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Return of the King

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  • Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
    Now you're just getting ridiculous. Oh well, I'll do what I can.

    What were the two main Numenorean havens in Middle Earth?

    I'm pretty sure Umbar was one. Don't remember the other one.
    The other is Lond Daer. (west of Isengard)

    What are the two elf havens marked on the map of Middle Earth?

    The Grey Havens. There's another one at the mouth of Anduin, but the name escapes me. Andurail or something like that, maybe?
    Actually, I don't know if Pelargir was originally an elf haven. The one I was thinking of is Edhellond, which is at the mouth of the river above Dol Amroth.

    Name Melkor's three strongholds.

    Thangodrim is the only one I can remember.
    Spelling. Thangorodrim, Angband and Utumno.

    Which former resident of Nargothrond does Frodo meet in "Lord of the Rings"?

    Either Galadriel or Cirdan. I'm gonna go with Galadriel.
    I'd forgotten about her. I was thinking of Gildor Inglorion. That's what you get for doing it off the top of your head.

    Who is "Darkmoon" better known as?

    Beren? Just a guess.
    Isildur - that's what his name means.

    Who is Banazir Galpsi?

    Good lord. Maybe the dwarf Turin Turambur lived with for a while?
    Sam Gamgee. Check out the translation appendix. It turns out that Frodo's Westron name is "Froda" and Merrys is "Kalimac Brandagumba".

    PS. I can't remember the name of the dwarf. He was a petty-dwarf, was he not?
    Only feebs vote.


    • He was a petty-dwarf, was he not?


      I can't believe I forgot Angband, BTW.


      • What happens to the Silmarils?

        Well, one is on Earendil's brow as he sails the heavens. I think the other two are under the sea or something.

        Name two unwinged dragons.

        I should really know the name of the one Turin Turambur slew, but I don't.

        Who finds arms at Vinyamar?

        The Noldor? Is that where they killed some Teleri before sailing to Middle-Earth?

        I have no idea on the other two...
        KH FOR OWNER!
        ASHER FOR CEO!!


        • What about the other questions (on the previous page)?
          Only feebs vote.


          • you guys suck. Why do i need to read the books. just tell me what happens
            Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


            • What about the other questions (on the previous page)?

              See above.

              Sorry, I was busy talking to a friend.
              KH FOR OWNER!
              ASHER FOR CEO!!
              GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


              • X-post

                Originally posted by Agathon

                Name two unwinged dragons.
                Glaurung and Scatha the Worm

                What do Dain's troops carry in the Hobbit?

                Who is Annatar?
                Sauron. It's his guise when he approaches Celebrimbor about ring making. Galadriel can see through the guise and does not trust him.

                What happens to the Silmarils?
                The surviving sons of Feanor take them, but can't hold on to them. One casts himself into a fiery chasm, the other throws his into the see. You were right about the third one.

                Who finds arms at Vinyamar?
                Only feebs vote.


                • Originally posted by Sprayber
                  you guys suck. Why do i need to read the books. just tell me what happens
                  A small creature with hairy feet takes a piece of antique jewellery and throws it into a volcano.
                  Only feebs vote.


                  • Originally posted by Drake Tungsten

                    The Noldor? Is that where they killed some Teleri before sailing to Middle-Earth?
                    That's at Alqualonde (sp.) which is not in Middle Earth.
                    Only feebs vote.


                    • One casts himself into a fiery chasm, the other throws his into the see. You were right about the third one.

                      I was right about the second one, too.

                      Sort of...


                      That's it.

                      That's at Alqualonde (sp.) which is not in Middle Earth.

                      I know it's in Valinor, not Middle Earth. Just couldn't remember the name.
                      KH FOR OWNER!
                      ASHER FOR CEO!!
                      GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                      • Originally posted by Agathon

                        A small creature with hairy feet takes a piece of antique jewellery and throws it into a volcano.
                        To think they are gonna make a lot of money of that simple line
                        Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                        • Anyway, you qualify as someone who knows a lot about Tolkien. Those were pretty hard questions.

                          Only feebs vote.


                          • Thank you. Not bad for someone who's only read LOTR and the Silmarillion twice.
                            KH FOR OWNER!
                            ASHER FOR CEO!!
                            GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                            • Originally posted by Sprayber

                              To think they are gonna make a lot of money of that simple line
                              Glad to see you safe and well, Sprayber. You did go to Iraq, didn't you? Or are you yet to venture forth?
                              Only feebs vote.


                              • Originally posted by Drake Tungsten
                                Thank you. Not bad for someone who's only read LOTR and the Silmarillion twice.
                                Excellent in that case. Some of the questions were from Lost Tales and Unfinished Tales, so you can't be faulted for those.
                                Only feebs vote.

