H Tuttle -
And what do you propose doing to the millions of people who violate the pot law?
We are, but millions of people have decided not to use pot so they are sacrificing a freedom they choose not to use. And they are being hypocritical when they willingly give away this freedom but complain when the freedoms they do cherish come under attack by the very machine they've used to outlaw pot.
I'll put it another way, what problem you associate with pot has been solved by prohibition? I can cite at least a couple dozen problems created by pot prohibition... Higher crime rates is probably the most obvious.
They began killing their own race, the mentally handicapped among others were the first to go. But you said "societal benefit" was your standard, so I was just pointing out where that standard has led in the past.
Understood, but I reject "harm" as a standard as well. Politicians have spent decades lying about pot so "harm" becomes a fight over who can demagogue louder and longer than others... The American Medical Association opposed the the ban on pot back in 1937 so even the voices of the scientists and doctors were drowned out by the lying politicians.
From where did you obtain this power to decide for everyone else what harms them? Do you realise that is the same argument used by communists when they claim workers are exploited by employers even if the workers don't agree? That's the essence of a nanny state, you (or the communist) deciding for the rest of us...
I don't know if I can agree with your rational about illegal = punishment. I mean it could only be punishment if we were trying to make someone atone for what they did wrong.
The only punishment with it being illegal is the kind given out when caught. By your definition I would say that we are punishing everyone by not allowing them the opportunity to smoke pot legally.
I don't understand what you mean. I was referring to the benefit and problems that are inherent with legalizing drug use such as pot. ie. no black market, possible addiction problems, etc...
Woah! That is a big step don't you think? The Nazis killed based on race.
I was debating whether it's a good idea to legalize pot. My position now, after debating the issue, is that if it is no more harmful then the things we already have then legalize it.
And I'm a Republican/Conservative type. Nanny states don't sit well with me. I just want government to intervene on things that might be actually harmful to us because we have a hard problem saying no to them. If addiciton with pot is to much of a con for legalizing it then I say no.