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it's here: 1.21F PATCH DETAILS

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  • trivia-- why do patches end with 'f'

    Why do the firaxis patches almost always end with the letter f. "first customer shipped"?

    If so, what is 'g' as it 1.17g ?

    Hopefully it is not for "firewood", or fu, or something bizarre.

    Just curious.


    • Re: Re: it's here: 1.21F PATCH DETAILS

      Originally posted by lockstep

      So we can change battleships to a movement rate of 2, treat all terrain as roads (which results in an actual movement of 6), give them the blitz ability, and they'll be able to bombard 2 times (but not 6 times) per turn.
      Oh yes, I like that idea! That would probably put an end to the Galley sinks Battleship scenario, not that it's ever happened to me. Very good.


      • Panag,

        The "Mounted Ability" was a useless feature previously and it's removal will have absolutely no effect on the game. The term that is used on when units can/can not move onto a mountain or jungle tile is "Wheeled Unit". So Catapults and all other wheeled units will still not be able to move onto mountains/jungle.

        Also, as a tip to your writing structure, try to use less commas and less interrupting words, such as "huh". It becomes very difficult to read your posts with the plethora of commas and interrupters you use.

        About the abandoning cities, I'm not clear on how it works yet. If it was instant, wouldn't a "capture & abandon" be better than a raze?
        I doubt you will gain new units/workers/settlers when abandoning a city, at least I hope not. If settlers were gained when abandoning a city, then many exploits would be viable. So when abandoning a city there should be no gain and only retain of the unit/workers/settlers that were inside the city at the time.

        I assume it means we can see in the editor a value, which indicates how tradeprone an AI is towards another. . .
        I complete agree with your assumption, Spiffor, on how what "* Editor: Exposed AI to AI trade rate." means.

        * Decreased Large Map Size to 130x130.
        * Decreased HugeMap Size to 160x160.
        No offense to anybody here, but it seems fairly obvious why Firaxis did this. Everybody complains about the excessive wait times between turns, especially on larger maps, and the main reason for slow downs is the larger map size. The reason why larger map size is the main problem is because of the additional units, which causes more processing towards the pathfinding. So decreasing the map size for the most 'tedious' maps will cause less of a slow down, and people won't complain as much about the slow downs. Basically, Firaxis got tired of hearing all of our *****ing about slow downs and felt this would be the best temporary (at least it better be temporary) solution.

        blitz mod, here we go again!
        No kidding.

        So we can change battleships to a movement rate of 2, treat all terrain as roads (which results in an actual movement of 6), give them the blitz ability, and they'll be able to bombard 2 times (but not 6 times) per turn.
        Appearantly we can also change the movement cost for ocean terrain now. This means that we could increase the movement cost on oceans squares to two, which would prevent early game ocean exploring even more so. Make ocean have a movement cost of 2, then decrease the speed for a lot of the ships throughout the ages, next give a lot of the modern ships "see all terrain as roads", and that should balance out naval movement quite a bit. Remember, though, that I am just putting out a preleeminary idea.

        EDIT: Actually we always could edit the movement coast of water squares, but I'm not sure if it was a functional feature or not.

        Why do the firaxis patches almost always end with the letter f.
        The "f" stands for "finalized" and is only given to a patch when it is, well, finalized. The "b" would stand for beta on a patch. Pertaining to the reason why the number of each patch goes up inconsistenly is because that relates back to the testing of the patch. For each time the patch gets rejected by the testing team the number goes up one. So, for example, v1.18b was rejected, then v1.19b was rejected, next v1.20b, after that v1.21b was accepeted, therefore, v1.21b turned into v1.21f and became ready for release.
        However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


        • MultiPlayer Patch... please!


          • Originally posted by Mike Breitkreutz FIRAXIS

            - Issues with upgrading and fortifying have been fixed (I think that was missing from the readme). If units were upgraded while fortified they will stay fortified after upgrading.
            Great News! It always irritated me to upgrade 30+ units and then have to re-fortify them.

            Good Job!

            Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


            • Pulsarix-- Please stop harranging firaxis about multiplayer. Read the news. MP is confirmed as coming. The more you hassle firaxis about announced pending product the worst you look.


              • Thanks for the trival answer. Our jargon for final release version is FCS {first customer shipped} and so I assumed firaxis was somewhat similar. But when I saw the 1.17g version mentioned on one of the forums, I questioned what the final letter was for. I didn't question the release number. No one in any kind of development expects released numbering to be consecutive.


                • Originally posted by TechWins
                  No offense to anybody here, but it seems fairly obvious why Firaxis did this. Everybody complains about the excessive wait the slow downs. Basically, Firaxis got tired of hearing all of our *****ing about slow downs and felt this would be the best temporary (at least it better be temporary) solution.
                  Yes it is obvious, but still unsettling. It's almost like Firaxis is saying, "That's enough! Since some of you don't like the dinner, all of you can go to bed hungry now." There is always going to be some people *****ing about something. Yes I know I can change it in the editor... but why couldn't Firaxis let those complaining change it in their editor or simply pick a smaller map?!


                  • Maybe the map reduction was intended for the casual gamers who don't want to use the editor, and are tired by the long waiting time between turns. Maybe it has to do with their view of game harmonization, which will be necessary when MP comes
                    "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                    "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                    "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                    • * Removed "God mode" save cheat.

                      Ah Multi, I hardly knew ye.

                      Did anyone use this anyway? I only would if I was trying to find that exiled galleon w/ settler that was eluding me.

                      I wonder if they removed it completely, or just changed the trigger.


                      • Originally posted by Spiffor
                        Maybe the map reduction was intended for the casual gamers who don't want to use the editor, and are tired by the long waiting time between turns. Maybe it has to do with their view of game harmonization, which will be necessary when MP comes
                        Why not just play on a smaller map then (without the use of the editor)? Will Huge maps be the only setting on MP?


                        • I wish they hadn't changed the sizes, which will be the first thing I hit in the editor.

                          I think that self restraint would be the better answer to the slowdown, if your computer can't hack it, then play the tiny maps. of course, a evidenced by many of the posts, a lot of people here do not show such restraint.


                          • - Issues with upgrading and fortifying have been fixed (I think that was missing from the readme). If units were upgraded while fortified they will stay fortified after upgrading.

                            Is this an option, or now just the default. I actually liked them "displaying their new arms" to me although when all is said and done I could live without this feature.

                            Also has anything been done about the Domestig Advisor (Nag )? I'm hoping that this was just missing from the readme...
                            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                            • Hey, I LIKE the map size changes. Personally my favorite size is 120x120, simply because it gives ample elbow room without distorting the game to the point where extra fiddling becomes necessary to maintain the game flow. Not that I'm adverse to some extra fiddling, especially with the editor getting better and better each patch...


                              • After checking the posted readme, it seems we forgot something:

                                * Editor: Added the ability to customize player properties.

                                This means that you can configure the following on a per-player basis:
                                - Starting gold
                                - Starting era
                                - Starting government type
                                - Difficulty level
                                - Number and types of starting units (land-units only!)
                                - Civilization (chosen from civs designated as 'playable')
                                - Team color
                                - Leader name/gender
                                - Free techs

                                Any of these that are configured for the map/scenario cannot be changed in the game setup screens. For example, if you set player 2 to be Rome, you will not be able to select any other civ for player 2, when playing that map/scenario. Note that you can set a player's civ to be 'Any' so that you can change it within the game.
                                As noted in the readme, this is also true for game settings and victory conditions which are now included in the scenario properties. You can turn off specific victory conditions for your map/scenario which will make those victory conditions unavailable for the map/scenario.
                                Mike Breitkreutz
                                FIRAXIS Games

