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Arafat an enemy - a cease fire suggestion that came too late

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  • #31
    Originally posted by The Mad Monk
    Uh, Siro...that post I made was in support of Israel...


    Just clarifying my POV
    I understood it very well

    It's simply that you should take into account that Israel can't completely ignore the international community's cries of fake even-handedness.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Richelieu
      I wonder : do you get any kind of feedback from the Palestinian people? Do you still have contact with them (however tense these contacts may be) ?
      I assume intelligence agencies do.

      Furthermore the news services of TV channels and newspapers try as often as they can to interview people, mostly landing on PLO propogandists.

      But every once in a while, they land on people who voice the palestinian desire for peace and dignity, and nothing more. Then it saddens me, that they have to live under a government that uses them as targets, to get sympathy points.

      I'd like to know if you can feel/know if there is a difference between the Palestinian people and the Palestinian terrorists.

      Sure I know there is a difference.

      That's why I constantly battle myself, trying to think up a better means of filtering terrorists than road blocks, which put so much pressure on citizens.

      That's why I feel bad and ashamed when IDF soldiers do something stupid and unnecessary, which only hurts people.

      Or is there no way you can talk to any of them at any given moment ?

      There are quite a lot of journalists there.

      Most international journalists talk mostly to propogandists. Why? Because the PLO is nice enough to arrange "tours" to allow them to watch the destruction, carefully ignoring the armed terrorists, and talk to real palestinians, put there by PLO with a script to read from.

      The interviews Israeli journalists, which work on their own, get, are much less charged with propoganda, and much more real.


      • #33
        Originally posted by MrFun

        Kaak, I think anyone can predict the cycle of the Middle East crisis and negotiations and the breakdown of those negotiations.

        The casulties over the years on both sides is sickening.
        Mr. Fun,

        It's great that some of you are interested in talking about an international issue to DEATH, but to me, cease fires, suicidal bombings, temporary treaties that are broken, house arrests, aerial bombings, and border disputes are nothing fresh and new to discuss.
        He's got the Midas touch.
        But he touched it too much!
        Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


        • #34

          Bomb found in Red Crescent ambulance

          By Amos Harel, Amira Hass and Yosef Algazy

          A Palestinian ambulance was found carrying a bomb near Jerusalem on Friday. The bomb was hidden under a gurney on which a sick Palestinian child was lying. The driver confessed that these was not the first time that ambulances had been used to carry bombs.

          The bomb was taken out of the ambulance and detonated in the presence of representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). "The ICRC understands the security concerns of the Israeli authorities and has always acknowledged their right to check ambulances, provided it does not unduly delay medical evacuations," the ICRC said in a statement on Friday. The Red Crescent expressed shock at the incident, and said they had started an internal investigation.

          According to the Israel Defense Forces, the driver, Islam Jibril, 31, who was already on the IDF's blacklist, confessed to have tried to smuggle in the bomb. He admitted both that this was not the first time that an ambulance was used to transfer terrorists and bombs, and that Red Crescent workers are sent on terror missions, a charge that until now the Red Cross and Red Crescent have forcefully rejected.

          continues :


          • #35
            The Palestinian TV callas for Muslims all around the world to attack Israeli and American embassies.
            "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


            • #36
              Explosion in Jerusalem.

              Muslims on the temple mount are throwing stones on Jews praying near the Wailing Wall.
              "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Sirotnikov

                Bomb found in Red Crescent ambulance

                While I can see that is welcome news to the Israeli population, it doesn't justify the attacks on ambulances.

                And it doesn't justify the shooting of a man laying naked on the ground after being held by the police, either.

                Saddest is, the US supports Israel, thereby making history go the wrong way


                • #38
                  Ahh I get so tierd of all this. ****s hits the fan in Israel/Palestina as usual and some Israeli must come hear and post a new thread about it without the interest of listening to arguments at all. It's almost as pointless as the conflict.


                  • #39
                    The suicide bomber who exploded in Jerusalem 2 hours ago is a 16 year old girl. At least this is what those who sent her, al-Fatah, claim.
                    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Kropotkin
                      Ahh I get so tierd of all this. ****s hits the fan in Israel/Palestina as usual and some Israeli must come hear and post a new thread about it without the interest of listening to arguments at all. It's almost as pointless as the conflict.
                      One of the great things about the web is that it provides an alternative to the bland blather of "official" news. I'm in my office following the news on and, but I consider it incredible -- historical, really -- to be able to be hearing first-hand from Israelis at the same time the news is breaking. Thanks, Sirotnikov. Hope you and yours (and Eli and his) stay safe.
                      "I have as much authority as the pope. I just don't have as many people who believe it." — George Carlin


                      • #41
                        I would publically execut Arafat. I hope that he turns up dead.


                        • #42
                          True Rufus but the novelty wears out quickly. And we do have to put up with ignorant, inmature, bastards like Sava on the way (I do give Siro and Eli the credit of being much better than that).


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Kropotkin
                            True Rufus but the novelty wears out quickly. And we do have to put up with ignorant, inmature, bastards like Sava on the way (I do give Siro and Eli the credit of being much better than that).
                            What's so ignorant of wanting the world's worst terrorist dead?

                            And one thing about me is that you know where I stand. I don't have another agenda. I don't lie.


                            • #44
                              Yasser Arafat's compound, Rammalah.
                              Attached Files
                              "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                              • #45

