Gosh, this thread is starting making me sick.
All calls for "father should be obliged to blabla" or "mother should not force blablabla".
Lots talk about how the first person that should be protected is the child, lots talk about his rights and so. Lots wasted talk.
I'm the only person that think that if we talk about the best interests of the child, the FIRST thing is to be sure he was DESIRED by his parents ?
The best way to raise a child is to be both present and willing to see him born.
All that is talked here is a war between the parents about how they would tear their child apart to get the biggest part of him, or how they would try to dump him as fast as possible.
My thought : better to abort than to get a child in such conditions, and better to wait to be ready to get a child before having one.
All calls for "father should be obliged to blabla" or "mother should not force blablabla".
Lots talk about how the first person that should be protected is the child, lots talk about his rights and so. Lots wasted talk.
I'm the only person that think that if we talk about the best interests of the child, the FIRST thing is to be sure he was DESIRED by his parents ?
The best way to raise a child is to be both present and willing to see him born.
All that is talked here is a war between the parents about how they would tear their child apart to get the biggest part of him, or how they would try to dump him as fast as possible.
My thought : better to abort than to get a child in such conditions, and better to wait to be ready to get a child before having one.