Oh, I didn't see that, sorry. But you still have the same choice with the settler/worker system, you can let the 'mayors' choose where to improove (set them to auto-mode), or you can do it yourself (more people are used to this, and it is more gratifiing when you move the unit to the square and improove the tile yourself). Also, it can (or at least should) be very crippling to kill off the enemy's workers and pilliage their land. With PW you can only pilliage their land, there are no workers to kill, so it isn't nearly as crippling.
And besides, firaxis has already said that they are using a settler/worker system, why can't you just accept this? Let Civ have a Settler/Worker system, and let CTP have a Public works system. (firaxis keeps settler/worker system: it comes out when they estimate it. firaxis changes to public works, add 2-3 months to release date + $5/game).
And besides, firaxis has already said that they are using a settler/worker system, why can't you just accept this? Let Civ have a Settler/Worker system, and let CTP have a Public works system. (firaxis keeps settler/worker system: it comes out when they estimate it. firaxis changes to public works, add 2-3 months to release date + $5/game).