Fez, The Cato Institute is a hell-hole of crap (=Supply side) economists, you are full of it Fez.
In my school's Economics textbook it says that the "Misery Index" (I can't remember it's technical name) was at an all-time high under Reagan. So, one again, You have no evidence, YOU HAVE NOTHING!!! 
It was definatly Reagan's fault with S&L. he gave in to the comercial bank lobby who were complaining to him, and of course he allways sided with Big Business and made S&Ls have to have higher interst rates on loans, screwing the poor people.

It was definatly Reagan's fault with S&L. he gave in to the comercial bank lobby who were complaining to him, and of course he allways sided with Big Business and made S&Ls have to have higher interst rates on loans, screwing the poor people.
