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Love Conquers? Part VII.

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  • #31
    Turn received. Will be played within next ½ hour
    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



    • #32
      Turn 122 to Madrid.

      Sent to you from the embracement of pain.

      Maxim, munk.
      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



      • #33
        The shadow of communism...

        While the Incan Empire is to be congratulated on her progress, the choice of governments worries the Fascists of Spain...

        Indeed, rumours abound that communist doctrine calls for progress at the expense of the environment!

        This development will be monitored with interest in Madrid!

        Further news, Spanish forces have now moved into place for the siege of the Australian city of Longreach - early overtures of peace from Sydney have again been replaced by the stony cold wall of silence!

        General Franco
        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


        • #34
          I Pray for your forgiveness, My Children!

          Even upon a Saint 'real life' sometimes interferes but I have absolute confidence that Cardinal Bird continued in the French tradition of Love and Peace to all.

          I too must express my deep concern at atheistic Communism being adopted by a neighbouring state. Cathedrals desecrated and Bibles burnt; are these not the product of the heretic teachings of Marx and Engels?

          Blessings upon you all.
          St Jon, Love's Lover.
          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
          - Anon


          • #35
            "Cardiff's crew would happily join the Greeks to a mutual exploration of the great west sea!

            Congratulation on your new government Chairman Thor although you production might reproduce some ecological disruption ."

            King Constantine

            Turn 122 to Maestro.


            • #36
              Turn 122 -->Chairman Thor

              Greek scientists announce a major technological breakthrough:
              The discovery of the Rubber Duckie!



              • #37
                Turn to Jon
                King Thor


                • #38
                  Turn to Madrid.

                  My Beloved Children,

                  I trust that you whom I have offered a renewal of, soon to be expired, Peace Treaties will accept the hand of love and bask in it's heavenly glory.

                  A thousandfold thanks to Cardinal Bird for his able handling the Holy Republic's affairs during my unintended absence. He has indeed embarked upon a new, and dangerous, policy of 'secular education'! The University of Paris was opened with due ceremony and it's first students admitted amidst popular acclaim.

                  Such display's of indepentant thought are wholly contrary to all the Teaching's of the Book of Jon!

                  I am a bewildered and somewhat hurried Saint.

                  Blessings unto All,
                  St Jon, Joy amidst Despair.
                  “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                  - Anon


                  • #39
                    Nice duck Rick. Does that mean that you still play with it?

                    Turn 123 to Maestro.


                    • #40
                      Turn 123 -->Chairman Thor

                      Thank you, King Constantine. In my country, the duck is respected for his strength and courage. Known for their ferocity in battle, ducks inspire our warriors with their many acts of heroism. And many admire their stoicism, and ability to triumph against adversity. So, is it any wonder that we place the mighty duck on a pedestal?

                      Oh, and they're quite good cooked with cherries, too!



                      • #41
                        Turn to Madrid.

                        The very Devil himself strikes again! Satan might be masquerading under the name 'Activision' but I beg of you, My Children, do not be fooled! He will shower you with gifts that you have no use for and cause disquiet amongst your people when they should have no thoughts other than happy acceptance of the joy surrounding them.

                        King Constantine, Beloved of my very Soul, I plead with you to stay your bullets from the innocent Cubans! They are a peaceful folk who simply seek to establish settlements for themselves and have proven themselves far hardier than the previous incumbants of Melbourne. Set aside your weopons of war and help to nurture these poor pimitive people into the enlightenment of 'Civilisation'.

                        It is was with joy unlimited that I received positive responses to all my proposed Peace Treaties. I know that all of you are entirely sincere in all of your dealings with all men, canonised or not, so I may sleep soundly tonight in the knowledge that no threat lay over the heads of my congregation.

                        St Jon, Illumination in the Night.
                        “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                        - Anon


                        • #42
                          The Taking of Longreach - a Formal Apology!

                          During the disasterous bombardment of Longreach, fully 600,000 of a population of 800,000 were killed, all installations such as Granaries, City Walls etc were also destroyed - Spanish cannon appeared to hit anything but the defending soldiers...

                          Two theories are being postulated...

                          1) Still incensed by the historical Australia massacre of Pontevedran refugees, Spanish Fascists went on a killing spree!

                          2) The cowardly Australian forces used their own civilians as human shields with which to cower behind!

                          Naturally, the Spanish government favours the second option...

                          Spain asks the other nations of the World to join her in a turn's silence to mourn the loss of so many innocent citizens caught up in a conflict by the continuing clinging to power of a bloodthirsty tyrant!

                          Spain asks for the unconditional surrender of Australia, so that no more civilians become casualties...

                          General Franco
                          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                          • #43
                            "My sympathy to the innocent Australian citizens. I support the idea of the unconditional surrender of Australia. The citizens must be liberated from the Tyrant and no longer suffer casulties.

                            A new occupation appeared in Wales. The profession of Lawyer. It had such a success all over the country so they desided to create an academy where young men could study the laws and become lawyers. The Welsh Law Academy!"

                            King of Wales Constantine


                            Hm, I must admit that I completely changed my opinion about ducks Rick .

                            Turn 124 to Maestro.


                            • #44
                              Turn 124 -->Chairman Thor

                              Sad news reaches us that the Cubans are no more! Where will our people ever get cigars like that again? Are cuchifritas now gone from this planet? Several of our ministers wonder if their beach houses still stand. And what of that little shack that served such great ropas viejas?

                              Be brave, St Jon. Universities are fine institutions, and their existence proves that France is no longer completely wallowing in the Dark Ages. Allow your people to think for themselves. But do not be surprised when they begin wearing all black, and calling themselves existentialists! And expect the construction of many new coffee houses!



                              • #45
                                The Turn has been passed into the hand's of my 'Beloved Neighbour' General Franco.

                                My Children,

                                Only a short missive from an electorially fatigued Saint this Turn.

                                Show clemency whenever possible, I realise that some do go too far, but never let there again be a repeat of the vile genocide committed upon the innocent Cubans.

                                Can Wales feel any real pride?

                                Blessings unto All,
                                St Jon, The Michelan Guide in a World of Macdonalds.
                                “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                                - Anon

