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it's here: 1.21F PATCH DETAILS

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Aeson
    And if workers carried unhappiness... give them to the AI!
    Well, if made right they should only be unhappy with a certain regime. Which means that handing them over to the AI would make then assimilate fast in the AI cities, as they were unhappy with you. Now, I don't think it works that way ,but one can hope
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #62
      Will Player Restart restart another civ then the ones you play against (if availiable) or will it restart the same civ?
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


      • #63
        The statcked movement army bug that they talk about is one that allowed you to unload an army.

        For example, lets say you had 3 tanks in a city, 2 of them in an army. If you used the "j" key and moved those tanks all at once, the army would be unloaded.
        "Terminate, with extreme prejudice"


        • #64
          Yep, Gramphos, I'm also worried about the sav compression & changes. Hopefully, they're still readable


          • #65
            Re: Re: Re: Re: it's here: 1.21F PATCH DETAILS

            Originally posted by fezick31

            Because I don't like to play against the same civ every time I play a specific civ. This game is about what if's, not what was.

            Besides, I think Sir Ralph hit it on the head. It does belong in the set up screen.
            Yeah, well...I get your point. It IS kind of boring always playing the same board game with the same people. Maybe they should´ve left it as an option...
            I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


            • #66
              All of these changes look really good for the mod makers! I don't know that I really like the decreased map sizes, but apparently they are changable through the editor, so I can make them big again. I must say I am very impressed with everything so far, now let's see how it actually works!
              DO, OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY - Yoda


              • #67
                Originally posted by Atahualpa
                Finally Bombers and Artillery are able to kill units!!

                Why did they remove the mounted option in the editor? I thought that prevents those units from entering mountainous terrain?

                No, that's Wheeled. Mounted didn't do a single thing before, there was no reason to have it in.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by jimmyh
                  Some thing tells me they don't want us to play with the save game files!!!

                  Probably been forced in by Infogrames.
                  No it's because sometimes altering the save game file can cause the game to crash. They're just trying to prevent people from getting aggravated. It's going to make it more of a hassle to test out mod changes though. I'm not sure if I like that one.


                  • #69
                    "* Editor: Exposed AI to AI trade rate.

                    * Adjusted advance trading rates for AI."

                    I wonder how trading will work now? I take it that the massive tech-trading has been toned down.


                    • #70
                      Re: it's here: 1.21F PATCH DETAILS

                      Originally posted by MarkG
                      Increased corruption/waste fighting ability of courthouses
                      and police stations.
                      Does this mean that cities with these improvements won't be "completely corrupt" (i.e. only produce one shield and no commerce)? I hope so, because in 1.17f, certain cities were utterly useless due to corruption. It would be nice to be able to improve their production somewhat, if enough effort is put in to them.

                      Increased waste fighting ability of We Love The King Day.
                      I hope this will make We Love the * Day powerful enough to make players aim to get their cities to celebrate. In 1.17f, celebrations were nice but strategically unimportant.

                      War chariots now upgrade to knights.
                      My favorite civ gets better!

                      Adjusted advance trading rates for AI.
                      This is very vague. As Arrian pointed out, only playtesting will determine if research is now viable on the higher difficulties. Note that tech devaluation hasn't been changed (as far as I can see).

                      The maximum food a tile with a city on it can produce has
                      been changed to 2.

                      Fixed bug with how shields were calculated for population
                      hurrying. The first citizen is now worth 20 shields instead of 40
                      shields, just like all the other citizens.
                      This is really nice. I like the concept of pop-rushing, and any attempt to make it balanced (i.e. not feel like cheating) is great in my book.

                      Hm, I didn't quote the Disband City option, but it's the most important addition, I think. Does this mean that I can right-click any city, anytime and disband it as though it were being razed? Do I get anything back (most probably, a Settler)?

                      A interesting use for cities then would be as inteference in the early land grab. If you know where the AI is attempting to place their cities, just found yours a couple of squares away to get them to back off. Then disband and place the city where you want to when they leave. I think you could really get the AI running around in circles with this one.

                      And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Franses

                        Now that means you can have negative HP! Would this mean the unit dies directly after it is build?
                        Hmm, maybe I can now build my suicide squad.


                        • #72
                          Re: Re: it's here: 1.21F PATCH DETAILS

                          Originally posted by Dominae


                          The maximum food a tile with a city on it can produce has
                          been changed to 2.

                          probably to tone down ICS...a lot of people hve been complaining about it.

                          that's my guess anyway.
                          "Government isn't the solution to our problems; Government IS the problem." - Ronald Reagan

                          No, I don't have Civ4 yet...


                          • #73
                            Can any Firaxian comment on whether the AI tech-trading has been toned down? All in all, it looks like a very exciting patch.


                            • #74
                              **Editor: Fixed some bugs with Add/Delete buttons.

                              That means that i no longer add new civilizations via Rename -> ESC -> "a" ?
                              What happen with my actual mod? I succesfully add 12 new civilizations and the game plays very well (still crashes on F4 and F7). Can i still use my mod with 1.21f?
                              CMT still works for adding new civilizations?



                              • #75
                                Re: Re: Re: it's here: 1.21F PATCH DETAILS

                                Originally posted by fezick31
                                probably to tone down ICS...a lot of people hve been complaining about it.

                                that's my guess anyway.
                                I thought that the only way to get a city to produce over 2 food on the center tile (under Despotism anyway) was to have a special resource there (i.e. Wheat). I'm sure ICS doesn't depend on placing all cities on food-rich resources.

                                And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...

