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Yankees: $200 Million doesn't buy you a Soul

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  • dont forget how crazy steiny is either - he fired challenger, the bald eagle, when he swooped over jeter's head and landed in the outfield during the 2001 world series.
    "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


    • Well it ain't like Yankee fans like Steinbrenner either .
      “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
      - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


      • Imran, it is all about the fans and the 2 cities. Being from the area, you should know... Boston hates New Yorkers and vice versa.

        I have the utmost respect for the Red Sox. They have shown heart and a never say die attitude. But it is the fans of the Red Sox that I dislike. And I admit... I just want them to suffer due to their actions and whiny complaints.

        Remember... I am also a Mets fan... and I don't hate Cubs fans like I do Red Sox fans. You don't see Chicagoans giving the finger to Mets players when they are out on the town trying to enjoy an evening meal.

        Acceptable ragging at the ballpark is one thing, getting into personal time is another.

        Plus the complaints of the salary thing. It is what it is... they are how things are setup, make do and don't complain... they voted for it and accepted it. Now deal with it. Plus, when you are 2nd , right behind in salary it leaves you little credibility compared to the Twins, A's, Marlins, Expos... etc.

        And just seeing this fool on this forum only fortifies my feelings towards their FANS. Suffer. I only wish the Sox could actually win one but not to let the Boston fans enjoy it. Except for maybe the older more civilized ones. Say the ones that remember 1918 and '46 blah blah blah.

        My take, anyway.


        • hahaha. did you see the fools in the stadium tonite? so scared that they are about to lose to the sox that they had to throw crap onto the field

          i hope you enjoy being associated with those loosers who never learnt how to lose like a man.
          "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


          • yankee fans are running scared, all telling themselves that the babe will show up tomorrow nite to win the game for the yanks.
            "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


            • they know which team is better.
              "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


              • "I don't want those umpires meeting any more," said Rodriguez. "Every time they have a meeting, they make a call against the Yankees. No more meetings."

                aaaawwwwwww. the $25 million man thinks hes so special that he gets to cheat. shove it you classless yank.

                "I don't know what I tried to do. I knew he was coming, and I know that the line belongs to me. Looking back, maybe I shoud have run him over." - arod
                "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                • Yes, but its a reaction to Soxs fans- we hate the fact that even thought we have trounced them again and again and again the crazy bastards think they are equal, and we relish their suffering, cause its what annoying people deserve.
                  yep, you guys are the kings who keep on repressing the peasants, but you can never break us no matter how hard you try, thats why you can never win cuz your ultimate goal is to break the fans and youve been at it for over 80 years and you havnt accomplished it. all we need to do is beat you once and you will be broken.

                  its annoying to you cuz we are the only team who stands up to your arrogance and throws it right back at you, and we are the only team who arnt scared to play a game seven in yankee stadium with no real starting pitching, and no one who can go more than 4 innings. you can bet that the red sox will empty the bag tomorrow and will use everyone, cuz everyone will be available, because we are a team, not a load of egotistical overpaid drama queen arrogant prina donas.

                  think about it, the yankees are the first team to be up 3- 0 and not close the deal in less than 6. thats embarrasing.
                  "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                  • hahaha. did you see the fools in the stadium tonite? so scared that they are about to lose to the sox that they had to throw crap onto the field

                    i hope you enjoy being associated with those loosers who never learnt how to lose like a man.
                    I don't enjoy being associated with them. I wouldn't say I was either.

                    But what the Sox fans did saturday night was quite similar and just as dangerous. They threw every foul ball or Homerun ball, back. Just as dangerous. One fan actually tossed the ball back over the monster from Lansdown street after Rodriguez' homer. What if that ball had hit Manny in the head? From that distance?

                    I'm not saying what those Yankee fans did was right, and it was alot more than the balls the RedSox fans threw, but that doesn't exonerate them. Both poor instances of judgement by what I consider to be the bad idea of lots of beer sales at a heated sporting event.

                    You are throwing arrogance at the Yankee fans..... here? I have seen no one taunt you until you first brought it upon yourself.

                    And what is up with the "We are a team and the Yanks are overpaid egotistical prima donas". The Red Sox players ... for the most part all have hefty contracts as well. As I said... 2nd in payroll. You are just not capable of holding a reasonable discussion on baseball without name calling and taunting and braggadocio. This is exactly what I try to point out to Imran.


                    • think about it, the yankees are the first team to be up 3- 0 and not close the deal in less than 6. thats embarrasing.
                      And that is not embarrasing. It's Sports. It uis bound to happen one day, sooner or later. Just as the Sox are bound to win a "World Series" sooner or later. And if the Yankees were to lose, it is to an excellent and talented team. Not because of ghosts. I don't believe in ghosts. i only wish you would never be capable of enjoying it. :-P~~


                      • Come on, you know it's embarrasing. Just like when the Astros no-hit the Yankees last year at home.

                        "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
                        "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
                        "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
                        "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


                        • ESPN had a stat... this series is already the longest 7-game series, in terms of time spent playing, in modern history... so far, 25 hours and 36 minutes, well over 4 hours per game.

                          And there's still one left to play.


                          • Gotta tell ya... I planned on coming into this thread when the series was 0-3 and just giving BoSox hell. But I decided to wait until the vampire was staked and I'm glad I did.

                            Shiite. Now I'm actually rooting for the poor sons of bitches.


                            • All the BoSox fans here are getting awfully cocky.
                              "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                              "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                              • Of course they are. If my team had done what the Red Sox have done, I'd probably be a little cocky myself.

                                A few things:

                                1) A-Rod is a dirty little cheater, and a disgrace to the team. His attempt to swat the ball away was not only unsportsmanlike, it was stupid. As a result, Jeter was sent back to 1st, whereas if the routine play was made as it should have been, Jeter would have been on 2nd, in scoring position for Sheffield. I know Sheffield popped out, but that's not the friggin' point.

                                2) Throwing stuff on the field was bad. As I recall, the same thing happened up in Boston in the 1999 ALCS when the Red Sox fans thought (correctly, actually) that the umps had repeatedly hosed them. The Yankees fans *at the game* most likely thought they were getting hosed, even though we TV viewers could clearly see the correct calls were being made. Which of course doesn't matter, because you just don't do that. I too wondered what would have happened up in Beantown if the ball thrown back over the Monster had hit Damon in the head (come to think of it, the fans might have cheared at that point).

                                3) Holy ****, game 7. It's all down to this. 2 years in a row. Wow.

                                grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                                The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.

