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Love Conquers? Part VII.

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  • #46
    "Cuban populations in Melbourne were not killed, the cigare processing factories are still operational and exports with Greece will be continued despite rumors. Accually the Cubans understood the mistake they did when they were convinced from the corrupted French to revolt against the Welsh crown. Poverty and oppression from the puppet the French had put as their Governor led their army to mutiny and the entrance of Welsh army in the city was welcomed with great enthusiasm and celebrations by the Cuban people."

    King Constantine


    • #47
      Keygen did you play turn 125?

      I had a message undeliverable - apparently you've gone over your mail quota...!?

      Turn resent just in case.
      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


      • #48
        No, I didn't received neither the first sent nor the second resent!
        If this happens again use my alternative email address:
        Right now my primary email address is empty so you may send it there as I check it more often.


        • #49
          Turn resent to both addresses
          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


          • #50
            Thanks Mob

            Turn 125 to Maestro.


            • #51
              Plain Jon here.

              What is going on in the Australian camp?

              Who is CC Australian Army?

              Please, all concerned, advise ASAP as to what the situation is so as to avoid delays and 'Nextings' of an already very weak Civ.
              “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
              - Anon


              • #52
                Turn 125 -->Chairman Thor

                Spies to the left of us, spies to the right...!

                What a shadowy world of intrigue this has become!


                • #53
                  Hmmm - never alone?!

                  But on the other hand - is it not nice to know, that you will not be forgotten and that someone (or two) is/are looking after you ?
                  First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                  • #54
                    Turn to Madrid.

                    Beloved Xenophon,

                    I can but assume that you are referring to members of the Holy Reconaissance Corps but fail to see any reason for your disquiet. None are within the borders of your fair realm, indeed I find that you have positioned members of your Cavalry Corps within French Lands, whilst no attempt at subtefuge has been made in our Agent monitoring the sad decline of the Australians and is within what, if only for a short period longer, could be counted as Australian lands. When the City falls, surely a matter of a couple of Turns, the environs will be counted as Greek and you are welcome to expel him as his duty will have been done. To illustrate French good faith he has been moved adjacent to your own 'man in a raincoat' so that you may better note his position and be assured of his peaceful intent.

                    Why Greece should feel this paranoia over French actions bemuses me! We remain 'At Peace' and have only lightly armed and outdated Units upon our frontiers, with all nations, whilst we note the enormity of the forces you have ranged against Australia. How else should France know what occurs in the collective campaign against Australia? Greece must know that any power shift in the far North is of deep concern to France for it would seem likely that she might well find herself possessed of a land border with the Inca soon and, with the rumours flying, even the Welsh!


                    St Jon, Mercy in a Cruel World.
                    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                    - Anon


                    • #55
                      Turn 126 to Stavros & Maestro.


                      • #56
                        Turn 126--> Chairman Thor

                        Our old friend St Jon, you need not be concerned that all our words were directed at you! There are many spies in this world, and while one of the ones we were commenting on was yours, the other was not! There are now spies of all nationalities skulking about this world, as it has become a hothouse of espionage and intrigues!

                        And we were not really protesting your spy. He is welcome to remain for a short time as an impartial observer. But once we have brought in Greek civilians, we will hold you to your word that he will depart.



                        • #57
                          Turn to Madrid.

                          Beloved Children,

                          It does indeed look as though soon all of the woes of the poor benighted Australian people will be over.

                          Indeed we find that Greece too has been eagerly recruiting members of her intelligence service and that a worrisome interest is being shown in the French village of Ruffec. What is it that so fascinates you my noble neighbour?


                          St Jon, Honesty amidst Lies.
                          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                          - Anon


                          • #58
                            Turn 127 to Stavros & Maestro.


                            • #59
                              Turn 127--> Chairman Thor

                              The citizens of Piraeus are merely curious about their new neighbours in the lovely town of Ruffec, St Jon. They would have sent a welcome basket, but they weren't even informed by French authorities that the town existed(I'm sure this was an oversight by some low-ranking bureaucrat !).

                              Still, the incessant sound of hammering upon railroad spikes so close to their homes aroused alarm at what was going on. There had been fear that an offal factory was being erected upwind of Piraeus, but a French town is no cause for alarm, and we welcome their people to the neighbourhood!


                              Greek equestrian enthusiasts meet the news of an automated cavalry with skepticism. It has been expressed that these "iron steeds" lack grace and dignity. But I wish to assure them that the horse cavalry is not being retired, and the sound of hooves will still be heard throughout Greece.



                              • #60
                                Turn to Madrid.

                                Indeed we now see what Beloved Xenophon meant by Spies to left and right. King Thor, Sweet and Beloved Child, I trust that your 'Man in a Raincoat' will think not to travel further South.

                                There are rumours that the Inca may well have other, and even more alarming, Units headed Southward so as to cause deep unease amongst my Flock peacefully worshiping in my Cathedrals. Please take it not into your mind to disrupt these humble fisherfolk as they go about their daily rituals.

                                I am distressed beyond words to see the once mighty Australian Empire reduced to but two Cities. Such, I fear, is the fate of all those who would abandon the way of Peace and Love. As a gesture of fond farewell I beg that all should embrace the dying man so that his passage from this life should be eased by the caresses of those who have despatched him. I am certain that your kisses will lessen his suffering enormously.

                                Blessings unto All.
                                St Jon, Virtue amidst Vice.
                                “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                                - Anon

