From the other thread:
Zazel: Well, Vel, the problem with your position, is you think that only capitalists can enable wealth to be created.
Well...yes and no. I mean, when I use the term, I mean to say anyone with capital applying it in the form of wealth creation. Thus, by default, anyone who does so IS a capitalist.
Kid: That's why Che isn't talking to you about it. You're being a real *******, and you aren't making any points, because you are stuck on this crap.
Not making any points?
Let's far, we have the fact that if the revolution happened tomorrow, Che would make off with two of my houses (houses bought with my labor that you people hold so sacred...just not MY labor, apparently) and you would force me to work somewhere of your choosing, without telling me how long I'd be gone.
Yep. I do indeed keep harping on that, cos I'm still waiting for you guys to tell me where the JUSTICE you keep saying your system is so full of is in the scenario above.
I keep waiting, and no answer is forthcoming cos you both know that there IS no justice in it.
And you still wonder why I'm not falling all over myself to sign up?
If holding your feet to the fire about parts of your own ideology that make you squemish makes me an a$$, then I guess I'll just have to be one.
It IS your ideology after all. Your "religion."
Zazel: Well, Vel, the problem with your position, is you think that only capitalists can enable wealth to be created.
Well...yes and no. I mean, when I use the term, I mean to say anyone with capital applying it in the form of wealth creation. Thus, by default, anyone who does so IS a capitalist.
Kid: That's why Che isn't talking to you about it. You're being a real *******, and you aren't making any points, because you are stuck on this crap.
Not making any points?
Let's far, we have the fact that if the revolution happened tomorrow, Che would make off with two of my houses (houses bought with my labor that you people hold so sacred...just not MY labor, apparently) and you would force me to work somewhere of your choosing, without telling me how long I'd be gone.
Yep. I do indeed keep harping on that, cos I'm still waiting for you guys to tell me where the JUSTICE you keep saying your system is so full of is in the scenario above.
I keep waiting, and no answer is forthcoming cos you both know that there IS no justice in it.
And you still wonder why I'm not falling all over myself to sign up?
If holding your feet to the fire about parts of your own ideology that make you squemish makes me an a$$, then I guess I'll just have to be one.
It IS your ideology after all. Your "religion."
