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Love Conquers? Part VII.

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  • #76
    "Today 3 full armed divisions of the Welsh army started besieging Botany Bay. It is expected that after a heavy bombardment the Welsh troops enter the city and free the Australian citizens in no time! Then the Welsh will have completed their intitial aim. The liberation of the three Australian cities of the long western river, Melbourne, Sydney & Botany Bay.

    An announcement to the Incans:

    Withdraw your diplomat from Sydney's radius!
    I am also conserned about the Incan gathering of two divisions just two tiles away from Sydney. Though I trust that the Incans do not wish nothing more that just to secure their borders I can assure them that my troops on the area are less and just one division would be enough."

    King Constantine

    Turn 131 to Stavros.


    • #77
      Turn 131 --> Comrade Thor

      In spite of stiff opposition, Canberra is now a Greek city. Many were the cannons that rained fiery hell down upon our army, and our valiant soldiers had to fight upward against a large army that held the high ground on the edge of a mountaneous precipice. And although the Australian army put up a ferocious fight, the people of Canberra seem quite pleased to be part of Greece, as happiness is high within the city walls.

      As the great Australian war seems to finally be winding down, disturbing stories of other conflicts reach our shores. While the unleashing of armed forces against the warlike Australians was understandable, why are there such tensions between the other nations of the world?

      I call upon all the world's leaders to keep your generals under tight rein lest they take it upon themselves to use their large armies against new targets.



      • #78
        Turn to Madrid.

        Beloved Children,

        I am, as you all know, a man of peace but even I must recognise the threat posed by an Inca fleet of Battleships roaming down my coast and terrifying my innocent flock.

        Chairman Thor, let us both decommission our ship's of war and not risk the grave perils of the permanent stationing of offensive units so close to the home's of our peoples!

        Blessings unto All.
        St Jon, Virtue amidst Vice.
        “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
        - Anon


        • #79
          Perth has been seized!

          So ends the war between Spain and Australia, and a harsh lesson in the consequences of embarking on a policy of isolationism and unfettered aggression...

          Again it is with regret that we must inform the rest of the World that civilian losses in the storming of Perth were greater than 50%, however it is our hope that Spain need nevermore venture forth onto the field of battle!

          Spanish forces will remain on high alert until such time as the troubles of the World have abated - perhaps Spain could interest the rest of the World in standing it's armies down to 'on alert' status in the very near future?


          Tomas de Torquemada
          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


          • #80
            "Bombarding of Botany Bay continues. No civilian casualties have been reported so far.

            My congratulations to the Spanish on the besieging of Perth!

            My nation agrees to lower our military readinness on "Alert" in the near future as far as the rest will do the same .

            The Welsh are greatly worry on the purpose of the latest Spanish decision on building "eyes" above our heads! Why would the peaceful Spanish people wish such a wonder while after the destruction of Braker Morant the world is supposed to focus on peaceful coexistance and acts? Shouldn't worry the rest nations having a permanent "eye" watching everbody's movements on their own country, which could easily give a huge advantage in any future aggressive stance of Spain against another nation in order to impose her interests?!? I plead the Spanish to stop such an aggressive program and join the rest nations of the world to a peaceful and trusty coexistance."

            King of Wales Constantine

            Turn 132 to Stavros.


            • #81
              Turn 132 --> Comrade Thor

              Greece welcomes the suggestion by Spain that world tensions might be relieved through a reduction in readiness by all nation's military forces. We join with Wales in agreement, leaving only Inca to make it unanimous- that being the only condition Greece asks before going to "on alert" herself.



              • #82
                Turn to Madrid.

                Sorry for the delay but further ISP problems have been visited upon me.


                Further apologies.

                Turn reposted to Mobius.

                Please all note that any and all future communications should be sent to until further notice.

                No Sermon this Turn but I feel little like 'Saintly' at the moment!
                Last edited by St Jon; June 29, 2001, 13:30.
                “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                - Anon


                • #83
                  "Botany Bay has been fallen to Welsh hands! Celebrations all over the Wales! Primary target has been completed! All ex-Australian cities on the great west river has been liberated by the Welsh army and are part of the great kingdom of Wales!

                  Welsh environmentalists are greately worring for the steady increasing of global warming, caused by human-made polluting factors. Any further continuance of these levels of pollution will soon lead to great natural disasters according to scientific calculations.

                  Request from all nations of the world. Pollution has increased in dangerous levels! It is king Constantine's wish that we all join in a pact for the reduction of global pollution or soon we all going to suffer natural disasters!"

                  King Constantine

                  Turn 133 to Stavros.


                  • #84
                    Turn 133 --> Comrade Thor

                    Greece is in agreement with our Welsh friends on the subject of protecting the environment, and steps will be taken by Athens to further this admirable goal as new technology permits.

                    Webmaster: Please contact UGO immediately.

                    (Sorry about the above, but Greece is picking up a little extra gold by selling space to UGO!)



                    • #85
                      Please note:

                      If there are any difficulties in Posting Turns to me in the future then Birdman should be sent a cc. of the Turn.

                      Hopefully, for a short while, my ISP troubles are over so things should move rather more smoothly.

                      KT, what are you up to? Please shift your majestic backside and Play and Post inside 24hrs!

                      Jon, Unsecular.
                      “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                      - Anon


                      • #86
                        I don't seem to be getting my turns. Although I prefer please try cc'ing


                        • #87
                          Turn to Madrid.

                          My Children,

                          I treasure the environment as if 'twere my on flesh and would welcome any arrangements to protect it. France in no way contributes to the desecration of our planet but would still gladly sign any Treaty offerred to encourage offers to adopt our agrarian way of life.

                          Blessings Upon You All,
                          St Jon, Tranquility in a World of Strife.
                          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                          - Anon


                          • #88
                            "I am glad to hear that most leaders of the world are interested on making this wonderfull world a clean one!

                            Pacts will be send."

                            King Constantine

                            Turn 124 to Stavros.


                            • #89
                              The peoples of Spain are not convinced that there is a link between humankind's pollution and global warming...

                              Any such move to curb production in the near future would have catastrophic consequences on the Spanish economy.

                              Furthermore we wish to have our extensive forests taken into consideration as a carbon sink and therefore mitigate any requirements on our part to actually reduce pollution and generally dodge the issue.

                              Lastly, we will not be signing any treaties containing the name 'Kyoto' in any part of their text!

                              G. W. Arbusto

                              Ministry of the Environment
                              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                              • #90
                                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


