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Love Conquers? Part VII.

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  • Turn to Madrid.

    Beloved Children, I am sore afraid for despite the fine words coming from Athens and Madrid Pollution is rising rapidly again in both nations! A further cause for concern is the slow, but steady, increase in Inca toxic emissions.

    France is an entirely agrarian nation where 'My Flock' tend to their's and plant their fields. With Toxic Rain and the Oceans befouled their very live's are endangered.

    Please, look into your hearts and think of Mother Earth rather than short term gain.

    St Jon, Hope amidst Despair.
    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
    - Anon


    • "I do agree with the Incans that their pollution level is relatevely low but they must be aware that while their cities will grow bigger so their pollution will and precausions must be taken.

      Also the Welsh are greately conserned having two full armed Incan divisions only two tiles away from Sydney.
      I would kindly ask you to withdraw them one tile back and create a demilitarized buffer zone between our troops."

      King of Wales Constantine

      Turn 141 to Rick.


      • Turn 141 --> Comrade Thor

        Athens Times

        In its first day online, officials at Greece's nuclear power plants have discovered an undisclosed quantity of weapons-grade plutonium has disappeared. The plutonium, which is a byproduct of the production of electricity was discovered missing from the garden shed in the back yard, in which it was being stored.

        A highly-placed source has disclosed to the Times that it is believed that members of the Australian terrorist group Hummous were responsible for the theft.


        Make good money working in new nuclear power plants. Must be ready to start immediately. No experience necessary. Excellent benefits. Send resume to Homer Simpsonides.


        • Turn to Madrid.

          Pollution yet still rises and it shouldst be remembered that any pledge, taken in vain, is worthless.

          I am deeply concerned as to the production of weopons grade nuclear materials in Greece. I am certain that my beloved neighbour, Xenophon, would not think to utilise these materials for weopon's manufacture but, even so, they represent a potentially huge environmental danger.

          St Jon, Purity Personified.
          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
          - Anon


          • Our Welsh Friends' request is valid. So we will accept it, in fact we will go a step further. We shall now withdraw all units except 2 all the way back to the nearest incan city. We also noticed that you have built a listening post near our border. We believe that is a very good idea, passive security that will provide an early warning instead of piling arms around our borders. We hope the Welsh will have no objection to our request that they withdraw all except 2 battalions to the nearest city as well and allow us to build a Listening post in that region.
            King Thor


            • It is with the greatest pleasure that Spain notes the spectre of war has vanished from our fair and bounteous planet!

              Indeed even our erstwhile neighbours the Welsh have come to terms with the Australians - excellent news indeed!

              To mark this auspicious event Spain has ordered all forces of the Greater Spanish Reich to adopt peacetime duties and all ancient units below pikeman have been disbanded!

              Spain also applauds the Incan initiative of pulling her forces back from a potentially sensitive frontier with the Welsh - Spain takes it that any unauthorised movement into a buffer zone be immediately construed internationally as an act of war. There can be no mistake, unless frontiers are suitably demarcated beforehand, the spectre of another war through misunderstanding remains ever present!

              As for the continuing concerns of pollution, Spain is satisfied that she has already made a substantial contribution to a phenomenon that few of our scientists believe in, despite the fact that other nations seem to be 'warming' to it...


              Tomas de Torquemada
              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


              • "Friendly Incans, your proposal seems interesting to us, however we cannot stack 4-5 divisions in a city or two due to technical restrictions . We shall keep them near our cities but far enough from yours so you should not worry about it. You may do the same freely if you like but a small demilitarized buffer zone is nessesary. As for the listening post you may build as many as you like wherever you want to as far as they are within your lands .

                Respected Spanish, my peace treaty with the Australians was only a trick to easily send troops next to the city of Tammorth without get bombarded in case they have cannons . Soon you shall hear a war between the Welsh and the Australians and after a short period their total annihilation!

                When modern weapons replaces the older ones in our cities we will disband those units too.

                As for the results of the global pollution the Welsh environmentalists have observed small changes in the environment such high dryness, low levels of rainfall , slow but steady rise of the level of the sea, and minor aberrances of small rivers.

                If pollution levels increase, those phenomenons will increased as well in amount and severity."

                King of Wales Constantine

                Turn 142 to Rick.


                • Turn 142 --> Comrade Thor

                  Reports that weapons-grade plutonium is now being sold openly on the black market are distressing, and Greece Intelligence is actively working to bring the criminals responsible to justice. But our growing efforts to reduce pollution in Greece could not continue without our nuclear power industry, and officials from these companies assure us that they are no longer storing these dangerous materials in old duffel bags.

                  In a related matter, we caution you, King Constantine to beware terrorist cells in Australia who are reportedly working on constructing a thermonuclear device. We stand ready to help your scientists dismantle any such bombs that might be found when you take the remaining Australian city.

                  As all industrial nations struggle to lower their pollution, we note that the most efficient tools to further this goal still elude us in Greece. We ask that any nation discovering Conservation make it available to all the world.

                  Finally, we call upon St Jon to put as much effort into curbing his own pollution as he has in pointing out those of others. Monitors continue to detect a rapidly rising level of contaminants pouring from French lands. Surely as the friend of the hedgehog and all the rest of God's creatures, you must wish for their good health and welfare?



                  • Turn -> Jon (wow... this was a quick turn)


                    Incan authorities were a little confused when they arrived at the Welsh border for they could not find any listening posts. Perhaps the great king was mistaken. He needs to study his maps more carefully.
                    As a result the Incan construction of Listening posts on the Welsh border will be delayed.

                    My Welsh brothers,
                    We can see two entire divisions near our border, a considerably large force in itself, yet you speak of 4-5 divisions in total. The presence of such a large force near our border is naturally very unnerving to us. Why must you place these many troops near us? It is 20 times the number of troops we have placed! Please send all but 2 divisions back to your home lands, else we will have to reconsider moving both our divisions back into position for security reasons.

                    King Constantine, we hope you see our position.

                    Chairman Thor, of the Incan Republic.
                    King Thor


                    • "But only two divisions will serve in the Welsh-Incan borders. The rest will be sent in other places...

                      As for the Welsh listening post, it is located west of Sydney.

                      And I thank the Greeks for their tip. If needed we shall call you at once! "

                      King Constantine


                      • Turn to Madrid.

                        Beloved Xenophon, France produces no Pollution whatsoever as she is a pure nation. Graphical information indicating otherwise is misleading for how can mere statistitions hope to understand the impact of spiritual purity?

                        St Jon, Joy amidst Tears.
                        “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                        - Anon


                        • As all industrial nations struggle to lower their pollution, we note that the most efficient tools to further this goal still elude us in Greece. We ask that any nation discovering Conservation make it available to all the world.
                          Once Spain has completed her modernisation program, she will be only too happy to research this advance and share it amongst the other nations of the World.

                          Be warned however that Spain is in the midst of a 100 years building program and certain criteria must be met by her industrial and scientific bases before what seems to be a trivial and unproven advance wastes the resources of Spanish scientists.

                          Any other nation who fully believes that humankind is indeed responsible for any increase in global temperatures is free to replace their convictions with science and research Conservation before Spain.

                          The leaders of Spain are reliably informed that improvements such as Academies, Publishing Houses and Universities create a zero impact to the environment and would hasten the scientific cause of any such nation...

                          After voluntarily standing her forces down to a passive stance, Spain still wonders for what reason the armies of Greece and the Inca are still at 'On Alert' status...?

                          The leadership marvels at the wave of euphoria that has spread across the populace of Spain like an invigorating zephyr and we therefore stand in awe at our Brother Jon's ability to keep his flock out of the conflagration that so almost threatened to engulf the whole World!

                          Finally, intelligence has come into the hands of the Gestapo Iberianica that Wales' peace with Australia is nothing more that a cynical trick to take Australia's final outpost of Tamworth...

                          We hope that this is not so, as it would tarnish the exemplary record of King Constantine and throw in doubt any future promises made by the Welsh...

                          Indeed with the cruel and malignant Breaker Morant gone, Spain believes that the reason for warring with Australia has been eliminated. Surely the brief and peaceful reign of Blackice proves this...

                          GI Globesat images of Tamworth show that any such attack would result in the utter annihilation of the city and would therefore end in an act of final genocide against what must be a beaten and defenceless people disastrously led astray by a ruthless megalomaniac.

                          I sincerely hope that when our security council next convenes, that the flag of Australia will still be flying over a small corner of the World...


                          Tomas de Torquemada
                          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                          • "Does my Spanish friend wishes me to spare Braker Morant's supporters lives? They didn't seem to care for the Australian lives while slaughtering them in all 6 Australians cities they sieged! Is this a public announcement of your guilt on your own crimes against the Australians?

                            I gave a promise to anyone that I would eliminate the last resistance of the tyrant in Tamworth and I intent to keep my promise.

                            If you would care for them as you are trying to convince us all you would let Perth too on their hands and you wouldn't send fascists to massacre them instead!

                            Please, mind your own bussiness and don't try to interfere on our affairs. We do not interfere with your affairs..."

                            King of Wales Constantine

                            Turn 143 to Rick.


                            • King Constantine, My Sweet Child,

                              My Brother Tomas is entirely correct.

                              The pursuit of Breaker Morant was justifiable but the genocide of an entire people is little short of shameful!

                              I would plead with all leaders that they should seek to aid the, now decontaminated, Australian nation back into a worthwhile existance.

                              Mercy and Generousity are virtues that should not lightly be dismissed by avaricious dictators.

                              St Jon, Joy amidst Despair.
                              “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                              - Anon


                              • "I think you both exaggerate a bit. The Welsh have occupied only 3 Australian cities where they still live Australian people and enjoy wealth and happiness. In the contrary more Australian cities have been occupied by the Spanish and their citizens' lack is unknown. There are rumors that most of them have been deceived by the Spanish authorities and led to large stoves for the production of cheap soaps to be released in the Spanish market to antagonize the more expensive but natural Welsh soaps!

                                The city of Tamworth must be annihilated to eliminate the last resistance of Braker Morant's supposters. The Greeks have confirmed that there are Australian terrorist groups there threaten to blow up the entire area with a stolen nuclear device. The worst must be avoided by all means. Therefore the Welsh troops must act immediately!

                                However all civilians will be spared and will be send to France will my blessings."

                                King of Wales Constantine
                                Last edited by Keygen; July 21, 2001, 19:59.

