Originally posted by Whaleboy
Apparently not, I read in this months national geographic.... 45% of Americans believe in strict creationism, 37% believe in a combination of evolution and creationism and merely 12% concur with 99.98% of scientists who hold that atheistic evolution is the case. They put that down to creationists interferring with attempts to teach evolution (a la monkey trial), general ignorance and the prevalence of popular religion and media to teach evolution, the best of which is left to wildlife documentaries.
Apparently not, I read in this months national geographic.... 45% of Americans believe in strict creationism, 37% believe in a combination of evolution and creationism and merely 12% concur with 99.98% of scientists who hold that atheistic evolution is the case. They put that down to creationists interferring with attempts to teach evolution (a la monkey trial), general ignorance and the prevalence of popular religion and media to teach evolution, the best of which is left to wildlife documentaries.
Please tell me it is not so!
82 % of all americans believe either fully or partly in creationism?

Pulling numbers out of my ass, but from my experiences, pretty good guess would be that in Finland less than 10% of people believe in creationism. And I'm being generous here. I suspect rest of the Europe is pretty much similar, atleast scandinavia.