 Yitzhak Cohen, 48, of Modi’in/td> Was killed in a suicide bombing attack on King George Street.
                            March 24, 2002 Esther Kleiman, 23, of Neve Tzuf Was murdered when Arabs fired at the bus in which she was traveling near the community of Ateret, north of Jerusalem.
                            March 24, 2002 Avi Sabag, 24, of the Southern Hevron Hills community of Otniel Was killed by PA gunfire on his car.
                            March 25, 2002 Rabbi Chaim Chiprut, 52 Was wounded in the Emanuel terrorist massacre of three months ago, died of his wounds. He had been in a coma almost since the day of the attack.
                            March 27, 2002 Michael Karim of Netanya Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 Devorah Karim of Netanya Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 Edit Fried of Netanya Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 Andrei Fried of Netanya Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 George Yakobovitch of Holon (father of Edit Fried) Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 Ernest Weiss, 80,of Petach Tikvah Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 Eva Weiss, of Petach Tikvah Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 First Sgt. Avraham Bekerman, of Kidron Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 Sgt. Sivan Vider of Bkaot Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 Shimon Ben-Aroya of Netanya Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 Irit Rashal, of Herev Le'et Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 Shulamit Abramovitch, 60, of Holon, a Holocaust survivor who arrived in Israel as a child. Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 Yehudit Korman of Ramat HaSharon Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 Eliyahu Nakash of Tel Aviv Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 Marine Lehman, 77 of Netanya Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 Amiram Hamami, 44, of Netanya Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 Julia Telmi, 87 Lula Levkovitch, from France Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 27, 2002 Perla Hermella, from Sweden Was murdered when a terrorist blew himself up in the Park Hotel in Netanya, just as over 200 guests were sitting down to their Passover Seder.
                            March 29, 2002 Michael Orlinsky, 70, of Tel Aviv Was stabbed to death by a Palestianian terrorist in Netzarim in the Gaza Strip. He was way to holiday prayers in the local synagogue.
                            March 29, 2002 Tuviah Vizner, 79, of Petach Tikvah Was stabbed to death by a Palestianian terrorist in Netzarim in the Gaza Strip. He was way to holiday prayers in the local synagogue.
                            March 29, 2002 Second Lt. Boaz Pomerantz, 22, of Kiryat Shemona Was killed by PA gunfire during the army incursion into PA-controlled Ramallah.
                            March 29, 2002 Rachel Levy, 17 Was killed when a suicide bomber, a female from Dahaisha, detonated a bomb in the shopping center of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Kiryat Yovel. About 20 persons were injured in the attack.
                            March 29, 2002 Chaim Smadar, 55 Was killed when a suicide bomber, a female from Dahaisha, detonated a bomb in the shopping center of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Kiryat Yovel. About 20 persons were injured in the attack.
                            March 29, 2002 First-Sergeant Roman Schleipstein, 21, of Maale Ephraim Was killed by PA gunfire in Ramallah.
                            March 31, 2002 Dov (Vadav) Tcherenbroda, 67, of Haifa Was murdered when a suicide terrorist detonated an explosive device in the Matza restaurant in the N’vei Sha’anan neighborhood of Haifa.
                            March 31, 2002 Shimon Koren, 55, of Haifa Was murdered when a suicide terrorist detonated an explosive device in the Matza restaurant in the N’vei Sha’anan neighborhood of Haifa.
                            March 31, 2002 Ron Koren, 18 (son of Shimon), of Haifa Was murdered when a suicide terrorist detonated an explosive device in the Matza restaurant in the N’vei Sha’anan neighborhood of Haifa.
                            March 31, 2002 Gal, 15 (son of Shimon), of Haifa Was murdered when a suicide terrorist detonated an explosive device in the Matza restaurant in the N’vei Sha’anan neighborhood of Haifa.
                            March 31, 2002 Avial Ron, 54, of Haifa Was murdered when a suicide terrorist detonated an explosive device in the Matza restaurant in the N’vei Sha’anan neighborhood of Haifa.
                            March 31, 2002 Anat Ron, 21, (daughter of Avial), of Haifa Was murdered when a suicide terrorist detonated an explosive device in the Matza restaurant in the N’vei Sha’anan neighborhood of Haifa.
                            March 31, 2002 Orly Ofir, 15.5, of Haifa Was murdered when a suicide terrorist detonated an explosive device in the Matza restaurant in the N’vei Sha’anan neighborhood of Haifa.
                            March 31, 2002 Ofer Ron, 17, (son of Avial), of Haifa Was murdered when a suicide terrorist detonated an explosive device in the Matza restaurant in the N’vei Sha’anan neighborhood of Haifa.
                            March 31, 2002 Carlos Vegman, 50, of Haifa Was murdered when a suicide terrorist detonated an explosive device in the Matza restaurant in the N’vei Sha’anan neighborhood of Haifa.
                            March 31, 2002 Danielle Mentchell, 22, of Haifa Was murdered when a suicide terrorist detonated an explosive device in the Matza restaurant in the N’vei Sha’anan neighborhood of Haifa.
                            March 31, 2002 Moshe Levine, 52, of Haifa Was murdered when a suicide terrorist detonated an explosive device in the Matza restaurant in the N’vei Sha’anan neighborhood of Haifa.
                            March 31, 2002 Yaakov Shani, 52, of Haifa Was murdered when a suicide terrorist detonated an explosive device in the Matza restaurant in the N’vei Sha’anan neighborhood of Haifa.
                            March 31, 2002 Suhil Adawai, 30, of Turan Was murdered when a suicide terrorist detonated an explosive device in the Matza restaurant in the N’vei Sha’anan neighborhood of Haifa.
                            April 1, 2002 IDF reservist Sgt.-Maj. Ofir Roth, 22, from Gan Yoshiya Was killed by PA sniper fire while manning a post in the Har Homa neighborhood of southern Jerusalem.
                            April 4, 2002 Rachel Charhi, 36, from Bat-Yam Died as a result of the injuries she sustained in a suicide bombing in a cafe on the corner of Allenby and Bialik streets in Tel-Aviv on March 30.
                            April 4, 2002 Border Police Supt. Patrick Pereg, 30, from Rosh Ha'ayin Was killed while attempting to arrest a wanted member of Fatah's al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.
                            April 10, 2002 Avinoam Alafia, 23, from Kiryat Ata Was killed when a suicide bomber denotated a bomb on a Haifa bound bus
                            April 10, 2002 policewoman Corporal Keren Franco, 18, from Kiryat Yam Was killed when a suicide bomber denotated a bomb on a Haifa bound bus
                            April 10, 2002 Policewoman Noa Shlomo, 18, from Nahariya Was killed when a suicide bomber denotated a bomb on a Haifa bound bus
                            April 10, 2002 Prison Authority officer Shimon Stelkol, 35 Was killed when a suicide bomber denotated a bomb on a Haifa bound bus
                            April 10, 2002 Sgt.-Maj. (res) Ze'ev Henik, 24, of Carmiel Was killed when a suicide bomber denotated a bomb on a Haifa bound bus
                            April 10, 2002 Sergeant Michael Weissman, 21, from Kiryat Yam Was killed when a suicide bomber denotated a bomb on a Haifa bound bus
                            April 10, 2002 Sergeant Nir Danielli, 24, from Kiryat Ata Was killed when a suicide bomber denotated a bomb on a Haifa bound bus
                            April 10, 2002 Sergeant Shlomo Ben-Haim, 26, from Kiryat Yam Was killed when a suicide bomber denotated a bomb on a Haifa bound bus
                            April 12, 2002 Border policeman St.-Sgt. David Smirnoff, 22, from Ashdod Was killed when a Palestinian gunman opened fire near the Erez crossing.
                            April 12, 2002 Nissan Cohen, 57 Was killed when a woman suicide bomber detonated a powerful charge at a bus stop on Jaffa road at the entrance to Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda open-air market.
                            April 12, 2002 Rivka Fink, 75 Was killed when a woman suicide bomber detonated a powerful charge at a bus stop on Jaffa road at the entrance to Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda open-air market.
                            April 12, 2002 Suheila Hushi, 48 Was killed when a woman suicide bomber detonated a powerful charge at a bus stop on Jaffa road at the entrance to Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda open-air market.
                            April 12, 2002 Yelena Konrab, 43 Was killed when a woman suicide bomber detonated a powerful charge at a bus stop on Jaffa road at the entrance to Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda open-air market.
                            May 7, 2002 Avi Biaz, 26, of Nes Tziona Was killed in a suicide bombing at a Rishon Lezion game hall
                            May 7, 2002 Rachamim Kimhi, 58, of Rishon L'Tzion Was killed in a suicide bombing at a Rishon Lezion game hall
                            May 7, 2002 Dalia Massa, 56, of Rishon L'Tzion Was killed in a suicide bombing at a Rishon Lezion game hall
                            May 7, 2002 Nir Luftin, 31, of Rishon L'Tzion Was killed in a suicide bombing at a Rishon Lezion game hall
                            May 7, 2002 Peninah Hikri, 60, of Tel Aviv Was killed in a suicide bombing at a Rishon Lezion game hall
                            May 7, 2002 Shoshana Magmari, 51, of Tel Aviv Was killed in a suicide bombing at a Rishon Lezion game hall
                            May 7, 2002 Chaim Raphael, 64, of Tel Aviv Was killed in a suicide bombing at a Rishon Lezion game hall
                            May 7, 2002 Rasan Sharouk, 60, of Holon Was killed in a suicide bombing at a Rishon Lezion game hall
                            May 7, 2002 Anat Trempatrush, 36, of Ashdod Was killed in a suicide bombing at a Rishon Lezion game hall
                            May 7, 2002 Edna Cohen, 60, of Holon Was killed in a suicide bombing at a Rishon Lezion game hall
                            May 12, 2002 Nissan Dolinger, 43, of Piat Sadeh Was murdered in a terror attack in Rafiach Yam
                            May 19, 2002 Yosef Haviv, 70 of Netanya Was killed when a suicide bomber, disguised as a soldier, blew himself up in the market in Netanya.
                            May 19, 2002 Victor Tatrinov, 63 of Netanya Was killed when a suicide bomber, disguised as a soldier, blew himself up in the market in Netanya.
                            May 19, 2002 Arkady Vieselman, 40, of Netanya Was killed when a suicide bomber, disguised as a soldier, blew himself up in the market in Netanya.
                            May 22, 2002 Elmar Dezhabrielov, 16, of Rishon Lezion Was killed when a suicide bomber detonated himself in the Rothschild Street downtown pedestrian mall of Rishon Lezion.
                            May 22, 2002 Gary Tauzniaski, 65, both of Rishon Lezion Was killed when a suicide bomber detonated himself in the Rothschild Street downtown pedestrian mall of Rishon Lezion.
                            May 24, 2002 Reserve IDF Sgt. 1st Class Oren Tzelnik, 23, of Bat Yam Was killed when terrorists opened fire on their APC during a counter-terrorist operation in Tulkarm.
                            - LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
                            WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?


                            • May 27, 2002 Ruth Peled, 56, of Herzliya Was killed when a suicide bomber detonated himself near an ice cream parlor outside a shopping mall in Petah Tikva.
                              May 27, 2002 Sinai Keinan, aged 14 months, of Petah Tikva Was killed when a suicide bomber detonated himself near an ice cream parlor outside a shopping mall in Petah Tikva.
                              May 28, 2002 Albert Maloul, 50, of Jerusalem Was killed when shots were fired at the car in which he was traveling south on the Ramallah bypass road. Maloul and his cousin, who was lightly injured, were returning home to Jerusalem from Eli, where they operate the swimming pool.
                              May 28, 2002 Netanel Riachi, 17, of Kochav Ya'akov Was killed in his Yeshiva in Itamar, when a Palestinian gunman infiltrated the community and opened fire on the teenagers playing basketball, before he was shot dead by a security guard.
                              May 28, 2002 Gilad Stiglitz, 14, of Yakir Was killed in his Yeshiva in Itamar, when a Palestinian gunman infiltrated the community and opened fire on the teenagers playing basketball, before he was shot dead by a security guard.
                              May 28, 2002 Avraham Siton, 17, of Shilo Was killed in his Yeshiva in Itamar, when a Palestinian gunman infiltrated the community and opened fire on the teenagers playing basketball, before he was shot dead by a security guard.
                              June 5, 2002 Cpl. Liron Avitan, 19, of Hadera Was killed when a car packed with a large quantity of explosives struck Egged bus No. 830 traveling from Tel-Aviv to Tiberias at the Megiddo junction near Afula.
                              June 5, 2002 Cpl. Avraham Barzilai, 19, of Netanya Was killed when a car packed with a large quantity of explosives struck Egged bus No. 830 traveling from Tel-Aviv to Tiberias at the Megiddo junction near Afula.
                              June 5, 2002 Cpl. Dennis Bleuman, 20, of Hadera Was killed when a car packed with a large quantity of explosives struck Egged bus No. 830 traveling from Tel-Aviv to Tiberias at the Megiddo junction near Afula.
                              June 5, 2002 St.-Sgt. Eliran Buskila, 21, of Hadera Was killed when a car packed with a large quantity of explosives struck Egged bus No. 830 traveling from Tel-Aviv to Tiberias at the Megiddo junction near Afula.
                              June 5, 2002 St.-Sgt. Zvi Gelberd, 20 of Hadera Was killed when a car packed with a large quantity of explosives struck Egged bus No. 830 traveling from Tel-Aviv to Tiberias at the Megiddo junction near Afula.
                              June 5, 2002 Sgt. Violetta Hizgayev, 20, of Hadera Was killed when a car packed with a large quantity of explosives struck Egged bus No. 830 traveling from Tel-Aviv to Tiberias at the Megiddo junction near Afula
                              - LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
                              WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?

