Originally posted by KrazyHorse
I know that it's not, technically. I'm just saying that telling me that I am able to read a book on physics whereas an construction worker isn't able to go outside and build a fence around his house is ridiculous.
I know that it's not, technically. I'm just saying that telling me that I am able to read a book on physics whereas an construction worker isn't able to go outside and build a fence around his house is ridiculous.
Rabbi Frand:
"We know that there are 39 categories of prohibited work. These are learned from the labors that were needed in the Mishkan. Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch explains that the 39 forbidden categories of work represent man's mastery over the physical world. Therefore, if I rest on Shabbos, I am making the statement that there is a greater Master over this physical world than myself.
If by working six days, I proclaim my mastery over the physical world, then by resting on the seventh day, I am saying "but there is a greater Master over the physical world and that is G-d." Therefore, as our Sages tell us, keeping Shabbos is giving testimony that we believe in G-d's creation of the world. "