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it's here: 1.21F PATCH DETAILS

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  • #46
    "* Improved city governor AI"

    What does this mean. Do I have more options to adjust the governor, will he be more intelligent, or what has changed?


    • #47
      What happens when you disband a city? Do you get Workers from the population? A Settler? Also what happens with the unhappiness that is built up in that city?


      • #48
        Re: it's here: 1.21F PATCH DETAILS

        Originally posted by MarkG
        * Changed Culturally Linked Starting Locations from a pref to a rule.
        does this mean we have to start with culturaly linked postitions? If so, erg .

        Otherwise, excellent, and I can't wait to install it!
        "Government isn't the solution to our problems; Government IS the problem." - Ronald Reagan

        No, I don't have Civ4 yet...


        • #49
          And how will abandon city work?
          How many of the citizens will be turned into pop-units? What pop-units? Will the pop-units be unhappy if joined in´another city because of what you did to their home city?
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #50
            Re: Re: it's here: 1.21F PATCH DETAILS

            Originally posted by fezick31

            does this mean we have to start with culturaly linked postitions? If so, erg .

            Otherwise, excellent, and I can't wait to install it!
            I guess it's in the field where you select victory conditions, but might as well be in the BIC.
            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


            • #51
              hehehe are Aeson and Gramphos the same person?

              these changes look interesting. the game is slowly becoming much more mod-friendly, which can only be a good thing IMHO.
              If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


              • #52
                Re: Re: it's here: 1.21F PATCH DETAILS

                Originally posted by fezick31
                does this mean we have to start with culturaly linked postitions? If so, erg .
                It probably means you'll have a checkbox in the game creation screen (where it belongs) instead of in the prefs .


                • #53
                  I never bothered to apply the last patch. Can I apply this one without having applied the previous one?

                  Nice work, Firaxis. I'm glad to see you're so committed to this.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by FrustratedPoet
                    hehehe are Aeson and Gramphos the same person?

                    these changes look interesting. the game is slowly becoming much more mod-friendly, which can only be a good thing IMHO.
                    No we arre not, and the questions are not exactly the same...
                    Aeson wants to know what happens if the city is unhappy, I want to know if the pop-points will become unhappy when they are forced leave the city (and in that case of cource if that is left when they join another/found a new)
                    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                    • #55
                      I didn´t see a fix for the annoying "re-fortifying of upgraded units" bug/feature.

                      IIRC it was still there in 1.17f...
                      I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                      • #56
                        No we arre not, and the questions are not exactly the same...
                        Doh! For a minute there I though I might be promoted to ACS Civ III File Manager...

                        The "Disband City" option sounds like a very important part of the patch. Could really be exploited if set up wrong, like disbanding discontent in 1.16f.

                        And if workers carried unhappiness... give them to the AI!


                        • #57
                          Editor: Fixed some bugs with Add/Delete buttons.
                          Does this mean you can add units now in the editor (without using hacked tools and a lot of debugging)?
                          Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


                          • #58
                            Re: Re: it's here: 1.21F PATCH DETAILS

                            Originally posted by fezick31

                            does this mean we have to start with culturaly linked postitions? If so, erg .
                            Why? IMO it gets more realistic this way and you get to make another strategic decision which civ to play based on starting locations.

                            It´s like the board game really, even if you get Africa with all 8 players present you can still win if you play your cards right (and has some luck with the calamities).
                            I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                            • #59
                              Exelent news, these improvement may actualy make a WWII scenario possible!!!
                              As long is there is going to be some way of editing save game files (all that is needed is to be able to create cities and units a way that is coherent with a 1930s-40s europe and the rest of the world) Is there going to be a way to modify dates? it don't look like it to me
                              I like the idea of allowing player restarts, like back in Civ II perhaps? (kill on civ and have another pop up with the same techs in a new unexplored location)
                              Era_none techs will allow civ specific terrain bonus
                              Modified HP will allow more realistic difference between tanks and infantry. tanks have good stats but low HP (not V. numerous) Infantry has low stats but high HP (take ages to kill of all those rifle men). This will allow anti-tank or anti-infantry artillery (for anti-tank high BStr but low ROF, anti-infantry artillery would have low Bombard str but high ROF) this could allow machine gun nests and Panzerfausts to be acurately represented for example.


                              • #60
                                Re: Re: Re: it's here: 1.21F PATCH DETAILS

                                Originally posted by Kamrat X

                                Why? IMO it gets more realistic this way and you get to make another strategic decision which civ to play based on starting locations.

                                It´s like the board game really, even if you get Africa with all 8 players present you can still win if you play your cards right (and has some luck with the calamities).
                                Because I don't like to play against the same civ every time I play a specific civ. This game is about what if's, not what was.

                                Besides, I think Sir Ralph hit it on the head. It does belong in the set up screen.
                                "Government isn't the solution to our problems; Government IS the problem." - Ronald Reagan

                                No, I don't have Civ4 yet...

