Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
What would you do with them? Kick them out?
What would you do with them? Kick them out?
Arrest them and have them committed to stand trial.
Not pay hush money, not send the perpetrators to another arena where the likelihood of the same offences being committed again is enormous, and especially not keep secret from the parents or guardians of those at risk, that you have just let a person with a proclivity for serial sexual molestation of minors take up a position of care and authority with regard to children.
'Part of the problem is that the church fears that to acknowledge such a tribunal, establishes the authority of the tribunal over that of the church. '
Obi Gyn
I'll think you'll find that issue was settled centuries ago- there's no law of sanctuary any more either, nor benefit of clergy.
See Pope Gregory I's correspondence with the Emperor Maurice, and the Gelasian Concordat (letter from Gelasius I to Emperor Anastasius).
Pope Gregory I:
'Being subject to your (the Emperor's) command, I have caused this law to be promulgated throughout all parts of the earth.'
The Roman Catholic Church is no longer in a position to be indulging in fantasies of Caesaro-Papism.