Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
Now you're just getting ridiculous. Oh well, I'll do what I can.
Now you're just getting ridiculous. Oh well, I'll do what I can.

What were the two main Numenorean havens in Middle Earth?
I'm pretty sure Umbar was one. Don't remember the other one.
What are the two elf havens marked on the map of Middle Earth?
The Grey Havens. There's another one at the mouth of Anduin, but the name escapes me. Andurail or something like that, maybe?
Name Melkor's three strongholds.
Thangodrim is the only one I can remember.

Which former resident of Nargothrond does Frodo meet in "Lord of the Rings"?
Either Galadriel or Cirdan. I'm gonna go with Galadriel.
Who is "Darkmoon" better known as?
Beren? Just a guess.
Who is Banazir Galpsi?
Good lord. Maybe the dwarf Turin Turambur lived with for a while?
PS. I can't remember the name of the dwarf. He was a petty-dwarf, was he not?