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Love Conquers? Part VII.

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  • Turn to Madrid.

    My Beloved Children,

    We welcome unto our Flock the 'Legendary' Field Marshal Lung. No man purer of soul or gentle of nature have I ever had kiss my ring. My spiritual, albeit politically misguided, brother chose well his deputy.

    The befouling of our planet is indeed an issue that needs must be addressed. Spain must surely follow the Greek lead and seek to lower her outflow of contaminents! France is an agrarian nation and therefore produces no pollution, the Welsh but a primitive stone age tribe but the Inca are a beacon to us all. Long possessed of the Technologies to build corrupting devices they have chosen Gaia first!

    Blessings Upon You All,
    St Jon, Sensitivity in an Unfeeling World.
    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
    - Anon


    • Originally posted by St Jon
      We welcome unto our Flock the 'Legendary' Field Marshal Lung. No man purer of soul or gentle of nature have I ever had kiss my ring.
      ...ever had kick your arse, more like it

      The befouling of our planet is indeed an issue that needs must be addressed. Spain must surely follow the Greek lead and seek to lower her outflow of contaminents!
      Mobius hasn't been befouling the land again, has he?

      Anyway, it's a pleasure to be back


      • Hey Lang, be gentle with the Australian citizens of Spain .

        Turn 138 to Stavros.


        • Originally posted by Keygen
          Hey Lang, be gentle with the Australian citizens of Spain .
          LANG?? Who the hell is Lang? He sounds like a spy or something


          • Turn 138 --> Comrade Thor

            In a decision that has sparked controversy, the Ministry of Defense (MOD) announced today that they had lowered the war readiness of Greece. Already, thousands of soldiers are traveling homeward, to the great joy of their friends and family. However, others warn ominously that the world is still a dangerous place, and that Greece must remain vigilant.

            Still, even critics of the decision acknowledge that the move can be quickly reversed, and that Greece has a formidable fighting force, should any international trouble erupt.

            A spokesman for the MOD stated that whether military readiness remains at reduced levels largely depends upon whether the rest of the world joins Greece in this peaceful action.

            (From an article in today's Athens World News .)


            • Turn to Madrid.

              My Beloved Children, I can see that two of my neighbours have adopted more peaceful stances so I would ask 'why so not you?' of the Spanish and Welsh.

              Little changes in the peaceful land of France with her Factories working night and day to produce a sufficient supply of Papal Medals and religious icons.

              Despite all the good words, I am disturbed to see that neither Spain or Greece have sought to reduce their pollution and that even the Inca are contributing to the ever worsening state of our planet's eco-system. Mend thy ways, misguided babes, for elst will soon come a day of dark reckoning!

              Love Unto All.
              St Jon, Innocence amidst Worldliness.
              “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
              - Anon


              • Turn 139 to Rick.


                • We echo the desire of the French High Priest. We too would wish to see the Welsh and the Spaniards lower their military spending as no enemies remain. The lowering of your military spending will allow you to spend more on the building of infrastracture and public improvements projects.

                  As far as our opinion on Pollution goes. It is an inevitable byproduct of the industrial revolution. However, its ill effects on the environment are beginning to show, and we urge the Greeks and the Spanish to reduce the pollution that their industries are spewing out. Pollution cannot be eliminated, however it must not be allowed to occur in excess.

                  Chairman Thor, of the Incan Republic.
                  King Thor


                  • Turn 139 --> Comrade Thor

                    Efforts to reduce pollution are indeed underway in Greece. For those who may be doubters, proof of this endeavour should be apparent in several cycles.



                    • [Meant to post late night]

                      The People of Spain again prostrate themselves before the sublime image of General Lung for his expert stewardship...

                      As for concerns over pollution and military readiness, Spain feels aggreived that her gesture in cutting her pollution output to below that of Greece in one fell swoop has already been quickly forgotten. Spain is about to implement further measures with which to attempt to slow down these greenhouse gases in the imminent future - perhaps then the World will show some gratitude, instead of sniping on about a condition with little scientific proof. Indeed, many Spanish resorts are reporting that the rather like this increase in temperature...

                      As for the position of the Inca, Spain feels that before exhorting others to reduce their pollution Inca herself should lead by example and switch to a more conservationally minded government other than Communism.

                      Lastly, Spain has reduced her military readiness to 'On Alert' after seeing the token of trust exercised by our neighbours the Greeks


                      Tomas de Torquemada
                      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                      • Turn to Madrid.

                        I delighted at the general reduction in global tensions. My Flock can sleep easier in their beds as a result.

                        I acknowledge the enormous efforts made by Spain in attempting to reduce it's Pollution but would beg that there should be no slackening in this worthy endeavour. It is, however a matter of concern that now Inca Pollution has begun a steep rise as well.

                        Bleesings Upon All,
                        St Jon, Friendship in a World of Emnity.
                        “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                        - Anon


                        • There has been great rejoicing all over Spain as her sons and daughters return from the old Australian front!

                          Only a token defensive force has been left outside Perth, and have moved further away from the Welsh frontier so as not to unduly worry our powerful Welsh neighbours and asks that Wales maintains this cordiality by not manning this newly created buffer zone between our two great nations...

                          Spain also notes with satisfaction that, apart from Wales, all other nations have stood down from war - Spain trusts that Wales will also join the rest of the World once the last Australian citizen of Tamworth has fallen. Spain would like to remind the Incan Nation that this is the second straight cycle that two of her SOLs have been trespassing in Spanish waters - perhaps they are confused as Perth is no longer Australian, but a part of the Greater Spanish Reich!?

                          Lastly Spain notes with a grim satisfaction that of all the major industrial powers, her pollution output showed the smallest increase - although not agreeing with environmentalist assertions that Global Warming is indeed caused by the industries of humankind, Spain is so far alone in implementing swingeing cuts in production...

                          Perhaps the others would like to put their words into action!!?


                          Tomas de Torquemada
                          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                          • Turn 140 --> Comrade Thor

                            Greece is pleased at the number of nations who have joined us on the path to a more peaceful world, and have hopes to soon see our Welsh friends embrace this philosophy. In this spirit, we have accepted a Peace Treaty sent to us by the friendly people of Tamworth! Thus ends our war with Australia.

                            Greek physicists have now arrived in several cities to witness what they have wrought, as the first energy plants to harness the power of the atom prepare to go online. There is every expectation that these plants will help lower Greece's pollution in a significant way, and great resources are being deployed toward their construction. As an extra benefit, newly unemployed soldiers from our now smaller army are finding work as technicians at these plants. But it is believed that the plutonium byproducts will be difficult to store on Greek lands, and we ask whether any other nations would be willing to act as depositories for these radioactive substances for ....ummm.... the next ten thousand years, or so?



                            • "The Welsh have lowered their military readiness already. We estimate that no higher readiness level is required to break the last resistance of the Braker Morant's supporters up to the mountains North of Melbourne.

                              Divisions rised for the war against the Australians will remain in the greater area of Sydney-Melbourne-Botany Bay for precaution reasons only and should not raise worries. The lowest readiness level possible proves it.

                              Welsh environmentalists are pleased with the great steps been taken by both Spanish and Greeks for the reduction of global polution. Bigger steps must be made though but it will take some time..."

                              King Constantine


                              • My esteemed friends,

                                There is no need to be concerned about Incan Pollution. Indeed, we have noted that the pollution level is on the rise, and we are taking steps to curb this growth in pollution. It must be kept in mind that pollution is one of the drawbacks on the communist idealogy that we follow to the book. It is unfortunate that it is so, however we must follow the communist ideology for the sake of the Incan people.

                                We would also like to point out to the Spanish and the French that our toxic emissions are significantly lower than theirs even though we are communist. It is like telling a person to stop killing flies while you yourself go out and murder hundreds of humans. Any decrease in pollution by us will be but a drop in an ocean. We already pollute so little that it is virtually impossible to reduce it beyond this point without it having adverse effects on the living standards of our people.

                                This is a peaceful world and We take you all as close friends. As brothers we must work to lower pollution to a point where it no longer threatens our future. We understand that the Spanish and the Greeks will always pollute more than us due to their sizeable industrial complexes, however I do believe they can take steps to lower their pollution to more reasonable values.

                                Chairman Thor of the Incan Republic.
                                King Thor

