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What do we think of PTW now?

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  • #91
    Originally posted by zulu9812

    Damn straight. Coracle was right all along, it seems

    . . . I trusted Firaxis. I kept the faith when all around were losing theirs. But I was let down. Badly.

    To all you people who had faith in Firaxis I say
    Told ya. So did Libertarian, Zykla, Jimmytrick, and many others. And we got vilified and insulted for our efforts and not just by posters. Well, again,

    I am not happy. I am very disappointed. I waited over five years for Civ 3, and it is the most disappointing game EVER.

    Firaxis ripped us all off with a buggy beta game that was profoundly and inexorably flawed in certain basic concepts.

    Without a real scenario editor in PTW I may as well delete it from the hard drive now.


    • #92
      Originally posted by WarpStorm
      Spending $30 dollars on a preorder is a very small risk for a few extra days of game playing. If it sucks (I doubt it, but you never know), I'm out about the cost of one meal or a fill up of gas. In any case, less than taking the wife and kids out to a kiddy movie that's guaranteed to suck. It's No Big Deal. If it's great, I played it earlier.

      In other words, if it doesn't cost too much it isn't a rip-off??

      Thirty dollars, three dollars, three cents. A rip off is a rip- off. And after Firaxis stuck it to me for FIFTY dollars, plus THIRTEEN for that joke of a Strategy Guide, last November they owe me a rebate.


      • #93
        Gee, I must have missed the announcement that Firaxis started publishing and setting the prices on their games and related guides...


        • #94

          now. 9 months on a forum for 63$ hmmm.....

          imagine if you get ripped off for a car or a house Coracle!!!
          Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
          Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
 my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


          • #95
            Originally posted by MarkG

            now. 9 months on a forum for 63$ hmmm.....

            imagine if you get ripped off for a car or a house Coracle!!!
            I was waiting to see how long it would be before you started using your favorite "rollingeye" emoticon again, and doing so without addressing Zulu's complaints.

            Didn't take long.

            It was more than $63 - with tax.

            And the amount of irritation and frustration, and wasted time, is in the many hundreds of dollars.

            Anyway, as I said, a rip-off is a rip-off - be it $63 or 63 cents. I have waited now ten months for Firaxis to get it right; they have made it clear now they never will. And a lot of people are none too pleased anymore.

            If I got ripped off on a house or car I'd be suing. Can we have a class action suit against Firaxis??

            Now, continue your ad hominems. . .


            • #96
              addressing Zulu's complaints
              i'll address them after you respond to my answers...
              Can we have a class action suit against Firaxis??
              you could try and see where it gets you....

              after the trial which you would loose, Firaxis could sue you for wrongly accusing them in public for fraud....
              Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
              Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
     my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


              • #97
                Uh... I just want to remember to everyone that "Firaxis" isn't another name for "Gamemakers without Frontiers".
                Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


                • #98
                  "Sans", not "Without"
                  Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                  Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
         my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                  • #99
                    Well on the way, head in a cloud
                    The man of a thousand voices talking perfectly loud
                    Last edited by notyoueither; September 29, 2002, 04:22.
                    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                    • Originally posted by Coracle
                      It was more than $63 - with tax.


                      Can we have a class action suit against Firaxis??
                      You can have a class action suit against just about anyone you want. But I really doubt any bottom-dweller -- err, lawyer -- would take your case. The fact is, the overwhelming majority of people enjoy Civ3. It is a very small minority that doesn't. For every product on the market, you will always find at least one person who is unhappy with it.

                      Seriously though, I'm not trying to be a smarta** or anything, but do you realize that with all the time you've spent complaining on this forum, you could re-invested your time to recuperate your "losses" on Civ3?


                      • Originally posted by player1
                        So it's pretty strage why they did those things in first place.
                        Of course, this was done by different people than are currently working on Civ3 and PTW.
                        Seemingly Benign
                        Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


                        • Realy?

                          As far as I have seen, that pretty much the same team.


                          • That would be incorrect player1, AFAIK.

                            I'm not sure of all the details, but remember the original design team walked during the project. Some of the current team have been known to grumble a bit about the 'hard-coders'.

                            It most likely took some time to recover from the exodus. In the meantime, how much code was already done? How much was scrapped and begun again?

                            I am certain though that Mike came along later and began the task of 'liberating' various values for us to have access to in the editor.
                            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                            • Zulu, I am amazed at how you turned. On the one side I do understand your side but on the other side your tone has turned so much that I sometimes still think taht somebody else is writing your posts! It was not long ago when you pointed to the Amazon reviews and thought to have pin pointed Coracle!

                              Of course you have every right to complain and not to buy the game but coming from you, who lots of times told others to stop complaining has had an impact on me.

                              So long...

                              PS: I will still buy PTW, since I am not into MP too much and scenarios playing is not all that important to me.
                              Excellence can be attained if you Care more than other think is wise, Risk more than others think is safe, Dream more than others think is practical and Expect more than others think is possible.
                              Ask a Question and you're a fool for 3 minutes; don't ask a question and you're a fool for the rest of your life! Chinese Proverb
                              Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. Warren Buffet


                              • Originally posted by Traelin

                                You can have a class action suit against just about anyone you want. But I really doubt any bottom-dweller -- err, lawyer -- would take your case. The fact is, the overwhelming majority of people enjoy Civ3. It is a very small minority that doesn't. For every product on the market, you will always find at least one person who is unhappy with it.

                                Seriously though, I'm not trying to be a smarta** or anything, but do you realize that with all the time you've spent complaining on this forum, you could re-invested your time to recuperate your "losses" on Civ3?
                                your right. firaxis doesnt make a game for your specific needs and wants. They can't possibly answer to all your demands because someone else with different taste will be demanding something else. sharing some complaints and disappoinment is okay, but it seems anywhere I go, for any game these days people whine about how this and that game should have been made to fit their needs and act as they should have soverign power to dictate how the game truely shoudl have been blah blah.

                                Your also right in that coracle is adding more and more to his "losses" from Civ III by wastig time sulking and complaining.

                                One thing I agree w/ coracle in his complaints is the bugs. Game makers in general are relying more and more in patching rather than releasing a polished game. Most of the time its minor and its more of a nuisance issue rather than a need to "call up a crusade against gamemakers who don't catch bugs" issue. I mean, they are humans too, and they let things slide, but they shouldnt make a habit relying on patching.

                                It bites that we have to buy an expansion for wat i feel should have been in Civ III, if any of you are familiar with diablo II, and kinds of promise they made and wat finally made it on the expansion years later... and you can accept it... sigh, any deals look good enough fer ya.

                                BTW, coracle, It's not like you just ate, slept, and sat on a chair waiting for PTW to come out for nine months straight... Did you coracle? cause you sure do make it sound like you did... If not then stop moaning, it wont change anything.

