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  • I know...

    The one good thing is that there's a distinct chance that Mutal is building a cuirassier currently, which would be much better for us (no defensive bonuses). But yes, we have to plan on 3 units being in place in Mutal. As such, I think we will want to upgrade all four knights to cuirassiers ourselves, to give the maximum chance of success.


    • Originally posted by sooooo View Post
      Mutal having 76 hammers invested probably means we should sim the city having 3 units in place (unfortunately). It will be able to finish its current build, then slave out a longbow/musket on T169.
      Well surely it will slave out a pike, right?

      Anyways, I'll try to sim it out. I suspect that with a pair of Curaissars we will still win.


      • Foreign Builds from C&D: Turn 168

        Imperio 458EP (+0 EP)
        Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Decentralization, Organized Religion
        Mutal (size 13) = N/A, zero shields invested
        Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Granary, Monument, Forge, Library, Stonehenge, Oracle, The Sistine Chapel
        Lakamha (size 10) = 40 shields (+40)
        Infrastructure: Barracks, Monument, Granary, Library, Bank, Islamic shrine, Notre Dame
        Chichen Itza (size 8) = 53 shields (+13)
        Infrastructure: Granary, Monument, Lighthouse, Barracks, Christian Monastery, Library
        Uxmal (size 15) = N/A, zero shields invested
        Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Ball Court (Colosseum), Lighthouse, Library, Statue of Zeus
        Mayapan (size 15) = 102 shields (+12)
        Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Lighthouse, Ball Court (Colosseum)
        Calakmul (size 10) = 25 shields (+25)
        Infrastructure: Monument, Library, Barracks, Granary, Islamic Temple, Lighthouse
        Oxhuitza (size 3) = 30 shields (+10)
        Infrastructure: Monument, Granary, Library
        Damascus (size 4) = 2t resistance
        Infrastructure: Monument, Granary, Apostolic Palace (Christianity)

        Mutal finished a build that was either 80, 90, or 100 shields. (Last turn: 73 shields, +26 shields/turn.) There's really no way to tell what this is, unfortunately. My best guess is a cuirassier: Imperio started this build the same turn they discovered Military Tradition, and it's a logical build since Imperio didn't know how quickly Templars would collapse. Worst-case scenario is a musket build, which fortifies in Mutal (although I took this into account with our sims, and we can still capture the city even if that's the case.)

        Uxmal also worries me. Unfortunately, it finishes what looks like an 80 shield build (Last turn: 66 shields, +18 shields/turn) which can only be a musket. If headed south, the unit will be passing near to Mutal, and would be able to move in there and reinforce when we attack. There's really nothing we can do about this, however. Cross our fingers and hope that the unit won't be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

        PAL 278EP (+8 EP)
        Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Free Market, Theocracy
        The Warning (size 10) = N/A, zero shields invested
        Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Lighthouse, Library, Forge, Confucian Temple, Obelisk, Harbor, Confucian Monastery, Taoist Monastery, Christian Monastery, Grocer, University, Christian Temple, Bank, Academy, Oxford University
        Memphis (size 13) = 94 shields (+38)
        Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Lighthouse, Heroic Epic, Moai Statues, The Great Lighthouse
        Heliopolis (size 11) = 132 shields (+15)
        Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Grocer, Confucian Shrine
        Elephantine (size 8) = N/A, zero shields invested
        Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University
        Alexandria (size 7) = 40 shields (+15)
        Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
        Pi-Ramesses (size 8) = 34 shields (+7)
        Infrastructure: Granary, Courthouse, Library, Barracks, Forge, Obelisk, University
        Giza (size 9) = 8 shields (-40)
        Infrastructure: Granary, Lighthouse, Forge, Library, University, Confucian Monastery, Confucian Temple
        Byblos (size 5) = 32 shields (+6)
        Infrastructure: Obelisk, Granary, Forge, Barracks, Lighthouse
        Navajo (size 4) = 57 shields (+42)
        Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
        Akhetaten (size 5) = 75 shields (+7)
        Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Courthouse, Barracks
        Eisenburg (size 1) = 38 shields (+34)
        Infrastructure: none
        Cities without visibility: Thebes (contain Mausoleum, Parthenon, and Sankore)

        The Warning sits with nothing in the box for the second straight turn - not sure what's happening there. Elephantine was double-whipped last turn, so it probably built a cannon or cuirassier. Giza swaps production and Eisenburg gets a forest chop. PAL doesn't seem to be constructing many buildings right now - they're all units currently.


        • Soldier count update for Imperio:

          Imperio Soldier Points = 471k

          Population: 78 pop points = 39k

          Technology: Sailing, Hunting, Mining, Animal Husbandry (2k each) = 8k
          Wheel, Alphabet, Metal Casting, Compass, Construction (4k each) = 20k
          Mathematics, Chemistry, Archery (6k each) = 18k
          Guilds, Bronze Working, Machinery (8k each) = 24k
          Horseback Riding, Iron Working (10k each) = 20k
          Gunpowder = 12k
          Total = 102k

          City Improvements/Wonders
          Mutal: Barracks, Forge = 5k
          Lakamha: Barracks = 3k
          Chichen Itza: Barracks = 3k
          Uxmal: Barracks, Statue of Zeus = 7k
          Mayapan: Barracks = 3k
          Calakmul: Barracks = 3k
          Oxhuitza: nothing
          Damascus: nothing
          Total = 24k

          This leaves 306k Soldier points for units.

          Trireme (location unknown) = 3k

          Caraval (somewhere over by New World) = 3k

          Chichen Itza garrison:
          1 longbow = 6k

          Oxhuitza garrison (T157):

          Mutal garrison (T164):
          1 longbow = 6k

          Mayapan garrison (T165):
          1 holkan = 4k

          Lakamha garrison (T165):
          1 holkan (Mutalac) = 4k

          Calakmul garrison (T166):
          2 longbows (6k each) = 12k

          Damascus garrison (T168):
          1 musket = 9k
          2 maces (9k each) = 18k
          1 longbow = 6k
          2 pikes (6k each) = 12k
          Total = 45k

          Uber stack, one tile NW of Acre (T168):
          3 knights (10k each) = 30k
          1 musket = 9k
          6 macemen (9k each) = 54k
          3 elephants (8k each) = 24k
          1 pikemen = 6k
          3 longbows (6k each) = 18k
          9 cats (5k each) = 45k
          Total = 186k

          Exploring Knight (T168)
          1 knight = 10k

          Soldier Count Total = 279k
          Missing = 27k (relatively little)

          * * * * *

          Something like 3-4 units are left unaccounted for. We can state with certainty that there are no Imperio armies out in the fog that we don't know about. What we can't say is precisely where those missing ~30k of units are located; there could be a larger garrison than we expect at Mutal, for example. Just impossible to know until we move in there and see next turn. Overall though, we can be pretty confident that if the Imperio armed forces in the south are wiped out, they'll have to build most of a replacement army from scratch.
          Attached Files


          • I'll try to sort through the massive bushwacking of Imperio units sometime in the next day or so, and get an updated count of their military. Long story short, I believe we've accounted for all but 10-15k of their units, so there shouldn't be any major surprises lurking in the fog. Now the update for the current turn:

            Foreign Builds from C&D: Turn 169

            Imperio 458EP (+0 EP)
            Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Decentralization, Organized Religion
            Mutal (size 13) = 32 shields (+32)
            Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Granary, Monument, Forge, Library, Stonehenge, Oracle, The Sistine Chapel
            Lakamha (size 10) = N/A, zero shields invested
            Infrastructure: Barracks, Monument, Granary, Library, Bank, Islamic shrine, Notre Dame
            Uxmal (size 15) = 22 shields (+22)
            Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Ball Court (Colosseum), Lighthouse, Library, Statue of Zeus
            Mayapan (size 16) = 117 shields (+15)
            Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Lighthouse, Ball Court (Colosseum)
            Calakmul (size 10) = 47 shields (+22)
            Infrastructure: Monument, Library, Barracks, Granary, Islamic Temple, Lighthouse
            Oxhuitza (size 3) = 37 shields (+7)
            Infrastructure: Monument, Granary, Library
            Acre (size 3) = 3t resistance
            Infrastructure: Monument

            Lakamha built something cheap, in the 50-60 shield range. Normally I would guess catapult, but I think the more logical build here is a longbow for one of the cities Imperio was expecting to receive from us. Whoops!

            PAL 286EP (+8 EP)
            Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Free Market, Theocracy
            The Warning (size 10) = 124 shields (+124)
            Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Lighthouse, Library, Forge, Confucian Temple, Obelisk, Harbor, Confucian Monastery, Taoist Monastery, Christian Monastery, Grocer, University, Christian Temple, Bank, Academy, Oxford University
            Memphis (size 13) = N/A, zero shields invested
            Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Lighthouse, Heroic Epic, Moai Statues, The Great Lighthouse
            Heliopolis (size 11) = 147 shields (+15)
            Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Grocer, Confucian Shrine
            Elephantine (size 8) = 15 shields (+15)
            Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University
            Alexandria (size 7) = 55 shields (+15)
            Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
            Pi-Ramesses (size 8) = 41 shields (+7)
            Infrastructure: Granary, Courthouse, Library, Barracks, Forge, Obelisk, University
            Byblos (size 4) = N/A, zero shields invested
            Infrastructure: Obelisk, Granary, Forge, Barracks, Lighthouse
            Navajo (size 5) = 62 shields (+5)
            Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
            Akhetaten (size 4) = N/A, zero shields invested
            Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Courthouse, Barracks
            Eisenburg (size 1) = 40 shields (+2)
            Infrastructure: none
            Cities without visibility: Thebes (contain Mausoleum, Parthenon, and Sankore)

            Giza and its Granary, Lighthouse, Forge, Library, University, Confucian Monastery and Confucian Temple is gone! Thanks, Donovan!

            I think The Warning has to be producing a building with a doubled resource, because otherwise they shouldn't be able to pull that kind of production, even with overflow benefit. Memphis churns out another 100 shield unit, either a cannon or cuirassier. Byblos and Akhetaten both whip out another unit, no idea what. PAL is abusing their little cities pretty badly; no infrastructure, just whip camps for more units. We'll see how well that holds up in the long term, depending on how long this game lasts.

            * * * * *

            This post will likely be updated after Imperio responds on their turn. Where and how they whip will tell us a lot about what units are coming down the pipeline.


            • Originally posted by Sullla View Post
              This post will likely be updated after Imperio responds on their turn. Where and how they whip will tell us a lot about what units are coming down the pipeline.
              If they play their turn ...
              Originally posted by Naldorinho View Post
              Ok Krill thank you! I see that here you play different.

              For us (in spanish forum) all of pacts signed are unbreakable and I was playing during these 2 month with this point of view. If here the diplomacy have not any importance for me is not necessary send messages or make pacts. Another time I will not waste time.

              If I had played konwing these conditions RB never will captured an imperio city It is the problem

              Now I'm alone making imperio's movements and managing imperio's diplomacy, but in this conditions this game are not interesting for me. I was making a big effort to play the turns regulary and a lot of times I've lost the turn and for that sometime we can do all thing that we want to do (like attack in a concret turn or be quick with diplomcy answers) but never we make nothing or lie deliberate like RB has made.

              Sorry I don't want to waste more time in a game where diplomacy has not importance.

              Thank you for all and sorry for all the problems that imperio causes to other teams.
              Quote: "All Happiness is the release of internal pressure"
              Visit my Civ IV web site for information on mods that I am involved with or use and other Civ IV tools
              woo hoo! My wife publishes her first book. Buy it now in paperback format at lulu and help me retire so I can write more BUG mod code.


              • Foreign Builds from C&D: Turn 170

                First we decipher the score changes that took place on CivStats:

                1144 -> 1198 (PAL techs: Printing Press [24] + Steel [30])
                1198 -> 1222 (Banana tech, Astronomy)
                1222 -> 1205 (four-pop whip)
                1205 -> 1192 (three-pop whip)
                1192 -> 1184 (two-pop whip)
                1184 -> 1171 (three-pop whip)

                1171 -> 1179 (two pop grow back: Mutal and Lakamha)

                Mutal -1 pop (double whip +1)
                Lakamha -2 pop (triple whip +1)
                Uxmal -3 pop
                Mayapan -4 pop

                Imperio 458EP (+0 EP)
                Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Decentralization, Organized Religion
                Mutal (size 12) = N/A, zero shields invested
                Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Granary, Monument, Forge, Library, Stonehenge, Oracle, The Sistine Chapel
                Lakamha (size 8) = N/A, zero shields invested
                Infrastructure: Barracks, Monument, Granary, Library, Bank, Islamic shrine, Notre Dame
                Uxmal (size 12) = 22 shields (-)
                Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Ball Court (Colosseum), Lighthouse, Library, Statue of Zeus
                Mayapan (size 12) = 117 shields (-)
                Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Lighthouse, Ball Court (Colosseum)
                Calakmul (size 10) = 12 shields (-35)
                Infrastructure: Monument, Library, Barracks, Granary, Islamic Temple, Lighthouse
                Oxhuitza (size 3) = 1 shield (-36)
                Infrastructure: Monument, Granary, Library
                Acre (size 3) = 2t resistance
                Infrastructure: Monument

                Trying to make sense of all this... Mutal double-whipped a pike for a defender, then a pop grew back interturn. Lakamha whipped something, difficult to say what because there were no shields in the box last turn. Uxmal and Mayapan did enormous whips, 3 and 4 pop respectively, but they overflowed right back into their previous builds, so it's again hard to say what they produced. Calakmul and Oxhuitza swapped builds, but did not whip, probably because neither is in immediate danger. If Imperio is smart, they likely whipped a couple of cannon before they lose access to iron.

                As for the Imperio units running around... Mutalac the pike was a holkan defending in Lakamha; it moved NW two tiles and then upgraded. For the stack NE of Mutal, the musket was produced 2t ago in Uxmal, and stayed in the city for a turn. (We are extremely lucky it didn't move south immediately, or we'd have 4 defenders in Mutal and essentially no chance of capturing it!) The longbow was the defender in Uxmal itself. Lakan the holkan was the defender in Mayapan. And the warrior was the defender in Oxhuitza. So all of those cities were emptied out, and new units whipped in their place last turn. But they are all going to be slightly too late to reach Mutal this turn!

                We are going to have to be careful at Chichen Itza, however, because our Mounted stack is going to be drastically weakened even if the attack succeeds, and those units will be able to move on our frontier afterwards.

                Will do PAL's info later, not as critical right now.


                • Catching up with PAL's info for this turn:

                  PAL 294EP (+8 EP)
                  Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Free Market, Theocracy
                  The Warning (size 10) = 22 shields (-102)
                  Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Lighthouse, Library, Forge, Confucian Temple, Obelisk, Harbor, Confucian Monastery, Taoist Monastery, Christian Monastery, Grocer, University, Christian Temple, Bank, Academy, Oxford University
                  Memphis (size 13) = N/A, zero shields invested
                  Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Lighthouse, Heroic Epic, Moai Statues, The Great Lighthouse
                  Heliopolis (size 9) = N/A, zero shields invested
                  Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Grocer, Bank, Confucian Shrine
                  Elephantine (size 9) = 16 shields (+1)
                  Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University
                  Alexandria (size 7) = 70 shields (+15)
                  Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
                  Pi-Ramesses (size 9) = 48 shields (+7)
                  Infrastructure: Granary, Courthouse, Library, Barracks, Forge, Obelisk, University
                  Byblos (size 5) = 15 shields (+15)
                  Infrastructure: Obelisk, Granary, Forge, Barracks, Lighthouse
                  Navajo (size 5) = N/A, zero shields invested
                  Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
                  Akhetaten (size 4) = 26 shields (+26)
                  Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Courthouse, Barracks
                  Eisenburg (size 1) = 42 shields (+2)
                  Infrastructure: none
                  Cities without visibility: Thebes (contain Mausoleum, Parthenon, and Sankore)

                  The Warning, I don't know what happened there. Maybe a swapped build of some kind? Memphis sits on zero shields in the box for a second turn, likely churned out a cheap military unit of some kind. Heliopolis finished a Bank, and apparently whipped it to get maximum overflow into a unit. Navajo builds a unit that cost ~70 shields, unless there was a forest chop taking that to 100 for a cannon/cuirassier? No clue.

                  Interesting final note for Imperio: Uxmal, not Lakamha, has become the Imperio capital city! This is great news for us, as Imperio remains in Bureaucracy civic and doesn't have a lot of production in Uxmal. Lakamha is by far their best city, and getting the extra production in there would not have been good for us.


                  • Update for the current turn, with some interesting info:

                    Foreign Builds from C&D: Turn 171

                    Imperio 458EP (+0 EP)
                    Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Decentralization, Organized Religion
                    Lakamha (size 8) = N/A, zero shields invested
                    Infrastructure: Barracks, Granary, Library, Bank, Islamic shrine, Notre Dame
                    Uxmal (size 12) = 76 shields (+54)
                    Infrastructure: Barracks, Granary, Ball Court (Colosseum), Lighthouse, Library, Statue of Zeus
                    Mayapan (size 12) = N/A, zero shields invested
                    Infrastructure: Barracks, Granary, Lighthouse, Ball Court (Colosseum), Forge
                    Calakmul (size 10) = 69 shields (+57)
                    Infrastructure: Library, Barracks, Granary, Islamic Temple, Lighthouse
                    Oxhuitza (size 3) = 2 shields (+1)
                    Infrastructure: Granary, Library

                    Wow, the Imperio column is getting pretty small here, eh? Deleting all those Monuments from their infrastructure list was fun too!

                    OK, this is a little complicated because of the huge whipping Imperio did on T169, and then their team missing T170 and failing to play. This really benefitted us, because some of the cities that whipped out an emergency unit - like Lakamha - then sat with zero shields in the box and produced nothing last turn, wasting a turn of production. Others whipped out units on T170, then had the overflow go back into their infrastructure projects on T171, because there was no hand at the wheel to redirect it into more units. Here's what I believe the exact breakdown was:

                    Lakamha: no production last turn
                    Uxmal: whip overflow into infrastructure
                    Mayapan: whip overflow completes Forge
                    Calakmul: whip overflow into infrastructure
                    Oxhuitza: not whipped, appears to be on an AI-assigned max growth configuration (1 shields/turn)

                    Needless to say, this is not the setup you want in the middle of a desperate struggle to the death!

                    PAL 302EP (+8 EP)
                    Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Free Market, Theocracy
                    The Warning (size 10) = N/A, zero shields invested
                    Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Lighthouse, Library, Forge, Confucian Temple, Obelisk, Harbor, Confucian Monastery, Taoist Monastery, Christian Monastery, Grocer, University, Christian Temple, Bank, Academy, Oxford University
                    Memphis (size 13) = 42 shields (+42)
                    Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Lighthouse, Heroic Epic, Moai Statues, The Great Lighthouse
                    Heliopolis (size 9) = 44 shields (+44)
                    Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Grocer, Bank, Confucian Shrine
                    Elephantine (size 9) = 17 shields (+1)
                    Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University
                    Alexandria (size 7) = 85 shields (+15)
                    Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
                    Pi-Ramesses (size 9) = 55 shields (+7)
                    Infrastructure: Granary, Courthouse, Library, Barracks, Forge, Obelisk, University
                    Byblos (size 5) = 21 shields (+6)
                    Infrastructure: Obelisk, Granary, Forge, Barracks, Lighthouse
                    Navajo (size 6) = 16 shields (+16)
                    Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
                    Akhetaten (size 3) = N/A, zero shields invested
                    Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Courthouse, Barracks
                    Eisenburg (size 1) = 44 shields (+2)
                    Infrastructure: none
                    Cities without visibility: Thebes (contain Mausoleum, Parthenon, and Sankore)

                    Don't know what The Warning built this turn, but it's good news because it makes it less likely The Warning will complete a unit at the start of next turn and wreck Banana's plans. Akhetaten whipped out another unit, as one of PAL's endless whipping camps. (Still not sure this will work long term, but definitely effective at the moment.) Mostly, however, this was a quiet turn as PAL recovered from some intensive military whips.

                    The Master Blacksmith event adds +1 shield/turn to the Forge. Hopefully, PAL will enjoy that benefit for exactly one turn in The Warning...


                    • Update for the current turn:

                      Foreign Builds from C&D: Turn 172

                      Imperio 458EP (+0 EP)
                      Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Decentralization, Organized Religion
                      Lakamha (size 8) = 21 shields (+21)
                      Infrastructure: Barracks, Granary, Library, Bank, Islamic shrine, Notre Dame
                      Uxmal (size 13) = 27 shields (-49)
                      Infrastructure: Barracks, Granary, Ball Court (Colosseum), Lighthouse, Library, Statue of Zeus
                      Mayapan (size 12) = 30 shields (+30)
                      Infrastructure: Barracks, Granary, Lighthouse, Ball Court (Colosseum), Forge
                      Calakmul (size 10) = 16 shields (-53)
                      Infrastructure: Library, Barracks, Granary, Islamic Temple, Lighthouse
                      Oxhuitza (size 2) = N/A, zero shields invested
                      Infrastructure: Granary, Library

                      Uxmal and Calakmul finally were swapped off their infrastructure last turn (as I predicted in the C&D stats!) In fact, all four of Imperio's core cities are just starting military builds. We'll have to wait and see if any of them get whipped this turn; Imperio certainly should be whipping at Calakmul. Oxhuitza double-whipped something last turn, from size 2 to 4, but I'll be darned if I know what it was! It wasn't a building, and if it was a unit, it was moved illegally at the start of their last turn. Real mystery here.

                      Oxhuitza cannot be whipped this turn, since it has nothing in the box and is only size 2. Even a single pop whip would require 2 pop with the no-shield penalty, and that makes it impossible.

                      PAL 310EP (+8 EP)
                      Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Free Market, Theocracy
                      The Warning (size 10) = 124 shields (+124)
                      Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Lighthouse, Library, Forge, Confucian Temple, Obelisk, Harbor, Confucian Monastery, Taoist Monastery, Christian Monastery, Grocer, University, Christian Temple, Bank, Academy, Oxford University
                      Thebes (size 14) = 60 shields (-)
                      Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Christian Temple, Christian Monastery, Aqueduct, Mausoleum, Parthenon, Sankore
                      Memphis (size 13) = N/A, zero shields invested
                      Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Lighthouse, Heroic Epic, Moai Statues, The Great Lighthouse
                      Heliopolis (size 9) = 54 shields (+10)
                      Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Grocer, Bank, Confucian Shrine
                      Elephantine (size 9) = 18 shields (+1)
                      Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University
                      Alexandria (size 7) = N/A, zero shields invested
                      Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
                      Pi-Ramesses (size 7) = 137 shields (+82)
                      Infrastructure: Granary, Courthouse, Library, Barracks, Forge, Obelisk, University
                      Byblos (size 4) = 102 shields (+81)
                      Infrastructure: Obelisk, Granary, Forge, Barracks, Lighthouse
                      Navajo (size 4) = 101 shields (+85)
                      Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
                      Akhetaten (size 3) = 15 shields (+15)
                      Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Courthouse, Barracks
                      Eisenburg (size 1) = 46 shields (+2)
                      Infrastructure: none

                      First of all, we can see Thebes and now have visibility on all PAL cities! Quite an impressive city it is too. One interesting tidbit is that Thebes has an aqueduct present, which surely indicates that PAL was planning to build the Hanging Gardens here. Thank goodness we chopped it out in time to steal the wonder!

                      I have no idea where The Warning got so many shields this turn... Memphis builds another unit. Aleandria builds a unit at exactly 100 shields (cuirassier or cannon).

                      The other three massive shield increases are easy to figure out. Three different cities were double-whipped: Pi-Ramesses (9 to 7), Byblos (6 to 4) and Navajo (6 to 4). They are all producing 100 shield cuirassiers/cannon. This is unquestionably a good strategy in the short run, and it's going to crush Banana. But I do have to ask those reading this - does this plan work long-term? PAL's cities in the north are already up to something like 5 unhappy faces from whipping. The cities will be permanently stuck at low size from unhappiness. Is this a worthwhile investment? What do you think? And should we be considering doing this at cities like Jericho/Upper Burgundy?


                      • This is unquestionably a good strategy in the short run, and it's going to crush Banana. But I do have to ask those reading this - does this plan work long-term? PAL's cities in the north are already up to something like 5 unhappy faces from whipping. The cities will be permanently stuck at low size from unhappiness. Is this a worthwhile investment? What do you think? And should we be considering doing this at cities like Jericho/Upper Burgundy?
                        The faster they are done with Banana the faster they can start preparations to deal with us. I think a lot of how worthwhile that is depends on how short a time between the two periods is, will they be able to use the units they are producing and training in the war against banana against us, or will they be forced to wait on attacking.


                        • Could Oxhuitza have whipped a spy last turn?


                          • The civ era where I deal the most with happiness issues is Industrial. In that era I draft three rifles every turn for the first 20 or so turns I'm able, creating a LOT of unhappiness. However the Byzantine theater + 100% on the culture slider can produce a LOT of happiness

                            My guess is that PAL will never go that far, but 5 unhappiness should be easily manageable with 20% on the culture slider, right? As far as what we should be doing...I think we're doing fine. We started our war vs Imperio before PAL started theirs with Banana, and Imperio isn't producing units nearly as quickly as Banana is. Over the last 15 turns Banana's power has been spiking much much more than Imperio's.


                            • Originally posted by Sullla View Post
                              But I do have to ask those reading this - does this plan work long-term? PAL's cities in the north are already up to something like 5 unhappy faces from whipping. The cities will be permanently stuck at low size from unhappiness. Is this a worthwhile investment? What do you think? And should we be considering doing this at cities like Jericho/Upper Burgundy?
                              Well, they certainly won't be permanently stuck at low sizes, given that whip anger fades with time. I think it will pay off handsomely for them: Thebes doesn't get whipped and is size 14 with only a Forge and a Temple to boost happiness. Given all PAL's cities have a cheap Forge then they should be able to get back to size 8 without any striking citizens. Throw in a cheap Temple whilst they grow back pop and work the odd mine then it all works rather well (unfortunately).

                              Our situation is rather different, in that PAL's cities all have good food whereas Jericho & UB do not. We've also been drafting as well as whipping, so we're not exactly holding back on the production side either.

                              Another strategic difference is PAL's heavy overlap of core cities which allows them to switch cottages between cities according to the whip-cycles. Our cities are much more spaced out because we lack handily placed food specials to make an overlap strategy work, so whipping probably has a greater opportunity cost for us than for PAL.


                              • Hi,

                                thanks for all the updates, Sulla!

                                Originally posted by Sullla View Post
                                But I do have to ask those reading this - does this plan work long-term? PAL's cities in the north are already up to something like 5 unhappy faces from whipping. The cities will be permanently stuck at low size from unhappiness. Is this a worthwhile investment? What do you think? And should we be considering doing this at cities like Jericho/Upper Burgundy?
                                I think they're doing the right thing here. I know you don't like to whip too often and I remember you questioning their heavy whipping strategy during the opening stages of the game, but look where they stand now! Of course whipping isn't the sole reason for the dominant position, but I think it's been a major factor.

                                Of course whipping and having to deal with the unhappy faces is differently during different eras, but I'm convinced it's still a very good strategy to deal with their current situation. If war weariness adds up too though...well we'll see.


