I don't know if you guys caught the bit about the opera, but the performers were given death threats by muslims in order that they not perform the opera. I am amazed that the folks here can talk about Pim being the threat to violence in Holland. Pim, after all, was killed. Ned
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Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn has just been shot
Originally posted by Saint Marcus
[troll]And despite having a far smaller black population here, we'd still get a black PM/president before the US does [/troll]
On a side note, how many people would have to die for Colin Powell to be President? I think it is four (President, Vice President, President Pro Tempore, and Speaker of the House) but I'm not really sure.KH FOR OWNER!
I'm sorry for making a comment that almost nobody will understand and most Finns will find either in bad taste or irrelevant, but in any case, a song lyric:
Joku ampui poliitikkoa!
Joku on ampunut kansan johtajaa!
Nyt kansa on yksin.
Kuka oli se, joka ampui?
Kuka se jota ammuttiin?
On niin
niin kylmää ja sameaa,
aurinkoa ei näy,
karhea tuuli kirveltää...
Osuiko pääministeriin
vai osuiko itse presidenttiin,
kenet poissaolevaksi kirjattiin?
Kuka oli se, joka ampui?
Kuka se, jota ammuttiin?
On niin
savuista ja sekavaa
aurinkoa ei näy,
karhea tuuli kirveltää...
Enää ei tarvita
Eugenia tai Lee Harveyta
kun poliitikot mittaavat
poliitikkoja, ja johtavat
vetävät toisiaan nopeammin
ja nyt huomataan:
tämä on tyly puhe.
Tämä on tylyä puhetta!
Ovesta syöksyy
poliitikko pistooli kädessä:
"Nyt en enää kuuntele!
Nyt se on loppu!
Nyt ei enää neuvotella,
nyt se on loppu!
Nyt minä tapan!
Reikä päähän!
Raato maahan!"
Tämä on tylyä puhetta.
Ja illalla kotona
Äiti syleilee poikaansa,
vaihdetaan puhdas solmio ja paita,
syödään voiton piiraita.
Enää ei tarvita
Eugenia tai Lee Harveyta:
poliitikon kuudesti laukeava
puhuu tylyä puhetta.
Oppositio nuolee haavojaan:
sihteeri on menetetty, ja
on kuultu puhuttavan ,
että pääministeri
ei kävele enää koskaan.This is Shireroth, and Giant Squid will brutally murder me if I ever remove this link from my signature | In the end it won't be love that saves us, it will be mathematics | So many people have this concept of God the Avenger. I see God as the ultimate sense of humor -- SlowwHand
Mikäs pirun biisi tuo nyt oli?"Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
"That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world
Originally posted by Stefu
Malcolm X was shot, wasn't he? About McKinley, you said "last century", and I think it happened in 1900-2000. Some deranged-type character tried to shoot FDR before his 1933 inauguration, I believe, and Ford's shooting by some fomer member of Manson's family, don't remember the details.
GERALD FORD may have begun national healing after the Watergate scandal, but that didn't stop two different women from taking potshots at him. On 5 September 1975, Charles Manson devotee Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme waited for Ford outside a Sacramento, California hotel and pulled a Colt .45 just as he reached to shake her hand. Fromme pulled the trigger but the loaded gun didn't fire -- she had neglected to put a round in the chamber. Secret Servicemen tackled her before she could fire a second time. Fromme was sentenced to life in prison.
Barely two weeks later, on September 22 in San Francisco, 45-year-old Sara Jane Moore yanked a pistol from her purse and fired on Ford from a distance of about 10 meters. She missed, in part due to a bystander who jostled her arm. She, too, was sentenced to life in prison. Ford was unharmed but also was unseated by Jimmy Carter in the 1976 elections.Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
Originally posted by Saint Marcus
Is this event pushing you to the right, Mark?
me and millions of other dutchmen.
(not conservative right)
I dont see any reason why I (or anyone else) should change any believes, just cose some maniac kills FortuynIf it is no fun why do it?
Live happy or die
I think that for the next election we will see a swing to the right (i.e. LPF will win a landslide victory), but in the long run I agree with Tom, I don't think many people will change their ideology over this, that's silly. I certainly won't/haven't: so far I've always voted either D66 or GroenLinks and this event certainly won't change this.