Originally posted by MOBIUS
Interesting. You’re the one who has a problem with my posting style, and yet you’re the one who started with the ‘insults’ so I just replied in kind. No big deal I thought, I figure we can take what we dish out, right?
Apparently not.
So I graciously said I was sorry if I had offended you (thinking you were very thin skinned, being as you were the original protagonist…), assuming that perhaps you would refrain from you own combative stance…
Apparently not.
Interesting. You’re the one who has a problem with my posting style, and yet you’re the one who started with the ‘insults’ so I just replied in kind. No big deal I thought, I figure we can take what we dish out, right?

Apparently not.

So I graciously said I was sorry if I had offended you (thinking you were very thin skinned, being as you were the original protagonist…), assuming that perhaps you would refrain from you own combative stance…
Apparently not.

You choose and I will go along with whatever you pick.
Geez, Cal. Don’t make it any easier…
In the 20’s the Jewish population of Palestine was only about 11%. The only reason they might make up a third of the population by ’48 is because of illegal immigration.
Why else do you think that the Jews went to war with the British – the people who had promised them a homeland through the highly questionable Balfour Declaration? (although it clearly stated that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine'
) Because in ’35 60,000 Jews emigrated there, causing an Arab revolt ‘based on the fear that outsiders were going to take over their country’. After that point, the British had tight controls on immigration until after WWII.
Then because the British refused to admit 100,000 Jews after WWII, they came in illegally instead with the help of Jewish terrorists, who weren’t above bombing the odd soft target (such as the King David Hotel
Check this site out to see what the British had to contend with… http://www.britains-smallwars.com/Palestine/rn.htm how many do you think slipped through the net? I’m willing to wager that far more made it through than were stopped! Take time to read the entire site – it is obvious from your wholesale ignorance that you have much to learn!
The point is that this was an illegal and hostile (witness the ferocious defence put up by the immigrants!) mass immigration organised the Zionist movement in order to artificially increase Palestine’s Jewish population and so create as large a Jewish state as possible at the expense of the local population!
Remember 11%.

In the 20’s the Jewish population of Palestine was only about 11%. The only reason they might make up a third of the population by ’48 is because of illegal immigration.
Why else do you think that the Jews went to war with the British – the people who had promised them a homeland through the highly questionable Balfour Declaration? (although it clearly stated that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine'

Then because the British refused to admit 100,000 Jews after WWII, they came in illegally instead with the help of Jewish terrorists, who weren’t above bombing the odd soft target (such as the King David Hotel

Check this site out to see what the British had to contend with… http://www.britains-smallwars.com/Palestine/rn.htm how many do you think slipped through the net? I’m willing to wager that far more made it through than were stopped! Take time to read the entire site – it is obvious from your wholesale ignorance that you have much to learn!

The point is that this was an illegal and hostile (witness the ferocious defence put up by the immigrants!) mass immigration organised the Zionist movement in order to artificially increase Palestine’s Jewish population and so create as large a Jewish state as possible at the expense of the local population!
Remember 11%.

They show how the British carefully controlled Jewish immigration, and there was nothing "illegal" about it, so stop saying that, it's baseless.
I don’t – just a proportional one! One within a secular government, and not a racist one! Why do you try to assert their right to a state of their own, when they have less right than the Maoris, when it is racist?
A: Insist the jews have no rights, when they cleary do
B:Continue to bring up New Zealand?
Do your feelings toward Israel have another motivation? Since you refuse to accept the legality of their nation.
From that comment regarding the maoris it seems you support racial separation in New Zealand. Kind of racist dont you think? Not only that, but how will you distinguish maori from pakeha when there are no full-blooded maoris left? The whole comparison with the ME is irrelevant anyway, so why do you keep bringing it up?
Could it be because you have no rational argument for the ME, you think that bringing up the Maoris will make me defensive?
No, I’m saying that they should have taken part in the creation of a secular Palestine – a Jewish state AND an Arab state at the same time! A compromise based on democratic principles but with a clear constitution allowing both peoples to practise their faiths without fear of persecution. But then the Zionists would never have accepted that – they wanted Israel and they didn’t care from whom they took it!
Bingo! Brain of NZ gets it at last! Now you can begin to understand why the Zionists wanted to get as many Jews into ‘The Promised Land’ as quickly as possible! Gold Star Cal, I knew you could do it!

ANTI-SEMITISM is the answer, not your dog and pony show about "illegal immigration'
How many Islamics have put forth the concept of a coalition government?
If you can name ONE, I will be shocked.
It’s NOT their land – it hadn’t been for over a thousand years! Why should they have their own state anyway??? Why not be part of a secular state?
Name ONE.
They wanted yet another petty Muslim kingdom.
The ball's in your court Moby, if you can back up this assinine assertion that there were moderate Muslims that would traet Jews fairly, I will concede the argument
Remember, it MUST be 47, not NOW
I’ll remember that if you ever become the victim of a crime – you lost, too bad!

Do you believe in self determination? If yes, then you must support a jewish homeland. If not, youre a giant hypocrite, there is no third possibility.
WAS theirs – over a thousand years ago!!!!!!!!!
I take it you’re in favour of the American Indians getting America back, or the Aborigines getting Australia back… The Maoris getting NZ back?

IMO those peoples have far more right than the Jews![/quote]
Why is that? Because you believe Jews are racist and evil?
What right do the arabs have? It wasn't their's at all. EVER.
That’s called D-E-M-O-C-R-A-C-Y, you silly boy…

Some might say you’re deliberately avoiding the argument by seeking insult me instead. What a fantastic way to convince people that you’re right…

When you can put forth a coherant argument, feel free to try again.

The Palestinians want their country back! If they got the whole of the pre ’67 land back, they would probably settle for that. At least the extremists who want ‘to throw the Jews back into the sea’ would probably lose their popular support and become relatively insignificant… Apparently though, you think that Apartheid in Israel is OK? That would make you a racist, wouldn’t it?

Apartheid is nonsense, when the Islamic world is committed to genocide against the jews.
I’d saying showing you up as a hypocritical supporter of racist policies, whilst knowing nothing about the illegal mass immigration of Jews into Israel before ‘independence’, would constitute as ‘running rings around you’.

Nothing ever changes in Europe, does it?
Your continent has loathed Jews for centuries, but I see you have found more imaginative ways to attack them now.
You no longer Sieg Heil, you just ignore facts and acuse. Goebells would be proud.
That and exposing your double standard (I’ve used ‘hypocritical’ once already!) of crying wolf about the ‘arrogant tone’ in my posts…

Sorry O Charming Poster, it would appear that unlike some people, I do have a life outside of Poly…

You know virtually nothing about me Moby, so try not to make silly assumptions. It only makes you look worse.