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An Unborn Child is in Fact, Human

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  • Originally posted by Sixchan
    Sava's system sounds remarkably like mine!

    Hasn't this thread taught you that the term 'human' has a debatable definition? I thought you were arguing that genetics makes us human, but not nessecarily 'a human'?
    "human" has two meaning : biological and spiritual.
    When someone is kind, you can say that he has "humanity". This was this meaning I was using.
    Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


    • Originally posted by Sixchan

      I've always been one for mass sterilization, and artificial reproduction of humans, thus eliminating the abortion problem.

      That's like attempting to cure a verrucca by chainsawing your legs off.
      The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


      • I can't find my manifesto, but luckily I typed it up on Gamecatcher, so here it is.

        My system:
        Create three classes. One for merchants, and workers both skilled and unskilled. Another for Millitay personell, including all oficers. A final one for academics. Children are placed into classes based on ability, i.e. quick learners go into the academic group. People are conditioned into believing the way things work is fine, thus people are happy. And, no-one would want a change to this, as a different class' purpose would be nothing one would want to do, and they would compliment each other.

        With the smart people, who were also conditioned to work for the greater good at the helm, things will work much better, people will be happy, all will be fine, and Science can proceed unhindered in such a society.

        Sex would be a purley casual thing, as the population would be sterilized, and reproduction performed artificially. This would help to keep people fufilled in their lives, while not having to worry much about social implications.

        So who's worse, Sava, or me?
        Gamecatcher Moderator and Evil Council Chairman, at your service.


        • That's like being invited to choose between **** or sewage.
          The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


          • Sounds similar to mine sixchan ... only my class organization is a bit more complex and dynamic. Reproduction would be IV in my society. A couple applies to have a child, and they are approved or disapproved according to the way they live their lives.
            To us, it is the BEAST.


            • That would be another possibility, although under my system children would be together as a group rather than individuals, so that any undesirable elements in the parents would not be passed on, and so if the child was moved to a different class, it would not be as hard on them and the parents.
              Gamecatcher Moderator and Evil Council Chairman, at your service.


              • Welcome to 1984.
                Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


                • No, welcome to 'Brave New World'. 1984 had one ruler as an authority, mine has a class of people to rule, like the Alpha++ in BNW.
                  Gamecatcher Moderator and Evil Council Chairman, at your service.


                  • Yup... my government would be an improvement of the US government with more desparity and checks and balances. The presidency would be split so that one person would be in charge of a particular aspect of the current job. If a tyrant did rise up past the extensive screening processes, he/she wouldn't be able to exert much power overall.
                    To us, it is the BEAST.


                    • *sigh*

                      Welcome to a nightmarish society made by a sicko and considering any being as a robot. Wonder what's the use to even exist under such a twisted system.

                      The worst dictators are the one that want to force you to be happy against your own will.
                      Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


                      • Originally posted by Sava
                        Yup... my government would be an improvement of the US government with more desparity and checks and balances. The presidency would be split so that one person would be in charge of a particular aspect of the current job. If a tyrant did rise up past the extensive screening processes, he/she wouldn't be able to exert much power overall.
                        Why do you worry about a tyrant ?
                        Your society is already based on tyranny.
                        Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


                        • I wouldn't force people to be happy. My system would have more freedom than the US "democracy". I would just provide equal opprotunity. If you want to sit on your ass and scratch your balls all your life, you can. You just won't become very successful. And if you want to work hard, you can accumulate a modest amount of wealth.
                          To us, it is the BEAST.


                          • Originally posted by Akka le Vil

                            You do you wonder about a tyrant ?
                            Your society is already based on tyranny.
                            And how is that? Because I make people prove they are responsible in order to participate in government or have children? Stop jumping to conclusions and trolling. You know two things about my system, jack and sh!t... and jack left town (thank you Bruce Campbell!). If you have questions, feel free to ask me. But don't make statements that are false.
                            To us, it is the BEAST.


                            • My system wouldn't force you to be happy either. You would be happy because you don't think that any other way of doing things would make you happier. If you don't know different, you don't want different.
                              Gamecatcher Moderator and Evil Council Chairman, at your service.


                              • I don't know what's worse Sava : your society, or the fact that you seem to really think it's good.
                                Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.

