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Monkey 2 - part VIII

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  • #76
    I feel for ya Zaphod my free server was down all last nite. Ill be moving in a month and then........cable modem haha


    • #77
      I have nexted Zaphod and sent the turn to Blackice, TheBirdMan's replacement player.


      • #78
        Turn played and sent to Yeti.

        That was fun heh
        “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
        Or do we?


        • #79
          I'M BACK


          • #80
            Turn to Don

            Statement from Supreme Commander Yeti:

            At long last the Austrailian Horde has been driven back to the sea, where they came from. The battle-hardened 4th Armored Div (HareSplitters) with support from the 24th Light Infantry (AlphaMales) has defeated all enemy in and around Toulouse.

            Resistance was moderate, and many Aussie troops fled the battlefield and jumped into the sea at the mere sight of the famous HareSplitter Division, taking their chances with the sea, as facing the 4th would mean certain death.

            This war has not been kind to Toulouse. After 2 nukings, bombardments and several occupations, the once great city of 1.5 million people is now nothing more than a ghost town. France will begin cleaning the stained land the Austrailians left behind. It seems Mother Nature has that in mind also.......

            Yeti, the Victor

            [This message has been edited by Yeti (edited March 22, 2001).]


            • #81
              Turn 239 to Zaphod


              • #82
                Long Live Yeti and the Great French Nation!

                [This message has been edited by Yeti (edited March 27, 2001).]


                • #83
                  anyone hear from zaphod? i sent him a email yesterday???


                  • #84
                    I just sent the turn to Zaphod again. If he doesn't play it within 24 hours I'll end his turn for him.


                    • #85
                      I have ended Zaphod's turn and sent it to Yeti.


                      • #86
                        Turn to Don

                        Statement from Supreme Commander Yeti:

                        Amid much negotiation, France has emerged as a leader in World Peace!

                        The Supreme Commander has brokered a peace treaty with the Austrailians. France was very pleased that despite our two country's differences, Lung only used military force on military targets. In addition to admitting defeat against the technically and tactically superior Supreme Commander Yeti, Lung humbly withdrew all remaining forces from Toulouse. There were even reports of Austrailian soldiers handing out rations to hungry French women and children. Some enjoyed France so much, they decided to make it their home, permanantly, and are assisting the many farms across France!

                        Peace with the Americans has been offered by France. The Supreme Commander Yeti has offered a deal that Don cannot refuse! Yeti invites all nations to follow France's lead in creating a new peace for the world, and to send a message to the Americans to embrace a bright future of prosperity!

                        Yeti, for Peace!


                        • #87
                          Turn 240 to Zaphod


                          • #88
                            Froggie speaks with forked tongue!!!

                            No sooner do the French propose peace than they merrily go a piratin'! I'll be damned if i can find where the hell the pirating took place, though

                            In true Lung style, the next French ship to pirate an Australian trade route will see with their last breath the might of an Australian nuclear warhead raining down upon them!


                            • #89
                              Statement from Supreme Commander Yeti:

                              I cannot confirm or deny the existence of pirating of Austrailian trade routes. I can confirm, however, that France has offered a "No Pirating" agreement and no pirating has occured after that offer was made. I encourage the Austrailians to agree to this offer, in order for peace and understanding to bloom between our great countries.

                              As a token of our effort toward peace, France will be more than happy to give gifts to Lung and his powerful, fearsome, military, once the no pirating and trespassing agreement is signed.

                              As for not knowing where other countries' units are near your borders, might i suggest lookout posts and especially sonar bouys? France has had alot of experience in this subject recently

                              Also, I would like to thank Don for his acceptance of peace. I feel he will make a fine neighbor. Although I may disagree with the means, if the ends is peace, then France is happy

                              Yeti, for Peace!

                              p.s. anyone hear from zaphod?
                              [This message has been edited by Yeti (edited April 04, 2001).]


                              • #90
                                Zaphod's turn has been ended and I sent turn 241 to Yeti.

