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two months have passed, and we have no idea when next patch will be released

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Santa Cruz Tim
    Has that person been fired?
    No, but his role in the company has changed.

    Those features and updates were designed to support the launch of the game. I am planning on trying to vamp out the FAQ as much as possible and if the lawyers give us the green light, I think we're leaning towards devoting some space to mods and editing tutorials, etc.

    Obviously when there are patches released we'll update the site, and I do fansite maintenance every week or so, but otherwise there really isn't much to report.

    Dan Magaha
    Firaxis Games, Inc.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Unregistered
      PS Some people on these fora need to seriously re-examine the priorities in their lives. They're investing way too much time & energy in a game. Do some volunteer work. Start walking the dog once a day. Go back to school. Learn photography. Do something that doesn't involve a computer. Have a conversation with a good friend you haven't talked to in a while. Life is too bloody short to waste time in this manner. And it's bad for your health.
      What kind of an image to you get when you see all these people posting email in the forums - a bunch of people who have no lives, and no priorities? You better take your own advice and get out more, because the internet has no effect on my already busy life nor will it be a priority - don't presume things of people you don't even know.

      - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


      • #93
        Originally posted by MarkG
        reasonable statements are usually far from being totally false ("they havent done anything")
        I didn't say they haven't done anything, I said they haven't told us what they are working on. And when they do give us the occasional and rarely seen updates they should be alot easier to find and more public, so that I don't have to weave through every single thread on your board to find them. And as it stands now, I've seen nothing but a bunch of babble about a second patch - no details - we want details.

        look harder
        Create a forum for them to update us in, and suggest that they use it. Rather than answering 'random' questions in off-topic threads. Because I still haven't found anything worthy of the 'usefull' classification.

        another mature statement i suppose?
        No more than Dan's I suppose.

        glad you NOW agree that they HAVE and ARE doing something(even if you see it is a mandatory)
        Yeah? what? Can you tell me what the patch will include? Becuase that's all that matters, otherwise how do we know what to expect or where to focus our suggestions.

        cause you dont like the answer?

        Last edited by CharlesUFarley; January 29, 2002, 20:59.
        - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


        • #94
          Originally posted by CharlesUFarley

          What kind of an image to you get when you see all these people posting email in the forums - a bunch of people who have no lives, and no priorities? You better take your own advice and get out more, because the internet has no effect on my already busy life nor will it be a priority - don't presume things of people you don't even know.

          I didn't, & I don't. But if the shoe fits....
          "There's screws loose, bearings
          loose --- aye, the whole dom thing is
          loose, but that's no' the worst o' it."
          -- "Mr. Glencannon" - Guy Gilpatrick


          • #95
            Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS

            No, but his role in the company has changed.

            Those features and updates were designed to support the launch of the game. I am planning on trying to vamp out the FAQ as much as possible and if the lawyers give us the green light, I think we're leaning towards devoting some space to mods and editing tutorials, etc.

            Obviously when there are patches released we'll update the site, and I do fansite maintenance every week or so, but otherwise there really isn't much to report.

            Okay Dan, give me a chance this time - I am going to try this as mature and polite as possible - and hopefully you will understand my question and the importance of it. We all know that the "team" is working on a new patch, we all know that if the patching and sales go well that you guys will eventually give us an XP or Civ3Gold, we know this. But what specific features and changes has the team cemented for implimentation at this point in time? And if you can't tell me, help me understand why - please explain.

            Thank you.

            - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Unregistered

              I didn't, & I don't. But if the shoe fits....
              And you would be the shoe salesman right?

              - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


              • #97

                While I appreciate the restraint and politeness with which you've crafted your latest message to me (and I'm being completely sincere here), I cannot and will not discuss the contents of what may or may not be in any forthcoming patches. It's neither my responsibility nor my right to do so.

                When and if the time comes that a patch is ready and Jeff is ready to post the readme, it'll be posted here and on, among other places.

                Dan Magaha
                Firaxis Games, Inc.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
                  Disagree. That was the first time I chopped a Firaxian head. Up until this agrivated point, and about a hundred un-answered emails - I've conducted myself in a very intelligent and mature manner with complete respect toward them. But there is only so much I can take, such as the plea of Lib and Yin. I can't speak for everyone but I'm being ignored without just cause (before my attitude kicked in that is) and Firaxis has displayed sarcasm and ignorance in regards to customer satisfaction issues. But I agree we won't achieve anything by yelling at them, however I feel much better when I do, takes the load off.
                  Yea, right. I don't mean to single you out, I've just seen it so many times. You got someone from the company to respond in your thread and you open up with both barrels. First of all, you missed him, and second of all, how many more shots do you expect to get?

                  That's why I give them credit for even being here, again because of the general situation, not because of you in particular. We didn't get many snide comments from Activision, did we?

                  Precisely. I agree that we should be more tolerant and patient toward their business decisions, but on the same token they have to guide us and show us the way. They're the adults in this case (cringe) and we're the kids that need to be tought. I guess the point I'm trying to make is - they should set an example for us to follow!

                  Grow up.
                  "Is it sport? I think it is. And does affection breed it? I think it does. Is it frailty that so errs? It is so too." - Shakespeare, Othello IV,iii


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by jackshot

                    Yea, right. I don't mean to single you out, I've just seen it so many times. You got someone from the company to respond in your thread and you open up with both barrels. First of all, you missed him, and second of all, how many more shots do you expect to get?
                    If it missed, and there was no damage done, then what are you crying about?

                    That's why I give them credit for even being here, again because of the general situation, not because of you in particular. We didn't get many snide comments from Activision, did we?
                    Who cares.

                    Grow up.
                    Must have hit a soft spot.

                    Last edited by CharlesUFarley; January 29, 2002, 23:34.
                    - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


                    • Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS

                      While I appreciate the restraint and politeness with which you've crafted your latest message to me (and I'm being completely sincere here), I cannot and will not discuss the contents of what may or may not be in any forthcoming patches. It's neither my responsibility nor my right to do so.

                      When and if the time comes that a patch is ready and Jeff is ready to post the readme, it'll be posted here and on, among other places.

                      Okay, I appreciate your sincerety and honesty. I completely understand you have rules that you have to follow. It's just too bad that the release of development progress cannot be authorized to give us some hope or glimpse of what we are to expect - for the better ofcoarse. I have one last question - very simple - are there any intentions of improvement beyond this next patch - like an expansion pack or Civ3gold - is it even on the horizon? I'll take your yes as a possability, not a definate.

                      - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


                      • Originally posted by MarkG
                        second hint: it's got "firaxis" on it's title
                        My God!

                        Are you referring to *Inquiry for Firaxis personnel *?

                        Is that the thread where the future plans for Civ3 were revealed to us all?

                        I appreciate that Jeff took a few minutes to respond, but Holy Sheeeit. I learned more about their plans from the fellow who relayed the information from an email sent to him that there is indeed a second patch being worked on. But, even then, I'm not sure because it can be made up. OK. I do know they have play testers. Testers for what? A patch? An XP? Civ4?

                        Don't worry Mark (as if you would), I'm not going to go Lib on you and your boards, but I can see how many reasonable people have been driven to distraction by the lack of real, valuable information.

                        HINT. If they can say it in an email, and they can say it on these (and other boards) why can't they say it on their web site? Then we would all have a common reference, and people asking certain questions could be referred there.

                        Maybe I could make a suggestion. Create a thread in General. Top it. Put the meaningful info posted by Firaxians there. Delete any non-Firaxian noise (pro or con). At least then we could all go to at least one place on the internet for the info that has been provided and it would not get lost in the howling of the wind.

                        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                        • Wow. This guy just might finally have a clue ...!

                          I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                          "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                          • [Innocent Small Child's Voice]
                            Theeyyyy'rrre Baaaackk.

                            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                            • Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
                              I didn't say they haven't done anything
                              Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
                              If I received as many complaints as Firaxis has regarding customer/product disatisfaction and I did nothing about it - I'd be FIRED.
                              please tell me how you call someone who asks a question, gets an answer, and then asks again demanding a different answer
                              Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                              Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
                     my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                              • Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS
                                No, but his role in the company has changed.

                                Those features and updates were designed to support the launch of the game. I am planning on trying to vamp out the FAQ as much as possible and if the lawyers give us the green light, I think we're leaning towards devoting some space to mods and editing tutorials, etc.

                                Obviously when there are patches released we'll update the site, and I do fansite maintenance every week or so, but otherwise there really isn't much to report.

                                I hope you get the go-ahead soon, Dan. It sends out a pretty negative message if it appears that the developers can't be bothered to update their own website. If there's nothing to feature in the news section at least having regular 'Ask the Civ Team' updates gives the impression that there are plenty of fans still playing and Firaxians willing to take an hour or two out of their friday afternoon schedule to assist them.
                                To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.

