Are you a tactile person? Do you tend to touch people? Ruffle their hair or pat their backs?
Now I tend to start making involuntary growling noises if anyone gets within three feet of me. My personal space gets invaded strictly at the offender's peril. Unfortunately I work in an environment stuffed with ambitious go-getters who read "The one minute manager" (and believe it! Fools!), and have taken particular note of the vital importance of touching workmates to show solidarity and empathy.
That's probably not the best move to use on one who's instinctive reaction is to go for their eyes. So how do you bunnies feel on this issue? Do you do it? Do you enjoy being poked and prodded by colleagues and managers? The bastards.
Now I tend to start making involuntary growling noises if anyone gets within three feet of me. My personal space gets invaded strictly at the offender's peril. Unfortunately I work in an environment stuffed with ambitious go-getters who read "The one minute manager" (and believe it! Fools!), and have taken particular note of the vital importance of touching workmates to show solidarity and empathy.
That's probably not the best move to use on one who's instinctive reaction is to go for their eyes. So how do you bunnies feel on this issue? Do you do it? Do you enjoy being poked and prodded by colleagues and managers? The bastards.