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two months have passed, and we have no idea when next patch will be released

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Grumbold
    This swine therefore clearly cannot choose the pearl in front of me...

    Why would they be working on a patch when there is nothing important broken to fix and their publishers would be much more interested in expanded features like multiplayer and scenarios that they can sell?
    Exactly! I'm for that one. Firaxis and Infogrames have made themselves openly obvious - their out for money and profit now.

    - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


    • #32
      Just out of curiosity, Charles, when you go to work in the morning, do you do it out of love for your boss, or is it because you need to earn a living?

      Dan Magaha
      Firaxis Games, Inc.


      • #33
        Originally posted by CharlesUFarley

        Exactly! I'm for that one. Firaxis and Infogrames have made themselves openly obvious - their out for money and profit now.

        Well I have no problem whatsoever with that. PC gaming is rarely a profitable industry due to the high amount of replayability per dollar that is demanded. This is especially true in the strategy genre. Im willing to bet many players will buy this game and not buy another for several months, due to the fact that its civ, the most replayable single player game ever. I dont remember ever being able to exhaousts Civ 1's replayability over several years of playing. A console gamer, on the other hand, might at average get 50(?) hours of gameplay out of a $50 purchase, and are willing to buy games more readily, maybe several times a month.
        (There was a good DailyRadar editorial so this)

        So I really could care less if they are trying to milk the game. I have no problem pay for expansion pacts. In fact I think Civ, and most PC games, should be have a subscription service, wherby to get updates (patches/expansion pacts) and to be able to use them you have to pay say a $5 monthly fee. And Firaxis would dedicate a good amount of people to continuing the Civ3 design process (more than there is today). People could cancel their subscription if they saw Firaxis as being inept (maybe like they have been recently) and the glory of capitalism will continue to shine .
        "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" Irv Kupcinet

        "It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas." Unknown


        • #34
          Ho Hum...

          Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS
          Just out of curiosity, Charles, when you go to work in the morning, do you do it out of love for your boss, or is it because you need to earn a living?

          Ouch...he he...

          Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
          The next step will be the expansion pack or something similar, and knowing them and their egotisticle selfish bahaviour.. it will definately cost money
          Oh no Dan, charles doesn't need to earn money - he lives on Free Lunches.
          Last edited by Th0mas; January 28, 2002, 14:13.
          tis better to be thought stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

          6 years lurking, 5 minutes posting


          • #35
            The concept of a patch means different things to different people. Lately, many seem to confuse patch, enhancement, upgrade. That goes for companies as well as customers.

            I guess I'm too old to break out of the old definition of a patch: a code update between releases to fix things that don't work at all, or don't work as advertised. Companies should feel obligated to patch, at no cost, as they are simply living up to promises. Companies should want to do enhancements or upgrades for no cost if they yield fewer returns or more purchases.

            I've seen a lot of things discussed as being in the next patch that strike me as enhancements or upgrades: stack moves and multiplayer being the two most obvious.

            I just want them to do the REAL patches - either patching the manual/civopedia or the game. I want shift-p to work if there's still a splotch nearby. I want to see a message that reads Mr. Hammurabi, ... instead of Mr. ,... I want the corruption magnitude "negligible" under Democracy changed to "crippling beyond measure" so that it matches the way the game actually works.

            If they find the time to improve the stuff that normal fallible human developers didn't see during playtesting (or didnt have time to fix), like stack moves, more power to 'em. I'll think better of them and their company, and maybe that's worth something to them.


            • #36
              You shouldn't have gone there with me Dan..

              Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS
              Just out of curiosity, Charles, when you go to work in the morning, do you do it out of love for your boss, or is it because you need to earn a living?

              My god has it been a year already - good to hear from you again Dan (not that you answered my last post anyway!).

              Earn a living ofcoarse, not too many people on this earth have good relationships with thier bosses. But with good relationships with fellow employees and customer satisfaction the business will do even better! Without either of those two things the business will eventually suffer.

              If I received as many complaints as Firaxis has regarding customer/product disatisfaction and I did nothing about it - I'd be FIRED. In business' you are dedicated to please the consumer with your product and services, with not only quality but support. And in your line of business support is crucial to the average consumer. In Firaxis' case the consumer has complained, and your team is choosing a very un-proffesional approach - to ignore it. I say "un-proffesional" because any mature adult representing a business should be able to handle criticism and hate-mail with complete self assurance and firm responses.

              The only way this is possible is either your sales are good enough to produce a decent profit and walk away, or your profit is or will be (by market estimates) in danger of dropping. Now I'm not un-realistic, if your profit's have met standards or even exheeded them by all means ignore the rabble. But without a fan community for this product line, this product has no future. And I know enough about marketing to know that even a small percentage of the consumers can create a problem with sales. But I guess that's what this is all about with you guys, you care more about your paycheck now than the passion for game development and the dream that Sid once had. Where is the "Firaxis Mind" at now, profit or dream?

              I don't think the civ-community is asking for that which Firaxis cannot provide, in terms of responses that is. We're not asking for dates, schedules or even your personal wages. All we're asking for is a progress report every now and then. But a website update every once and a while would definately solve your lack of time issue. We do deserve to know what the development team is working on, so that we know where are efforts are better spent. Otherwise what good is feedback if we have no idea "what material is being used" and "what isn't". I was upset with the game but now I have an entirely new thing to be upset at - your lack of support or helpfull information, your forgetting Dan we too care about the future of this product, otherwise why would we be fighting so hard!

              PS. I completely respect the fact that you guys have to earn a living too and profit from it. But your "product" is where a portion of our living is spent! And I would certainly pay more for each game title, if more of our participation and dedication was acknowledged.

              - Work smarter, not harder.

              - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Pythagoras
                So I really could care less if they are trying to milk the game. I have no problem pay for expansion pacts. In fact I think Civ, and most PC games, should be have a subscription service, wherby to get updates (patches/expansion pacts) and to be able to use them you have to pay say a $5 monthly fee. And Firaxis would dedicate a good amount of people to continuing the Civ3 design process (more than there is today). People could cancel their subscription if they saw Firaxis as being inept (maybe like they have been recently) and the glory of capitalism will continue to shine .
                You said a word that cought my attention "re-playability". I'm all for spending more money on Civ3, if the future expansions or upgrades will include the fully customizable editor with complete scenario design - no limitations, graphics and all. Otherwise this is a TBS game that will lose it's flavour and eventually collect dust on my shelf like Civilization 1. Civ2 is an excellent model for the Civ-TBS style game, although it had it's problems and the graphics weren't something to go nuts over - it was still very succesful once it was improved.

                Last edited by CharlesUFarley; January 28, 2002, 14:39.
                - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


                • #38
                  Re: Ho Hum...

                  Originally posted by Th0mas
                  Oh no Dan, charles doesn't need to earn money - he lives on Free Lunches.
                  " Oh Dan, pick me! pick me! "

                  Can anyone hear that sucking sound?

                  - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


                  • #39
                    Re: Re: Ho Hum...

                    Originally posted by CharlesUFarley

                    " Oh Dan, pick me! pick me! "

                    Can anyone hear that sucking sound?

                    What a jackass. Grow up.


                    • #40
                      Pick me, Pick me

                      Originally posted by Stryfe

                      What a jackass. Grow up.
                      Oh another self-indulged suck up, I rest my case.

                      - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


                      • #41
                        Re: You shouldn't have gone there with me Dan..

                        Originally posted by CharlesUFarley

                        My god has it been a year already - good to hear from you again Dan (not that you answered my last post anyway!).

                        Earn a living ofcoarse, not too many people on this earth have good relationships with thier bosses. But with good relationships with fellow employees and customer satisfaction the business will do even better! Without either of those two things the business will eventually suffer.

                        If I received as many complaints as Firaxis has regarding customer/product disatisfaction and I did nothing about it - I'd be FIRED. In business' you are dedicated to please the consumer with your product and services, with not only quality but support. And in your line of business support is crucial to the average consumer. In Firaxis' case the consumer has complained, and your team is choosing a very un-proffesional approach - to ignore it. I say "un-proffesional" because any mature adult representing a business should be able to handle criticism and hate-mail with complete self assurance and firm responses.

                        The only way this is possible is either your sales are good enough to produce a decent profit and walk away, or your profit is or will be (by market estimates) in danger of dropping. Now I'm not un-realistic, if your profit's have met standards or even exheeded them by all means ignore the rabble. But without a fan community for this product line, this product has no future. And I know enough about marketing to know that even a small percentage of the consumers can create a problem with sales. But I guess that's what this is all about with you guys, you care more about your paycheck now than the passion for game development and the dream that Sid once had. Where is the "Firaxis Mind" at now, profit or dream?

                        I don't think the civ-community is asking for that which Firaxis cannot provide, in terms of responses that is. We're not asking for dates, schedules or even your personal wages. All we're asking for is a progress report every now and then. But a website update every once and a while would definately solve your lack of time issue. We do deserve to know what the development team is working on, so that we know where are efforts are better spent. Otherwise what good is feedback if we have no idea "what material is being used" and "what isn't". I was upset with the game but now I have an entirely new thing to be upset at - your lack of support or helpfull information, your forgetting Dan we too care about the future of this product, otherwise why would we be fighting so hard!

                        PS. I completely respect the fact that you guys have to earn a living too and profit from it. But your "product" is where a portion of our living is spent! And I would certainly pay more for each game title, if more of our participation and dedication was acknowledged.

                        - Work smarter, not harder.


                        Wow, you are a high maintenance to revenue customer.

                        Bad news for you though: companies don't worry a lot about pleasing that type of customer - it's bad business, mainly because sometimes there is no "enough".

                        Most products aren't meant to be perfect, merely the best possible for the investment a company chooses to make in them. That goes for support for those products too. The line a company draws will not please everyone. Some will choose not to buy because the quality is not good enough, regardless of how inexpensive the product is. Others won't care about how much quality there is if the product is too expensive. All companies try to find a middle ground they think will work to make them money. Just Business 101.

                        Here's an example. All companies with customer support call centers track something called an Abandonment Rate. This is the percent of customers who give up while waiting in a queue. Some never return, and companies understand this. Clearly, a company could hire enough reps to drive that rate to zero, but they don't because it can't be cost-justified. They try to make it as close to zero as they can, and as close as they can afford to make it.

                        I'm sure all game companies would love it if they could have an infinite amount of resources to apply to making every customer feel good. The bitter reality is that tough decisions have to me made, and some customers are going to go away mad.

                        The Web throws a bit of a spanner in those works, as the customers don't actually go away, they hang around nurturing and sharing their hurt and outrage, sometimes for months afterwards. Companies haven't figured that one out yet.


                        • #42

                          The average consumer is in defiance of capitalism, but it is a necisary evil I suppose.

                          - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


                          • #43

                            Originally posted by Kiltdown

                            Wow, you are a high maintenance to revenue customer.

                            Bad news for you though: companies don't worry a lot about pleasing that type of customer - it's bad business, mainly because sometimes there is not "enough".
                            Believe me, we know it. That's one of the major reasons why myself and many others are contributing to negative feedback. But still with the slight hope of being heard one day, if at all.

                            Most products aren't meant to be perfect, merely the best possible for the investment a company chooses to make in them. That goes for support for those products too. The line a company draws will not please everyone. Some will choose not to buy because the quality is not good enough, regardless of how inexpensive the product is. Others won't care about how much quality there is if the product is too expensive. All companies try to find a middle ground they think will work to make them money. Just Business 101.
                            No one is asking for a "please every customer" result, that would be un-realistic - in the business sense, ofcoarse. But we are asking for the "customizable" aspects of this product, so that each and every individual can customize the game to his/her liking, that would decrease the "what if's" and "why not's". Wouldn't you agree?

                            Here's an example. All companies with customer support call centers track something called an Abandonment Rate. This is the percent of customers who give up while waiting in a queue. Some never return, and companies understand this. Clearly, a company could hire enough reps to drive that rate to zero, but they don't because it can't be cost-justified. They try to make it as close to zero as they can, and as close as they can afford to make it.
                            I guess that's where it all lies then, doesn't it? Whether or not the abandoment rate or loss of sales will open enough eyes to make a change or two.

                            I'm sure all game companies would love it if they could have an infinite amount of resources to apply to making every customer feel good. The bitter reality is that tough decisions have to me made, and some customers are going to go away mad.
                            Like I said above - it all rests on the "numbers". But that's not to say that my cause is useless - I'm contributing to those negative numbers.

                            The Web throws a bit of a spanner in those works, as the customers don't actually go away, they hang around nurturing and sharing their hurt and outrage, sometimes for months afterwards. Companies haven't figured that one out yet.
                            Such as the nature of the beast, I guess the consumer and company have a common grey area - for an upset consumer to 'win' it's victory it has to create enough of a presence in the marketplace to demand a change. And from the business side of it, the company will ignore it's consumer until their numbers grow and finally affect sales. I'm well aware of that concept, thats half of the reason I am here.

                            - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


                            • #44
                              Re: Re: You shouldn't have gone there with me Dan..

                              The Web throws a bit of a spanner in those works, as the customers don't actually go away, they hang around nurturing and sharing their hurt and outrage, sometimes for months afterwards.
                              Try years...



                              • #45
                                Product Improvement

                                Originally posted by Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS

                                Try years...

                                Then why not work with us, instead of against us, geez! We're either your allies, or your enemies - it's perfectly logical. There is no "hate" in this matter, I don't know any of you personally, just as you guys don't know us. It's business, either we can help or we can't. Smell the roses!

                                Last edited by CharlesUFarley; January 28, 2002, 15:33.
                                - What we do in life, echos in eternity.

