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Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.
"That's why after Poland he conquered almost entire Europe? You perfectly know that he wanted all World.
As well as Soviets.
"1) He said this. I've read the memouirs one of his generals, where this general describe his talk with Hitler, when he just came to power. In this talk Hitler said that its historical mission to destroy commies.
Oh, but it wasn't shortly before the war, his goals may have changed.
"2) He fought against them. Spain 1936. And btw, where do you think German communists ends their days? On the beach or perhaps in nazi death camps?
In the same place where Polish politicians and scientists ended
(Sorry! Some were killed by Soviets, I forgot...)
"The Bolsheviks represented new government of Russia. Aside Poland and Ukraine Russia existed before revolution.
It wasn't legal gouverment of Russia.
"Or perhaps liberated from burjua slavery?
Hu hu hu from one slavery to another.
No. The SU started to increase its army in 30th and only in 1941 we reached the number of 3 millions troops.
Wasn't Soviet army reduced after the civil war ended, hm?
I don't know a single person who didn't noticed that.
But, as for 3 mln, I'm sure you are mistaken. It was much less and you forget about civil war. Half of population fought on other side of conflict.
And fought us too.
"Sure, biiiiiig and baaaaaaaaaad But we kicked theeeeeiiiiir asseeeeeeeeeess.
Except for ours, sorry!
No. It is you who understimate the disasterous situation in Russia of that time.
Poland was in even worse situation.
"So what? If bolsheviks didn't crushed tzariat, then perhaps you still were under rule of this tzariate. That's what I was tried to said. Is it to hard to agree that you owe you independance to Bolsheviks?
The God told us not to lie...!
The tzar promised us independance too, moreover,
he promised us borders that we got only after IIww...
Anyway, if he wouldn't have fallen, he wouldn't be able to
get back the land took by Germans, and surely not to crush Poland if
even Soviets weren't able to do that.
"Becouse Ukrainians and Byelorussian are Slavs and Orthodox we consider that we are much closer to them then to Baltic states who are not Slavs and Catholics.
You mean that they ARE catholics I guess, but Latvians and Estonians (who aren't Baltic anyway)
are mostly protestant, except for so-called Polish Livonia which is catholic, and for orthodox
peasants. Lithuania indeed is catholic.
"Are you mediums? Are you able to see future?
Of course. We are catholics and God is speaking to us!
Well, as I wrote, it wasn't foretelling future or surmising,
it was the fact of Soviet council in Smole?sk.
NONE. Let's clear it out. The Rurik was the founder of first dynasty and prince of Novgorod. But he wasn't a founder of Kiev or Kiev's Rus.
As long as I remember some other Norman came there before Him,
but as he wasn't of royal blood, he was overthroned. Anyway, surely
Kijów existed before, but it were Vikings to make it a true, big state,
not a local tribe state.
"I see now. You have really great imagination. But tell me please your suggestions about which several languages exactly should have been an official in SU. All 15 languages of Soiet Socialistics Republic? Can you imagine country with 15 official languages? I can't, it will be real chaos in country if it will have 15 languages. If you'll say that it should be only 2 or 3, not all of them, then wich exactly and what about remaining languages? If f.e. it should have been Russian, Ukranian, Byelorussian and Georgian, then other republics would say: "WTF??? why their language is an official, but our not? It's descrimination!!!"
So lets replace discrimination with even bigger discrimination.
The cake is too little for all 15 to eat, and if a smaller number would eat
others will be jealous, so let only one eat it?
Russian could be the official language, and I see nothing VERY wrong with it,
the problem is that other languages lost importance that they kept even under
tzarate because of it. I don't know the mechanics of that process, I just wish
that things to assure that it didn't happen had been assured. They weren't.
"That's the problem, it is MUCH bigger. And why it shouldn't be the one state?
Why should it be?
"Blah!!! It's an absurd, nonsense. Who do think populated SU? Martians??? Or perhaps former citizens of Russian Empire? The SU was the "child" of Russian Empire and I don't see ANY logical reason for any language to be an official language of SU exept Russian. As for world's revolution, perhaps if it happen, then humanity should have been speak on Esperanto or smt. But since it never happen everyone speak on their own languages. (or on broken English, like we are doing now)
SU wasn't a child of SU in its own thinking, it was sth completely new.
I said; Russian was obvious choice for the start, but later...
"As far as I know, Esperanto wasn't one of nine languages which Lenin knew.
Don't know. But I know his saying that "esperanto is the language of world's
proletariat". It indicates clearly that he wanted it to ebcome international
"Grrrr.... Just tell me why it should be weakened? If people studied those languages in schools, talk on those languages with each other, read books etc, etc, etc.
But all the things they did in Russian perhaps...
I don't know the mechanicts, the factors that made it go that way,
but I know the results.
"Good. Then stop f*cking my brains that you are holier then we are.
Oh! But we are, we are, we are...!
"You know, one of the British former governors of India once said when it was in Russia- "Russians who unique ability to convert their former enemies to loyal freinds".
It's called: brainwashing.
Anyway, did Russian convert Poles into their loyal friends?
Did they do it with Lithuanians? With Latvians? With Estonians?
"Call it anyhow, for me it's just colonization of empty space, spread of Chrisitanity and Russian culture.
It was not more empty space than America. And colonists there spreaded their culture
and christianity there too, more effectively in fact.
Again, Yakutsk autonomy region is the largest subject of Russian Federation. Just look at modern map of Russia. You may call it anyhow, but sure it is not "small, small republic" as you said.
It's not. Some others are. Add all the Russian subjects in Russia, that's what I ment. All kraje...
"At the same scale as you are.
No no no. We are the kingdom of Mary the Virgin.
They were departeded in Siberia by Stalin's orders during WW2. They fought on Nazi side. Just don't tell me that it's not true. My Grandfuther fought in Sevastopol and I beleive him when he sayng that Crymian Tatars fought on Nazi side. And please don't tell me that SU was the only country who departeted citizens during war.
Obviously not! Germans did the same.
I don't know if (all...) tatars fought on German side. Poles didn't, and they were
We call this RUSSIAN Federation. Are you sure that don't miss the concept of federation with concept of confederation. Anyhow, every country has right to be...(I don't know how to say "territorialnaya celostnost" on English), "undvidable", "to remain within it's borders", perhaps?
Hmmm "integral"?... I understand... Now but that's admitting those nations aren't free.
We are the Third Rome! Who the F*ck is Gliwice
The most beautiful place in the Upper Silesia, You can see it from the moon,
as my star is shining bright there.
"Then tell me, why those people elected the president wich they are not able to understand? Or perhaps elections in Ukraine were forged too?
Perhaps, but that's not what I ment. Misunderstanding. During the first elections,
I believe that he spoke Russian as he barely could speak Ukrainian.
"Say ti to Germans and Austrians also. When I said "legaly", (don't you noticed this?) I've put word legaly in " ". I mean that in accordance with international agreement your country was devided between 3 countries. Have you choice or you haven't any choice to sign it, it's absolutely different story. BUT for 126 years part of Poland was part of Russian Emipre in accordance with international agreement signed on paper. I think it is much more "legal" for international laws, then your actions in 1919 when you haven't any "legal" right to took Western Ukraine and Western Byelorussia.
SU didn't. We had. We were granted independance by tzar, by SU, by USA...
And our dear Spain and Turkey didn't accept partages.
"So, let's make it clear. You count this as an expantion. It means that nowdays huge Russia started as one single small city of Moscow. Fine. Then what about one of your previous speeches, where you was saying all the time that Russians has much bigger base for expantion then others, that we always was huge?
The ethnical Russian base was huge. Nowogród I count as Mocscowian expansion,
but I believe that the subdueing it wouldn't be so easy if it wasn't Russian.
"Look, why do you think that they lost their languages? Only becouse they are not speak on exactly the same language as they spoke 100 years ago? It's an absurd. Languages are changing all the times. Today Russians don't speak on the same language as we spoke before revolution. It was language with different alphabet, with different letters, it's very similar with modern language, but still it's different. And Russians of early 20th century didn't spoke on old Slav's language ("staro slavyanskom").
We call it Starocerkiewnos?owi?ski
perhaps the longest word in Polish except for Konstantynopolita?czykówna
Konstantynopolita?czykówna wins! (I counted)
"For me it's almost impossible to understand the meaning of old Slav's texts, I could understand single words, like when I read your posts on Polish, but it's hard to understand the entire text.
So, does it mean that Russians lost their language too?
it's sth very different. Ukrainian language didn't evoluate, it's been replaced in teh east by Russian one.
Yes, Pushkin is great artilery man, but I don't know the scientist Pieta Goras. Who is he?
"No, first we've build those hotels.
On someone's land....
"Sure this is an Anekdot. The real reason why our rail roads are wider is the Russian "smekalka". There is no word in English for "smekalka", it's Russian secret weapon. The most closer translation for "smekalka" is- "the ability to find an easy, unusual solutions for very hard problems". So, back to railroads. It were made wider, becouse in case of war enemy trains will not be able to move on them. At least until they change their wheels. And btw, when Hitler invaded USSR, it was very big problem for Germans. Another example of Russian "smekalka" is Russian mine launchers of WW2 period. The German mine launcers has 80mm caliber, while Russian desined their launchers with slightly big 82mm caliber. So, when war started Russians could use trophey German mines, while Germans couldn't use trophey Soviet mines.
Nice. In Polish there is word "smyka?ka", which means sth like it, but not in general,
but in pointed activity. F.e. He has smyka?ka to music-
he is very gifted in music.
"No we don't took new loans.
They force it to You! Baaad people
"I was trying to say that aside some of you, we have different sources of information. I see nothing wrong that I could see f.e. some conflicts from both sides.
No-one should support ?ukaszenko monster. Look how he looks!
"I actully never heard this saying before.
oh, You got rid of Poles, You have moved Jews far away,
and students are indoctrinised... Not actual anymore.
How a referendum could be an illegal? It's the wish of people. Any evidence that results were forged? Why it should be, when even you said that majority of population supports Luckashenko?
"Just in case" as they say.
It was some time ago and I don't remember the case exactly, so I'll back off
until I'll find something about it.
"Then what this all about?
Look. Byelorussia was for several centuries under Polish influence.
That's why intellectuals spoke Polish and felt Polish, as well as in Lithuania
and even part of Ukraine. The problem is that Byelorus denies that they were Poles,
moreover it claimed that Poles of Lithuania and of eastern Poland are Byelorussians
too. They're stealing our national tradition.
"You know, perhaps in your lore dragons are such a nice guys. In Russian lore dragons usaly demand the most beutyfull girl (well, you know for what ) and.... to eat something.
Yes. this special dragon is big, fat, smelly (though lovely, kind of teddy-dragon),
and has always hunger for Poland, the beautiful princess...
(Exept of our enemies of course. )
Did I tell You the joke about Russia, a golden fish and a Polish peasant?
"I was sarcastic.
Me too, he he he
Last time when we fought in Warsaw (in 1945), we liberate your capital from Nazi, who easily kicked your asses in 1939. (Just don't start that it's only becouse of our invasion.)
No no no, we would fall anyway, Germans were too good prepared to the war, while we weren't,
and were surrounded. We didn't have a chance. You liberated rubbles of Warsaw, as You didn't want to help
Polish partisants fighting earlier in the city.
Finnaly, you agreed that we are brothers.
Oh, all Slavs are brothers. Even our black dragonish sheep...
What does it mean, "her"?
Czy nast?pny post to podpowied??
"I realise I hold the key to freedom,
I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs Middle East!
Perhaps, but why the 'global revolution' is the problem for you. You are not commie any more?
Oh, but it wasn't shortly before the war, his goals may have changed.
He didn't changed his goals. He wanted to exterminate us and to took our lands for his growing "uber nation".
It wasn't legal gouverment of Russia.
Legal for whom? This government was supported by majority of population and elected through revolution and victory in civil war. You may call it a Russian version of democracy.
Hu hu hu from one slavery to another.
When they did it they thought that they liberate those people frome slavery. No one known how it will ends.
Wasn't Soviet army reduced after the civil war ended, hm?
Sure it was, but 3 mln? It should be the largest army of the World of that times.
Except for ours, sorry!
Tut mne nechem kryt. You win there.
Poland was in even worse situation.
No, it was not.
The God told us not to lie...! The tzar promised us independance too, moreover, he promised us borders that we got only after IIww... Anyway, if he wouldn't have fallen, he wouldn't be able to get back the land took by Germans, and surely not to crush Poland if even Soviets weren't able to do that.
It's hard to say what could happen, so let's forget about this.
Of course. We are catholics and God is speaking to us!
You know, when you are speak to God it calls pray. When the God is speak to you it calls insanity.
Well, as I wrote, it wasn't foretelling future or surmising, it was the fact of Soviet council in Smole?sk.
So, you decided to make a preamptive actions? Nice.
As long as I remember some other Norman came there before Him, but as he wasn't of royal blood, he was overthroned. Anyway, surely Kijów existed before, but it were Vikings to make it a true, big state, not a local tribe state.
Kiev existed long before and it wasn't a local tribe state.
So lets replace discrimination with even bigger discrimination. The cake is too little for all 15 to eat, and if a smaller number would eat others will be jealous, so let only one eat it?
The state it isn't a cake. It's absolutely clear for me that none country in the World could have f.e. 15 of official languages and manage itself eficiently. F.e. you came to hospital and saying to doctor: "Doctor ya bolen!". And he answers to you: "nicht fershtain" or " Get lost, I don't understand you".
Why should it be?
Becouse it is now, always was and always will be.
SU wasn't a child of SU in its own thinking, it was sth completely new.
Sure. How SU could be a child of SU? How anyone could born himself?
I said; Russian was obvious choice for the start, but later...
Later, later... The shining communistic future, the global revolution never happen, so this "tommorow" never comes as Bolsheviks saw it.
Don't know. But I know his saying that "esperanto is the language of world's proletariat". It indicates clearly that he wanted it to ebcome international language.
You must be kidding, right? Or if it's true then Lenin must have been kidding. Esperanto is the monkey language, just face it And 'haltu' this bs. 'Haltu' is the only word I know on Esperanto.
But all the things they did in Russian perhaps... I don't know the mechanicts, the factors that made it go that way, but I know the results.
Those factors is just the everydays life. You know in modern Russian language is enough words from English and other languages, but I'm not whinning that Russians are loosing their language becouse of it.
Oh! But we are, we are, we are...!
No, you are not, you are not, you are not.
It's called: brainwashing.
This tool is known to other nations too. I'm sure that he ment something different.
Anyway, did Russian convert Poles into their loyal friends? Did they do it with Lithuanians? With Latvians? With Estonians?
Sure:d For a long period of time (btw, you forget to mention Finns) Or we are not freinds any more?
It was not more empty space than America. And colonists there spreaded their culture and christianity there too, more effectively in fact.
Them: Kill a lot of natives, took their lands, put natives in small reservations, build hotels for themselves on native's lands.
We are: Don't put them in reservations, build hotels on empty lands, let the natives live in those hotels with us, becouse those hotels were build on native's lands, mix with natives through centuries.
No no no. We are the kingdom of Mary the Virgin.
All of you are virgins.
Obviously not! Germans did the same.
And Americans and I guess Japanese and Brits during WW1 and others too.
Hmmm "integral"?... I understand... Now but that's admitting those nations aren't free.
Why they are not free? Becouse they are part of our country? What about 'states' in USA? What about 'lands' in Germany, etc? They are not free too?
The most beautiful place in the Upper Silesia, You can see it from the moon, as my star is shining bright there.
I guess I'll never be on the Moon. Only few people (of course if it wasn't an American fake) were able to saw your shining star from there.
Perhaps, but that's not what I ment. Misunderstanding. During the first elections, I believe that he spoke Russian as he barely could speak Ukrainian.
When I saw him on Ukraine, he always speak on Ukrainian. I only saw him speaking on Russian when he is in Russia.
SU didn't. We had. We were granted independance by tzar, by SU, by USA... And our dear Spain and Turkey didn't accept partages.
The independance don't gave you right to took as much land as you wanted. If you wanted to be independant, then fine, go. But you wanted took with you a lands wich didn't belonged to you but to Ukraine and Byelorussia.
The ethnical Russian base was huge. Nowogród I count as Mocscowian expansion, but I believe that the subdueing it wouldn't be so easy if it wasn't Russian.
So you finnaly admit that Russians are supreme conquerors, supreme warriors and supreme dimplomats? Who am I trying to foul? You'll never admit this.
it's sth very different. Ukrainian language didn't evoluate, it's been replaced in teh east by Russian one.
Blah, who told you that it is not evoluate? Again, on wich language they are talking now? Just, don't tell that
on Russian becouse it's not true.
Piphagor? The Ancient Greek? Then I don't understant your joke.
They force it to You! Baaad people
I'm not talking about Yeltsin's times. Today we don't take any loans, but only pay our debts wich were created during Yeltsin's times.
No-one should support ?ukaszenko monster. Look how he looks!
He is in very good shape. He is a good sportsman. A couple of years ago, when he was in my city, he played full hockey match vs. my city team and even bring few points for his team, while our governor enjoyed the show seating in his chair.
"Just in case" as they say. It was some time ago and I don't remember the case exactly, so I'll back off until I'll find something about it.
Fine. Go and find few evidences.
Look. Byelorussia was for several centuries under Polish influence. That's why intellectuals spoke Polish and felt Polish, as well as in Lithuania and even part of Ukraine. The problem is that Byelorus denies that they were Poles, moreover it claimed that Poles of Lithuania and of eastern Poland are Byelorussians too. They're stealing our national tradition.
If they deny that they are Poles, then I'm with them, becouse it's true. If they claims that Poles of Lithuania and of eastern Poland are Byelorussians too, then I'm with them too, becouse we are brothers and brothers should take care about each others. So, you'll never convince me that they are wrong, becouse I'm biased.
Yes. this special dragon is big, fat, smelly (though lovely, kind of teddy-dragon), and has always hunger for Poland, the beautiful princess...
Beautyful? The old and annoying witch, not a princess.
Did I tell You the joke about Russia, a golden fish and a Polish peasant?
No no no, we would fall anyway, Germans were too good prepared to the war, while we weren't, and were surrounded. We didn't have a chance. You liberated rubbles of Warsaw, as You didn't want to help Polish partisants fighting earlier in the city.
You wanted to much from us. WE liberated your country from Nazi. And You can't deny that by doing this we saved your country from total extermination as Hitler planed.
Oh, all Slavs are brothers. Even our black dragonish sheep...
How dare you to call us a "dragonish sheep..."?
As member of Slav's brotherhood, you should be proud of your big brother. Insead of this you calling us "parshivoi ovcoi"? I hate you.
What does it mean, "her"? Czy nast?pny post to podpowied??
"Her" (with "r" like in "rose" or "red") is mean "penis". Please don't count this as personal insult, but you nick sounds very funny on Russian. Just please don't be angry, many people here have nicks wich sounds funny on Russian, f.e. Kaak ('kaka' means childish sh!t)
There is an NBA player called Bibby. Which means penis in Lithuanian. Imagine trhe Lithuanian commentators ROTLing while commenting
Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.
It's not. Some others are. Add all the Russian subjects in Russia, that's what I ment. All kraje...
Ok. Look at map. The LARGEST subject of Russian Federation is the Yakutsk Autonomy Region. It's the LARGE territory (of blue color) in the North-East of the map. You can't miss it. So, please took back your argument about "small, small national republics we may call reservations", becouse it's bull****too.
There is no pure Russian territory in Russia. In every "kraj" or "gubernia" or republic lives people of different nationalities. We are multi national state. Perhaps the most multi national state on this planet.
Originally posted by Saras
There is an NBA player called Bibby. Which means penis in Lithuanian. Imagine trhe Lithuanian commentators ROTLing while commenting
And now imagine Russian commentators who comment matches with Chinese or Koreans. Considering that "huy" is... actully you know what it means.
Vo vremya poslednego chempionata mira po futbolu, kak vkluchish match s Koreicami tak i slyshish: Takoi-to hyi otdal pas takomu-to huyu, i etot huy zabil gol" Bylo davolno prikolno vremenami
Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.
"Perhaps, but why the 'global revolution' is the problem for you. You are not commie any more?
I am the only true one here.
I am generally against nationalism and stuff, but it's like with nukes
-some must have them too to not be defenceless.
"He didn't changed his goals. He wanted to exterminate us and to took our lands for his growing "uber nation".
So You helped him to do it with us...
Though You cared about Poles in what nowdays is Byelorussia and Ukraine...
You moved them to Syberia and central Russia to protect them from Germans I guess...
"Legal for whom? This government was supported by majority of population and elected through revolution and victory in civil war. You may call it a Russian version of democracy.
he he he
Our gouverment was supported by majority of population for sure.
When it comes to the SOviet one, I wouldn't be so sure, but communism
doesn't need that, though. Soviet gouverment wasn't recognised by world
opinion - so it was no different than Polish in your opinion.
"When they did it they thought that they liberate those people frome slavery. No one known how it will ends.
We knew.
"Sure it was, but 3 mln? It should be the largest army of the World of that times.
I guess it was.
Tut mne nechem kryt. You win there.
No, it was not.
It was. Russian souvereignity was accepted by everyone,
while Polish wans't accepted by germany.
"It's hard to say what could happen, so let's forget about this.
OK, though I had a vision. Arch. Gabriel came to me and told me the truth
and ordered to say it.
"You know, when you are speak to God it calls pray. When the God is speak to you it calls insanity.
God speaks to us all the time - by religion.
"So, you decided to make a preamptive actions? Nice.
We never do anything that isn't nice.
"Kiev existed long before and it wasn't a local tribe state.
It was.
"The state it isn't a cake. It's absolutely clear for me that none country in the World could have f.e. 15 of official languages and manage itself eficiently. F.e. you came to hospital and saying to doctor: "Doctor ya bolen!". And he answers to you: "nicht fershtain" or " Get lost, I don't understand you".
That would be nice. That's what I mean - Russia in chaos.
"Becouse it is now, always was and always will be.
And even in the hell, You'll always speak Russian I guess...
"Sure. How SU could be a child of SU? How anyone could born himself?
God could.
"Later, later... The shining communistic future, the global revolution never happen, so this "tommorow" never comes as Bolsheviks saw it.
I think it's all Russian fault ;P
"You must be kidding, right? Or if it's true then Lenin must have been kidding. Esperanto is the monkey language, just face it And 'haltu' this bs. 'Haltu' is the only word I know on Esperanto.
I used to know a song in it but was too lazy to attend a course later.
"Those factors is just the everydays life. You know in modern Russian language is enough words from English and other languages, but I'm not whinning that Russians are loosing their language becouse of it.
The "influence" of Russian in USSR was much stronger.
"Sure:d For a long period of time (btw, you forget to mention Finns) Or we are not freinds any more?
Oh we are your friends. You aren't ours, though.
Them: Kill a lot of natives, took their lands, put natives in small reservations, build hotels for themselves on native's lands. We are: Don't put them in reservations, build hotels on empty lands, let the natives live in those hotels with us, becouse those hotels were build on native's lands, mix with natives through centuries.
The result is the same.
"All of you are virgins.
Unlike You, bear-lovers.
"And Americans and I guess Japanese and Brits during WW1 and others too.
That just means that You are all evil, not that that was good.
"Why they are not free? Becouse they are part of our country? What about 'states' in USA? What about 'lands' in Germany, etc? They are not free too?
They aren't, but that's another case; those lands/states aren't state representations of some nations.
"I guess I'll never be on the Moon. Only few people (of course if it wasn't an American fake) were able to saw your shining star from there.
Oh, that's why so little peope like me. If I could send them to the moon...
Do You know that joke?;
-Czy s?ysza?es ze Rosjanie polecieli w kosmos?
-Nie, jeden.
-To co mi dup? zawracasz?
"When I saw him on Ukraine, he always speak on Ukrainian. I only saw him speaking on Russian when he is in Russia.
That's right in both meanings.
"The independance don't gave you right to took as much land as you wanted. If you wanted to be independant, then fine, go. But you wanted took with you a lands wich didn't belonged to you but to Ukraine and Byelorussia.
They didn't belong to Ukraine or Byelorussia as -once again- borders weren't settled,
and we had the same right as them to those lands.
The ethnical Russian base was huge. Nowogród I count as Mocscowian expansion, but I believe that the subdueing it wouldn't be so easy if it wasn't Russian.
"So you finnaly admit that Russians are supreme conquerors, supreme warriors and supreme dimplomats? Who am I trying to foul? You'll never admit this.
Of course I won't... i can't lie, already told You that.
Anyway You misunderstood me; What I ment is that subduing Nowogród by moscow wouldn't
have been so easy it it hadn't been Russian as well, and I didn't mean that subduing
Moskwa/Nowogród wasn't easy because they were Russian.
Blah, who told you that it is not evoluate? Again, on wich language they are talking now? Just, don't tell that
on Russian becouse it's not true.
Oh, Ukrainian evoluated, but not into Russian direction.
Eastern Ukraine (and central is heading that way too) is Russian-speaking.
Piphagor? The Ancient Greek? Then I don't understant your joke.
Oh, that means that Russian believe that all great thinkers of all times were
"I'm not talking about Yeltsin's times. Today we don't take any loans, but only pay our debts wich were created during Yeltsin's times.
I guess no-one wants to sink his money in Russia now...
But it's true that Russia is going right way (for itself).
Za Jelcyna gospodarka rosyjska sta?a na skraju przepasci.
Teraz zrobila duzy krok naprzod.
(wariacja polskiego kawalu).
"He is in very good shape. He is a good sportsman. A couple of years ago, when he was in my city, he played full hockey match vs. my city team and even bring few points for his team, while our governor enjoyed the show seating in his chair.
Or do You know this one;
(of Brezniew times);
This day in Moscow the general secretary decided on manifestation of strenght.
He climbed the speaking-platform.
"Beautyful? The old and annoying witch, not a princess.
At least she knows magic!
In the times of NATO bombardement, I saw in a reportage from Russia
a drawing representing Polish politics; a sexy nice and young blond girl
giving old ugly and slimy uncle sam a blow-job. You see? You think Poland
is a (deprived) cutie.
Did I tell You the joke about Russia, a golden fish and a Polish peasant?
I believe I told it before, but here it goes;
A Polish peasant catched a golden fish and was given three wishes by her.
So he wishes;
-now make all the Chineese come here and go back to themselves.
The golden fish is a bit suprised, but she does what he wants
and asks; now, what's your second wish?
-make the Chineese come here and then return to themselves.
the third wish was the same.
Gold-fish does what she's told to do, but eventually she asks;
now tell me, what was all that for?
-count how many times did they have to run through Russia...
You wanted to much from us. WE liberated your country from Nazi. And You can't deny that by doing this we saved your country from total extermination as Hitler planed.
If You didn't, American would do it, and we would be much better off, and wouldn't loose half
of our territory.
How dare you to call us a "dragonish sheep..."?
As member of Slav's brotherhood, you should be proud of your big brother. Insead of this you calling us "parshivoi ovcoi"? I hate you.
If they deny that they are Poles, then I'm with them, becouse it's true. If they claims that Poles of Lithuania and of eastern Poland are Byelorussians too, then I'm with them too, becouse we are brothers and brothers should take care about each others. So, you'll never convince me that they are wrong, becouse I'm biased.
Now, You admitted that we are brothers too. So why should You take the side of Byelorussian bros, not ours?
I don't call You parszywa owca... I guess You surmised that...
"Her" (with "r" like in "rose" or "red") is mean "penis". Please don't count this as personal insult, but you nick sounds very funny on Russian. Just please don't be angry, many people here have nicks wich sounds funny on Russian, f.e. Kaak ('kaka' means childish sh!t)
Oh I don't mind. My nick isn't exactly "her", and anyway it wouldn't beyour fault
even if it was, and anyway taking into account how it is pronounced, provost Harrison
should be concerned too.
"There is an NBA player called Bibby. Which means penis in Lithuanian. Imagine trhe Lithuanian commentators ROTLing while commenting
In Poland, there was a litle problem with Putin, as the French pronounced his surname in
a way that reminded one of Polish names for vagina.
"Ok. Look at map. The LARGEST subject of Russian Federation is the Yakutsk Autonomy Region. It's the LARGE territory (of blue color) in the North-East of the map. You can't miss it. So, please took back your argument about "small, small national republics we may call reservations", becouse it's bull****too.
There is no pure Russian territory in Russia. In every "kraj" or "gubernia" or republic lives people of different nationalities. We are multi national state. Perhaps the most multi national state on this planet.
I guess it may be, but 1)I have maps too and I actually know where Jakucja is, 2)Russian dominate
in gubernias and local languages will finally die
"I realise I hold the key to freedom,
I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs Middle East!
Heresson... I wonder why do you disscus with Russians... Serb is a typical Russian boy, who has a many complexes and he is arguing, arguing, and argiung, and he even can not notice that you "drzesz sobie z niego lacha" (laugh sometimes with his texts).
I laughed many times when I read that texts with Russian Mongols It is not polite, but very accurate...
C'mon Serb - talk to us... You are so naive that it is very funny to hear you... Like all Russians... And tell me... Did you drink vodka on breakfast, lunch, dinner, and supper? Or film "Banditen Petersburg" is wrong?
"We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939