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Dope: Should it be legalised.

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  • Dope: Should it be legalised.

    Ok. Pretty straightforward really. Just answer the question.

    Please could you give your reasons for your stance on the issue. It would be interesting to get peoples opinion on this issue and the whys.

    If you happen to be from a country where it is already legalised, could you please share whether it has had a detrimental or positive impact on you country. If you are aware of any.

    Yes, and i'm a pot smoker
    No, and i'm a pot smoker
    Yes, and I don't smoke dope
    No, and I don't smoke dope

  • #2
    everything should be legalized... the government doesn't have a right to tell consensual adults what they can or can't do to their bodies...

    btw, what makes one a pot smoker? I've done it before, but not lately...
    To us, it is the BEAST.


    • #3
      It seems idiotic, IMO, to allow cigarettes and alcohol, but not marijuana. Just tax the devil out of it and I'll be fine.


      • #4
        Yep, legalize Coromandel Green, vote for Nandor and the NZ Green partay!
        Only feebs vote.


        • #5
          Prostitution too...where's the victim?
          "I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
          ^ The Poly equivalent of:
          "I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite


          • #6
            Originally posted by The Emperor Fabulous
            Prostitution too...where's the victim?
            That's legal in NZ too. We even have a transexual ex-hooker Member of Parliament.

            We're a bunch of dope smoking pervos.
            Only feebs vote.


            • #7
              No. Three Reasons:

              1) I'll make the argument that like alcohol and cigarettes, pot is something that is detrimental to a persons development as a physical adult. All even say that pot is worse for you than tabacco.

              2) Too many people who smoke pot are not productive members of society. In fact, I will make the leap and say that a higher percentage of active pot smokers are less productive than drinkers of alcohol and smokers of cigarettes. This is a bad argument, but that's my opinion from living with two drug addicts and a few regular pot smokers in college.

              3) The THC in pot is of higher potency and has a bigger high-effect than that of the nicotine in cigarettes. Not a good thing for operating motor vehicles, etc, etc...

              Are these great arguments? No, but I'm biased. I've seen what occasional pot use does to people. They become lazy, uninterested, more depressed, and get hooked on smoking pot all of the time. In short, life's problems get solved by packing up the bowl.

              Are all pot smokers like this? No. Though I seem to see a lot more losers who smoke pot than scientists.


              • #8
                Legalise, ( but harsh(er) punishment when caught selling to minors.)
                Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Harry Tuttle

                  2) Too many people who smoke pot are not productive members of society. In fact, I will make the leap and say that a higher percentage of active pot smokers are less productive than drinkers of alcohol and smokers of cigarettes. This is a bad argument, but that's my opinion from living with two drug addicts and a few regular pot smokers in college.
                  In a certain University Department I won't name many of the most respected professors, who are leaders in their fields, are dedicated pot smokers.

                  These are really sharp people, so I don't buy the "it makes you dumb" argument.
                  Only feebs vote.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Agathon

                    In a certain University Department I won't name many of the most respected professors, who are leaders in their fields, are dedicated pot smokers.

                    These are really sharp people, so I don't buy the "it makes you dumb" argument.
                    Ok. I was only posting an opinion based on my experience anyways. What do they teach?

                    edit- forget it, don;t want to draw this into a basket weaving / rocket science argument .


                    • #11
                      I don't think legalizing pot will benefit society at all, but when it comes right down to it, I have to agree with Sava in saying that the state doesn't have the right to tell me what I can't put in my own body.

                      But I'm just afraid that if the gov't gets their hands on the weed, the quality of it will plumet, and the price will rise. Like look at medical weed the Government of Canada sells... apparantly its so weak, that even people with prescriptions are still getting it off the street. They're saying that they don't even get high, more like a mild buzz followed by a headache. But of course I've never tried gov't weed before myself...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Harry Tuttle
                        No. Three Reasons:

                        1) I'll make the argument that like alcohol and cigarettes, pot is something that is detrimental to a persons development as a physical adult. All even say that pot is worse for you than tabacco.
                        Pot has been proven to have no long-term effects that cigarettes do. And **** cancer causing...the SUN causes cancer...everything does.

                        2) Too many people who smoke pot are not productive members of society. In fact, I will make the leap and say that a higher percentage of active pot smokers are less productive than drinkers of alcohol and smokers of cigarettes. This is a bad argument, but that's my opinion from living with two drug addicts and a few regular pot smokers in college.
                        Like alcohol, these are pot ABUSERS. Smoking every week doesn't make you a pot abuser. Smoking every other day doesn't make you a pot abuser, just like drinking every other day doesn't. It's when you smoke at every chance, like you drink at every chance, that makes it abusive. If you get stoned before work is different then if you get stoned before bed.

                        3) The THC in pot is of higher potency and has a bigger high-effect than that of the nicotine in cigarettes. Not a good thing for operating motor vehicles, etc, etc...
                        So then make laws against driving under the influence. People drink, but aren't allowed to drive drunk. This is probably the most "DUH" of your reasons.

                        Are these great arguments? No, but I'm biased. I've seen what occasional pot use does to people. They become lazy, uninterested, more depressed, and get hooked on smoking pot all of the time. In short, life's problems get solved by packing up the bowl.
                        That's funny. Mostly because it's completely not true. At all. I don't know the people you know who smoke, but that doesn't discribe ANYONE I know who smokes. Period.
                        "I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
                        ^ The Poly equivalent of:
                        "I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite


                        • #13
                          Oh, and I'll write as a side note, that while I was stoned, I've written some of my best papers (for Theatre, Criminology, Bioethics, and English) and gotten my best grades on Latin tests. I don't know where your "makes you dumb" theory comes from.
                          "I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
                          ^ The Poly equivalent of:
                          "I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite


                          • #14
                            I must have lived with some scummy people then...

                            Anyways, I see your point on the DUI comparison. But as for number one; doesn't the inhalation of smoke from pot carry with it the same sort of crap that cigarettes do? Is it that much different?


                            • #15
                              We're a bunch of dope smoking pervos.
                              ain't that the truth.

                              Ewwww God, could never vote for the Green Party, goes against far to many principles.

                              Yeah, the price would probably rise to start with, untill demand caught up with the increase in supply. There would be an increase in supply to if it was made illegal. Then once supply has caught up prices would drop.

                              A reason against that somebody has used is that it would turn the gangs (or whoever supplies the dope currently) into activities like robbery much more so than usually as their profits from dope drops off. What do you guys think?

                              I agree with what The Emperor Fabulous said just now theres a difference between abusing the substance and just the occassional cone. Oh here in NZ apparently the government is considering making driving under that influence of dope illegal like drunk driving. One small step towards legalising it I reckon.

                              I'd like somebody who resides in Holland or another place that has it legalised about what effect it has had on society there.

