Originally posted by CharlesBHoff
Christian in Europe was spead by the sword especial the one who believe that God is three persons. That why they accue Islam of speading by the swors as that how Christian spead. From the beginning it was forbin to use force to convert people to Islam. It Islam have use force there wouldnot be million's of christian in the middle east left.
Christian in Europe was spead by the sword especial the one who believe that God is three persons. That why they accue Islam of speading by the swors as that how Christian spead. From the beginning it was forbin to use force to convert people to Islam. It Islam have use force there wouldnot be million's of christian in the middle east left.
In all other cases, the covernsions were ordered by King and obeyed by his people. The reason Karl could not simply order the Saxons to convert was they did not feel they owed him any allegience whatsoever. They were a conquered people.