So let's see the woman and the man have sex mutually agreed upon. She is pregnant and has two choices. He has none... I'm with Imran Siddiqui all the way on this one.
Some points the courts do not decide what is in the best interest of the child on the greater average. If they did they would not deprive the child of the biological father or reduce his role to that of a visiting uncle. I may add an uncle that pays to visit with the child if he visits at all.
To continue this if he is paying child support he should have equal access and equal time with his child. He should also have equal rights on the raising of the child. He should also have equal say in how the money is spend on the child. This equality is missing in the court environment and the decision making process.
The end result is the courts and or the mother harms the child by the absence of rights for the biological father. How can this be even close to looking out for the rights of the child? It would seem the rights of the child are being ignored from the onset, decision-making and court environment…
Conversely if each parent had equal rights they would both be single parents and the need for child support would be negated. Of course the child support industry would die. I am sure the people involved would find another line of work...politics maybe, as they seem to have a lot in common…
I read an article recently where a sperm donor was ordered to pay child support...Involved was a two-woman marriage...
Some points the courts do not decide what is in the best interest of the child on the greater average. If they did they would not deprive the child of the biological father or reduce his role to that of a visiting uncle. I may add an uncle that pays to visit with the child if he visits at all.
To continue this if he is paying child support he should have equal access and equal time with his child. He should also have equal rights on the raising of the child. He should also have equal say in how the money is spend on the child. This equality is missing in the court environment and the decision making process.
The end result is the courts and or the mother harms the child by the absence of rights for the biological father. How can this be even close to looking out for the rights of the child? It would seem the rights of the child are being ignored from the onset, decision-making and court environment…
Conversely if each parent had equal rights they would both be single parents and the need for child support would be negated. Of course the child support industry would die. I am sure the people involved would find another line of work...politics maybe, as they seem to have a lot in common…
I read an article recently where a sperm donor was ordered to pay child support...Involved was a two-woman marriage...