since it isn't connected to it, I have no obligation to explain you anything
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Poles burn Jews alive - Nazi's blamed.
Originally posted by Ecthelion
since it isn't connected to it, I have no obligation to explain you anything"I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!
Of course there was a link. Everyone knows us commies are drones of a Jewish conspiracy. Even we know it.Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...
Doc, Ecth was never talking about the Final Solution. He was simply wondering why the US didn't see fit to ally itself with Germany against Soviet Russia, as the Communists were common enemies.
Neither the United States, nor Great Britain, nor any other country in the war fought it help the Jews. Most didn't know what was happening, and those that did seemed to not care. Since the purpose in the Allies fighting the war wasn't about the Jews, then your first post to Ecth is rather a moot point.Tutto nel mondo è burla
The West found Hitler as a necessary bulwark against Communism, but that didn't mean they wanted to be associated with it. Rather, they hoped that the Nazis would crush the Bolshies without involving them in it. The Nazis, however, kept thumbing the West's noses, making and breaking agreements. Czechoslovakia was a recipient of massive amounts of French investment. When the Nazis seized it, it was rather like taking a French colony. Britain and Poland had a similar relationship. The two imperialist powers hated the Commies, yes, but their Eastern European empires were at stake. That's why the West went to war.Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...
Some more info.
Perhaps You don't know it, but Polish participants
(40 men) of those atrocities were in fact sentenced
in the fourties, and by that Poland in fact admitted
that Poles were involved in killing jedwabnian Jews.
On the monument in the village there was written however that it's German thing (and that there were 1600 victims while there are some 330-440), and Polish participance wasn't discussed though the case was known in Israel and it was sometimes brought back to
life. The question was German role. they were present there, and organised the mass-murder, but though they were convincing Poles to kill Jews, probably they didn't give an order. But remember that local citizens
generally didn't participate in the murder, they were "neutral" (some tried to save some of the Jews, some time ago a case of one women that was keeping the Jews and was beaten almost to death by one of the murderers
was published as an article) probably afraid -rather of the men involved in the crime than the Germans, though.
" Neither the United States, nor Great Britain, nor any other country in the war fought it help the Jews. Most didn't know what was happening, and those that did seemed to not care. Since the purpose in the Allies fighting the war wasn't about the Jews, then your first post to Ecth is rather a moot point."
It were Poles to first inform Allied forces of what is happening to Jews in fact.
But if my memory isn't failing me, even Jewish ministry by Polish gouverment dfidn't believe that. When he got to know it is true, he commited suicide."I realise I hold the key to freedom,
I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
Middle East!
Dr. Strangelove, What was Murrow saying to get American’s so excited about joining the fight against Germany? On what side of that war, circa 1940, was “truth, justice and the American Way?” IIRC, in 1918 Germany surrendered conditionally based on Wilson's 14 points, below. None of these, save one, included territorial concessions. However at the settlement conference, Britain and France imposed somewhat different conditions including territorial concessions to which Germany (and Austria) had not agreed. The United States Never agreed to these conditions but rather were concerned that they were unfair. We never signed the Treaty. Thus when Germany began to undo the Treaty in the ‘30s, many here in the United States were probably sympathetic -- so much so that entering the war on the side of Britain and France would be to associate America with the unfair Treaty of Versailles.
Thus in 1939, it was far from clear that Britain and France were on the right side of this conflict.
America’s attitude began to change, I believe when Germany signed the German/Japan/Italian Axis agreement in 1940, and then when it invade Russia in 1941. The former placed it in alliance with the fascist regime in Italy that had been aggressively invading other countries, and with Japan, who had attacked China and committed the outrage in Nanking.
1. No secret treaties
2. Free access to the sea in peace time and war time
3. Free trade between countries
4. Disarmament
5. Colonies to have a say in their future
6. German troops to leave Russia
7. Independence for Belgium
8. France to regain Alsace-Lourraine
9. Frontier between Austria and Italy to be adjusted
10. Self determination for the people of eastern Europe
11. Serbia to have access to the sea
12. Self determination for the people in the Turkish Empire
13. Poland to become an independent state with access to the sea
14. League of Nations to be set upLast edited by Ned; July 10, 2002, 18:56. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en
Originally posted by Ned
Dr. Strangelove, What was Murrow saying to get American’s so excited about joining the fight against Germany? One what side of that war, circa 1940, was “truth, justice and the American Way?” IIRC, in 1918 Germany surrendered conditionally based on Wilson's 14 points, below. None of these, save one, included territorial concessions. However at the settlement conference, Britain and France imposed somewhat different conditions including territorial concessions to which Germany (and Austria) had not agreed. The United States Never agreed to these conditions but rather were concerned that they were unfair. We never signed the Treaty. Thus when Germany began to undo the Treaty in the ‘30s, many here in the United States were probably sympathetic -- so much so that entering the war on the side of Britain and France would be to associate America with the unfair Treaty of Versailles.
Thus in 1939, it was far from clear that Britain and France were on the right side of this conflict.
America’s attitude began to change, I believe when Germany signed the German/Japan/Italian Axis agreement in 1940, and then when it invade Russia in 1941. The former placed it in alliance with the fascist regime in Italy that had been aggressively invading other countries, and with Japan, who had attacked China and committed the outrage in Nanking.
"I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!
Dr. Strangelove, Unarmed civilians! This is what caused America to enter the war against Germany in 1917. It seems that the Germans never really understood why we got pissed at them in the first WW.Last edited by Ned; July 10, 2002, 18:15. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en
Originally posted by Boris Godunov
Doc, Ecth was never talking about the Final Solution. He was simply wondering why the US didn't see fit to ally itself with Germany against Soviet Russia, as the Communists were common enemies.
Most Americans knew that the Germans were persecuting the Jews before the US entered the war. In 1943 photographic evidence about the genocide of the Jews was made available to the US, but John Dulles surpressed it. FDR eventually found out about it and put Morgenthau, the only Jew on his cabinet in charge of disseminating the information. By that time the US was doing all it could to prosecute the war against Hitler, but the US goverment came to an agreement with the other allies that they would no longer turn away Jewish refugees.
The governments of postwar Europe could have put a great deal more effort towards providing for the safety of European Jews."I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!
Why in the bleeping world would Dulles try to suppress such information? Such outrages would seem to have only increased America's support of the war effort. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en
Could this also be a reason the Pope did not act? Suspicion that the evidence was fabricated by the "whiney" Jews? arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en
There was lots of belief that the "evidence" was manufactured by the Soviets in order to rush an American invasion of France. I'd like to see some sources on the Morgenthau info, because my understanding is most Americans were unprepared for what they discovered at Bergen-Belsen.
One of my high school teachers was in the first squad to enter Bergen-Belsen.Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...
Originally posted by Heresson
Hitler wouldn't have attacked if He didn't have Moscow's approval (Ribbentrop-Mo?otow...)
Destruction of Bolshevicks and occupation of Russia were his goals from the beggining.
SU could have helped Poland in their fight against Germans. It didn't.
It also declared that it's in eastern Poland to protect Byelorussians and Ukrainians, caring not for Poles giving as a snap for Hiler, and Poles in the east were being systematically either sent to Kazakhstan or deep Russia, or murdered. And SU wasn't national state and it's aim wasn't to care about nations of its own, was it.
Soviet Union started the war.
It is fight for independance. Not only ours. Pilsudzki fought for independant Ukraine too.
It is funny in fact. Under tzarate, though it didn't admit there are any Poles in Byelorussia, Poles f.e. were majority of representatives of Mi?sk gubern, though they were wuite small minority there (7 Poles on 10 people there I think). but SU did what tzarate wasn't able to do through all those years; get rid of Poles and rusificate Byeloruthenians.
Byelorussians and Poles are.
So, I ask again: How many Byelorussian schools were in Poland in Stalin's times and how many Byelorussian schools in Poland now? I wounder if ever was a single such school in Poland.
Russians are our big old bad ugly naughty cousin that molests us both.At least we are relatives.
(But, someday you'll pay for this "ugly" word.)
NOW. And anyway, why should it be?
I know... ZBIR... he he he
You know the same well as I do that the way of destroying Byelorussia goes through gate of union with Russia.
In Poland, Byeloruthenian language is alive, while in Byelorussia, it is dieing because of long rusification process that ?ukaszenka, though he should, isn't trying to stop. He'd rather make his country a province of Russia (and union between R and B must end up in this. It's like a marriage bewteen a snake and a frog), in order to become important Russian politician. Poland tried to be nice to Byelorussia -it ended up in ?ukaszenko pointing out Poles of Grodno as National Enemies. ?ukaszenka is a dictator and You, Russia know it, but it doesn't make You change your politics.
Byeloruthenians had no sense of their nationality and their language was not used as literature language. Literature language of Byelorussians of that time was still Polish. There were some 22 Byelorussian schools in Poland. Byelorussian language was persecuted first as dialect of Polish one, later as a separate language by Russians who wanted to make Byeloruthenians Russians (and Byeloruthenian Poles Byeloruthenians) and Russians are to blame for the pathethic state of Byelorussian culture in those times. Under the tzarate and (except the time until Stalin) SU, Russians, clearing out Polish influence that's grown during the past centuries (peacefully) replaced it with influence of their own. Some 25% of Byelorussians speak their nationla language now.
And in Smole?sk area that once was Byelorussian, only 3%.