Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
At least the west stayed conservative. The blessed and pure Ontario folks went to the Grits.
Yes, only one group that backstabbed the PC. Yessirree.
At least the west stayed conservative. The blessed and pure Ontario folks went to the Grits.
Yes, only one group that backstabbed the PC. Yessirree.
But of course, it's not your fault.
The Reform Party wanted to win power, and that meant kicking out the Progressive Conservatives, but noooo, the reformers never meant to hurt the PC.
And the Reformers wanted one right-wing party with a new name, but no, they didn't want to destroy the progressive conservatives.
Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
Charlottetown Accords, Meech Lake.
Charlottetown Accords, Meech Lake.
Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
Government contracts taken from the West, given to Central Canada.
Government contracts taken from the West, given to Central Canada.
You know as well as I do that Kelowna is not a centre for the auto industry, but the Conservatives handed the money over to the west.
What got produced in Kelowna were crap vehicles with brakes that are so noisy you can hear them a mile away. Not something you want in a military vehicle.
Did Ontario whine and moan, year after year, when we didn't get the contract? No.
The Conservatives screwed everybody, except the rich. That's what they always do.
Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
The GST applied to everybody, remember, not just Central Canada. At least you got free trade. We sure did not get free trade for lumber.
The GST applied to everybody, remember, not just Central Canada. At least you got free trade. We sure did not get free trade for lumber.
It was conservative like you who wanted it. Not the NDP. Not the Liberals. Don't be blaming Easterners for this one.
It was the right-wingers talking about how free trade would be the greatest thing since sliced bread, no trade barriers for lumber, no trade barriers period. They were lying and they were wrong.
The free trade agreement made it easier for companies to shift production to the states. Profitable factories were closed in Ontario because they weren't making enough money. It took a good 10 years for Ontario to recover from the mess created by the Conservatives.