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Return of the King

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  • First point - Annie Hall is Allen's best movie, and entirely deserving of best picture.

    Second point - Chicago is brilliant and features some of the lushest, most decadently rich and beautiful cinematography of all time.
    "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
    Drake Tungsten
    "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
    Albert Speer


    • Originally posted by monolith94
      First point - Annie Hall is Allen's best movie, and entirely deserving of best picture.

      Second point - Chicago is brilliant and features some of the lushest, most decadently rich and beautiful cinematography of all time.
      Chicago was alright, but it didn't hold a candle to All that Jazz. My biggest gripe with Chicago was that there was only one decent dance number (the ladies on death row). I really like good dancers, and this film didn't have nearly enough for its type of film.
      He's got the Midas touch.
      But he touched it too much!
      Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


      • My biggest gripe with Chicago was that there was only one decent dance number (the ladies on death row). I really like good dancers, and this film didn't have nearly enough for its type of film.

        That's very true. I think part of that is than Renee Zellweger really isn't a trained dancer (you could tell in the last number, espcially compared to Zeta Jones, who was trained in dance). The Prision Block song (the death row one) was definetly the best, but I also liked the Puppet act one with Gere, Zellweger, and Baransky.
        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


        • This thread isn't about Chicago, Annie Hall, or any other crappy movie.

          Its about Return of the King, so make a seperate Oscar thread to ***** about other stuff.

          I read all the books ages ago, and with my terrible memory I don't remember anything. What was the scouring?
          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


          • most decadently rich and beautiful cinematography of all time? you need to be watching more films... its a long, long way down that list

            some of which include:

            Barry Lyndon
            The Last Emperor
            American Beauty
            The Man Who Wasn't There
            O Brother Where Art Thou
            Eyes Wide Shut

            All very visually lush, with decent, if not great transfers.

            As for true greats... Barry Lyndon was truely astonishing for its accomodating that lighting, The Man Who Wasn't There for the better-than-noir noir... film process has improved such a lot since the golden age of B&W, and O Brother Where Art Thou for its integrated color perfect post-process.


            • This thread isn't about Chicago, Annie Hall, or any other crappy movie.

              Its about Return of the King, so make a seperate Oscar thread to ***** about other stuff.

              Sorry, threadjack complete .

              What was the scouring?

              When the hobbits go back home and find that things aren't as they left them.

              Eyes Wide Shut

              You gotta be ****ting me
              “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
              - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


              • Nope. Larry Smith and Kubrick are gods of cinematography.

                Perfect framing. Perfect choice of film stocks and equipment. Perfect understanding of lighting, tints, to hint at scenes.

                A classic scene in Eyes Wide Shut is the cold bathroom vs. the warm glow of the bedroom, subtly hinting at Cruise's predicament.

                The tracking was painstaking.

                Its no suprise that this was the longest shoot in film history. It was the most patient and carefully done.

                A fitting farewell by the the best visual director of our generation.


                • You are clearly certifiably insane.

                  Agreed. Anyone who says this...

                  Crouching Tiger? Better than Gladiator? You have to be joking.

                  ... is obviously deranged.
                  KH FOR OWNER!
                  ASHER FOR CEO!!
                  GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                  • Finally got a chance to see it today. Great movie. Bad Azzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!! I loved it.

                    Probably the best of the bunch, though it is hard to choose. Seeing it on the big screen is the only way to see it really. I wish the movie theatre would show all 3 consecutively. I'd watch it . Just give a 5 or 10 minute break in between movies. That's all I need.

                    The only annoyance was this woman who talked throughout the whole movie behind me and to my left . Damn I wish I had a mace, or even yet- a flail to bash her head in. In fact, I would have as soon as just kill everyone in the theatre. Damn laws.

                    I want my own theatre. I think I'm going to put up a movie sized screen inside my home. I don't think it will fit though. Maybe I'll put it in my backyard. I don't care if the projector costs $20,000. I have the money.


                    • Okay. So what happend to the blond chick at the end? And why was there no 3 way sex scene dammit

                      Does the blonde chick end up with a hobbit? . I'd pay to see that.


                      • Drake: I'd easily take Gladiator. I love ancient Rome flicks .

                        Crouching Tiger? Yeah it was good... but not great. Another martial arts flick, just with a little more of a plot... um, ok.
                        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                        • Originally posted by Anun Ik Oba
                          After Frodo awakens from his stupor after the Ring's destruction, and each of the remaining members walk into the room one by one, Samwise got the most applause.

                          He definately kicked it in the end.
                          It was the dwarf for us, because everyone saw that scene as a bit... gay.

                          (hobbits smiling and jumping in bed hugging then the dwarf joining in)

                          that was some funny ****.


                          • Originally posted by Dissident

                            The only annoyance was this woman who talked throughout the whole movie behind me and to my left . Damn I wish I had a mace, or even yet- a flail to bash her head in. In fact, I would have as soon as just kill everyone in the theatre. Damn laws.
                            I had a guy behind me who try to initiate audience to clap everytime the good guys defeated/overcame bad guys. SO I clapped in front of his face when the king died.

                            BOO YAH! Pwnzed.


                            • Originally posted by -Jrabbit
                              OK, you guys -- Ned and Imram -- definitely need a new "deserving an Oscar" thread of your own.

                              Back on topic --

                              Hilarious bit on Chicago radio this a.m., saying ROTK may have surpassed Top Gun as the all-time gay subtext movie. Great line, but I almost did a spit-take with my coffee... The funny part was, it was mostly hobbit-driven, where previous speculation I've heard tended to be more about those effeminate elves...

                              Favorite continuity errors --

                              1. "Frodo, we have to get you something to wear." Sam and (shirtless) Frodo don oversized orc armor. A short time later, the orc gear is gone and -- ta daa -- Frodo's back in his shirt for the climactic finale.

                              2. The army of men (6,000 iirc) rides horses from Minas Tirith to the final "if we can just distract them Frodo will have a chance" battle at the black gates. The enemy is called out, and surrounds them in great number. But when the battle is joined -- I swear this is true, but I want to go back and check -- The army of men is on foot! ALL 6,000 HORSES ARE GONE!!!
                              (Oh, that skampish Gandalf... )
                              just got done seeing it. I never noticed

                              I never notice those types of things unless the director points them out in the audio commentary.


                              • Originally posted by Lonestar
                                To recap my review of RotK:

                                - The ending of the Movie was long....but it was probably the best PJ could do with regards to the book. I agree with Stefu that trying to fix in the scouring of the Shire would have been bad Juju.

                                - Instead of a bunch of Undead that look a lot like a ride from an amuesment Park outside of LA saving the day, it should have included the Dunedain from the book.

                                - I want a Mountain Troll.

                                - Hell, Give me a Fell Beast too.

                                EDIT: I talked to my brother about it yesterday. He didn't understand why Frodo left the Shire, nor did some of the guys I went to see it with. Did it really not click with some people?
                                what is the scouring of the shire? And why did Frodo leave the Shire? I figured he did it because it was written that way

