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Roleplayers - correspondence & foreign affairs

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  • #46
    OK, guys, you want to read this.

    RPers are apparently less than happy about how things develop... I was first contacted by E_T and later by Togas himself. Here, read the logs (but keep the info for yourself, I do not think Togas would be too happy to know I posted the log here ):

    Session Start: Sun Mar 09 18:44:58 2003
    Session Ident: E_T
    Session Ident: E_T (
    E_T: We hear that you now have contact with GoW
    vondrack: yes, that's correct
    vondrack: technically, they have a contact with us
    vondrack: our galley ended up close to their cultural borders
    vondrack: but we were unable to see any units
    vondrack: so we did not get a contact
    vondrack: but they were able to spot the galley on their turn
    E_T: how soon do you think that you'll have the galley down close to that one spot on the minimap??
    vondrack: not really sure... we hope to get a couple of contacts through GoW, so we will probably use the galley to finish exploring that mid-way island (it's of high strategic importance, I believe)
    vondrack: I would say 10-15 turns
    E_T: we are working to try to get the contact through GoW, but really don't have much to offer them at this point in time
    E_T: that's why I'm asking
    vondrack: I see
    vondrack: well, 10-15 turns is the best we'd be able to do - and that assumes we do not have to recall the galley to transport any units to that island (if, for example, a resource tile is discovered there)
    E_T: have you traded any maps with GoW yet?
    vondrack: nope and we do not plan to
    E_T: if we get contact with you, through GoW, will you be open to a map trade with us? or any other trades?
    vondrack: Other trades, yes - as long as there is anything to trade, of course. But map trade, I am afraid, not.
    vondrack: There was a poll in Legoland and it ended up binding our representatives to reject any map trades
    E_T: no problem, I can see that you want to claim as much land as you can first
    vondrack: GoW asked for our world map, but we told them exactly the same
    vondrack: yes, that's correct
    vondrack: we started in a less than optimal location
    vondrack: and our only hope for a brighter future is to claim some better land south of that vast jungle
    vondrack: keeping our map to ourselves looks like a way to buy ourselves some time to settle it
    vondrack: tbh, we would engage anyone trying to land there
    vondrack: immediately
    E_T: do you have a tech agreement with GoW yet (i.e. have they gotten you caught up) or is there still techs that your lacking?
    vondrack: I do not think I am at liberty to go into details... but my understanding is that we will catch up after trading with GoW
    vondrack: considering what Nimitz told me about the techs you have available
    vondrack: I believe that we will pretty much catch up
    vondrack: barring any very recent developments
    E_T: we are trying to look at if it would be cost effective to buy contact with just some of our limited cash (and likely GPT) and then beable to "recoop" most what we had lost from you....
    vondrack: well, I am not sure about this... perhaps in a form of some complex deal...
    vondrack: we intend to go for The Republic very soon
    vondrack: so trading The Republic for, say Currency & Polytheism and the cash you'd spend on getting our contact now might be worth considering
    vondrack: but mind you, I am now "thinking aloud"
    vondrack: no authorization from my team
    vondrack: depends also on how much you would spend on getting our contact from GoW
    E_T: We are still working on Poly and it's still several turns away
    vondrack: I understand - we will have Republic in something like 20 turns
    vondrack: so it would be a future deal
    vondrack: but I am fairly sure we will get it before anyone else
    E_T: but we will need to have contact with you, so that we can "legally" start setting up a tech deal for teh future
    vondrack: "legally"?
    E_T: well, we don't have contact, so to say... but we have been sending "smoke siginals"....
    vondrack: I think there was no no-comm-before-ingame-contact rule set for this game
    vondrack: so I do not think it is necessary to have an ingame contact
    vondrack: before arranging a deal like that
    E_T: but when we do get actual contact, then we can really start doing things like summits and real future planning
    E_T: yes, but still, it make planning thing rather difficult without having that all important contact....
    vondrack: well, what I had in mind was that you'd now buy the contact and we would then agree to exchange Rep for Poly+Curr+recuperation once such a deal is possible
    vondrack: that should be okay, no?
    vondrack: Rep+recuperation for Curr+Poly
    vondrack: sorry
    vondrack: But we can postpone the actual ingame contact, if you do not feel like buying it from GoW now. We will get to that crossing point sooner or later.
    E_T: that will have to wait for teh diplomatic people and Togas. I'm just trying to get info, so that we can decide what is the better thing to do for the next several turns from now
    vondrack: Most probably, it would be in time to make the Rep for Curr+Poly deal anyway... and we would save the recuperation
    vondrack: ok, no problem
    E_T: I'll let them know, chat at you later
    vondrack: ok, ttyl
    That was 5:44-6:30pm GMT.


    • #47
      That was just a prelude though... this one is where I had most fun. Watch Togas lose his temper (RPers should really not let him negotiate directly ):

      Session Start: Sun Mar 09 19:31:29 2003
      Session Ident: Togas
      Session Ident: Togas (
      Togas: are you free to chat right now?
      Togas: Let me put this bluntly:
      Togas: it is more important to you to scout another island out that to come visit us
      Togas: we aren't going to buy contact with you from GoW, since your nation won't make any trade deals with us
      Togas: we're very frustrated right now because we had counted on having a close friendship with Legoland, but your team prefers to deal through GoW than to come meet us
      vondrack: sorry, been having my supper
      vondrack: Let me put this bluntly:
      vondrack: if you wish to have a close friendship with Legoland, you will have to understand that we have our own concerns
      vondrack: sometimes getting a full picture of a strategically important island may be more important than getting a contact with another nation few turns earlier
      Togas: we've done everything we can, and bent over backwards, I told Nimitz all of our technology, offering it up to you
      vondrack: I have explained to E_T that we would be down there in time to make the deal even if you do not buy the contact
      vondrack: and what?
      Togas: there's nothing more we can do to show you that we're not the enemy
      vondrack: sure, we DO know you are not enemy
      vondrack: GoW offered a deal you simply do not turn down
      vondrack: that's it
      vondrack: all of our members are happy about it
      Togas: that's fine, I understand that
      vondrack: so tell me why should we delay things just to make another deal with you?
      vondrack: we do not demand
      Togas: you shouldn't
      vondrack: that you buy the contact
      vondrack: our galley sailed from such a point
      vondrack: that we made our first contact with another team
      Togas: what I'm trying to tell you is that it's a lot of little things, the reluctance, the distrust, and it adds up
      vondrack: reluctance?
      vondrack: distrust?
      Togas: Yes
      vondrack: what are you talking about?
      Togas: First, we were told that you wouldnt' visit us for something like 30 turns
      vondrack: that was correct at the time I was telling you
      Togas: then we are told that GoW will have mapmaking by GoW
      Togas: Then we are told by Nimitz that you will soon have contact with our continent
      vondrack: we dramatically rehashed our plans after finding out about the crossing point in the south
      vondrack: GoW will have Map Making by GoW??
      Togas: and we figure out that somehow, you guys changed your mind
      Togas: We assume GoW got MM from you, as they just got it and offered it to us last turn
      vondrack: ah, yes, that's the distrust you've been mentioning?
      vondrack: GoW researched MM on their own
      vondrack: they did not get it form us
      vondrack: from
      Togas: what bothers me most is that it appeared to us that you changed your plans because you wanted to meet GoW, and that meeting us was a very low priority
      Togas: furthermore, Nimitz told us that he couldn't make any deals until we were about to meet.
      vondrack: Jesus!
      vondrack: I said that our galley
      vondrack: was sailing out from a point
      vondrack: on the other side of our landmass
      vondrack: we changed our plans significantly
      vondrack: to get to you earlier
      vondrack: and found out an earlier crossing to GoW
      vondrack: actually, they met us right after we crossed the ocean and anchored by the Bob coast
      vondrack: I told Nimitz to carve no deals until there is a certainty the deals can be fulfilled
      Togas: and nimitz was told not to reveal to us what technology you had.
      vondrack: I have no desire to get caught into complex webs of multi-sided deals we would not be able to guarantee
      vondrack: that's correct, I told him to tell nobody
      vondrack: he's our new FAM
      vondrack: and that direction was general
      Togas: right, and you wonder why we think you don't trust us
      vondrack: not specifically tailor for RPers
      vondrack: tailored
      vondrack: oh, are you serious? shall I feel equally offended by the fact that Arnelos mentioned not being allowed to reveal your current reserach project many turns ago?
      Togas: You shouldn't.
      vondrack: that's right
      vondrack: and now you should not feel offended
      Togas: because I told Nimitz what we were researching
      vondrack: afterwards
      Togas: and he wouldn't tell me what you were researching
      Togas: Arnelos isn't the ambassador, the FAM, or the leader of this team.
      Togas: Nimitz is your FAM
      Togas: and should be authorized to negotiate
      vondrack: and he was not
      Togas: so who is? He's the only one who ever talks to us
      vondrack: that's correct - and every time he IS authorized to reveal information or make deals, he says so
      vondrack: sometimes he is not
      * Togas sighs
      vondrack: look, this is getting nowhere
      vondrack: there was a deal I proposed to E_T
      vondrack: it did not include any need to buy our contact
      vondrack: as it would not be applicable
      Togas: Let's bring this back to important issue, then:
      vondrack: before 20+ turns
      vondrack: and that should be enough to get to you even with the important detour we need to make
      Togas: Our team and your team have a research pact.
      vondrack: correct
      Togas: you agree?
      vondrack: yep
      Togas: do you have any intention on abiding by that pact?
      vondrack: We do intend to cooperate with you on research projects, preferrably researching along different branches. Is that what you mean?
      Togas: if you want to cooperate on research, your nation and mine need to actually be open on what we are researching
      Togas: this needs to be done
      Togas: contact will happen when it happens, either we wait for your ship or we pay GoW the huge sums they're demanding
      vondrack: no problem - the tech Nimitz was not allowed to speak about was not our research project, but a tech we got from a late hut
      vondrack: currently, we are researching Literature
      Togas: but I am willing to open up and reveal and SHARE with you what we are researching, I need a commitment that you will be open with us
      vondrack: and we plan to start researching Republic very soon
      vondrack: is that open enough?
      Togas: We have literature, we have Code of Laws
      vondrack: ok
      Togas: Gow also has them, as we traded the knowedege to them.
      vondrack: I know
      Togas: We are working on Polytheism, and will do Monarchy next
      vondrack: that's great
      Togas: I need to warn you that Gathering Storm is working on Republic too
      vondrack: we intend to follow different paths
      vondrack: well, there is only so many techs one can research
      vondrack: with the ancient era getting to its end
      vondrack: it's natural that we will be doing something someone else does
      vondrack: I hope we will be quicker
      vondrack: just btw, how much GoW asks for the contact?
      Togas: I agree, I don't mind if you compete with GS, I just hope that you guys will beat them
      vondrack: I hope we will
      vondrack: though I have no idea about their research output
      Togas: the way this game has been played, the first nation with a tech trades it like mad
      Togas: I know you guys have been independent until now, we've been in the market a long time, the market moves fast
      vondrack: hopefully, we will learn the game
      Togas: I regret if I've made you angry, but what we important to me to get across to you is that we WANT a relationship with your team
      Togas: if it wasn't important to us, we wouldn't be offended or frustrated or angry, you see.
      vondrack: ok
      vondrack: what I
      vondrack: want to get across to you
      Togas: from the beginning of this game we set out to meet and establish a relationship with you
      vondrack: is that Lego has its own strategy
      vondrack: and that strategy is not SOLELY centered around cooperating with you
      Togas: one that doesn't include a friendship with us
      vondrack: we try to give a high priority to things that are related to you
      Togas: Not very high priority, it seems
      vondrack: but at times, there are more urgent affairs to attend to first
      vondrack: I am not going into any more verbal ping-pong, Togas. I believe I expressed myself clearly.
      Togas: We place a higher value on a "good ally" than you do
      Togas: I'm not trying to put you on the defensive or trying to convince you of something
      vondrack: I do not have any feelings like that
      Togas: You don't have to explain yourself, you just need to believe me -- we want to work WITH you, not against you, and we want to establish a strong alliance with another nation who thinks like we do.
      Togas: if you look at who our neighbors are, you begin to understand
      vondrack: I do
      Togas: You're on an island, and can afford to be more isolationist, I understand that.
      Togas: but don't think this is some machivellian ploy, because it isn't.
      vondrack: never said I would think so
      Togas: I hope that in the future that when your people are in need of a friend and an ally that you can turn to us.
      Togas: and I hope that one day we will be able to count on your support of our nation.
      vondrack: and we certainly hope that you will feel the same about us
      vondrack: yes
      vondrack: just keep in mind one thing
      vondrack: in all honesty
      vondrack: there will be only one team to win this game
      vondrack: and even between allies
      vondrack: each of them
      vondrack: will try to win
      vondrack: he will not backstab
      vondrack: he will not lie
      vondrack: he will help
      vondrack: but he will still try to win
      vondrack: unfortunately
      Togas: I hear ya, but I don't think you hear me.
      vondrack: winning in Civ3 means defeating ALL others
      vondrack: I can hear you very well
      Togas: right now we're not at that place where we can trust each other.
      vondrack: I am just telling you that when we hold a piece of information
      vondrack: it does not mean we are an enemy
      Togas: but it doesn't mean you're a friend either
      Togas: If you want friendship and cooperation, we are offering both to you.
      Togas: When you're willing to offer it back, you need to let us know.
      vondrack: good, let's start with real things like real deals and real cooperation
      * vondrack sighs.
      vondrack: we really
      Togas: it starts slowly, of course. That's fine.
      vondrack: seems to not be hearing each other
      vondrack: yes, slowly
      vondrack: that's the term
      vondrack: trust must be earned
      vondrack: for both sides
      vondrack: us and yourself
      vondrack: if you think things we did or did not do
      vondrack: were not nice of us
      Togas: right, and I'm telling you that we have made the first step, and we need you to show a little trust in us back
      vondrack: then hopefully, once we get real projects done successfully
      vondrack: the picture will change
      vondrack: Good. So, what exactly would you like to know now?
      vondrack: I guess we talked about the research
      vondrack: there was an idea I had
      Togas: I don't want to know anything right now, what I want is us to have the same motives.
      vondrack: about the Republic
      vondrack: Polytheism and Currency
      vondrack: did E_T tell you?
      Togas: He hasn't yet. I'm going to chat with him later today. He's still online
      vondrack: well, that explains a lot, I think
      vondrack: if you talked to him earlier
      vondrack: much of what has been said recently
      vondrack: would not be necessary, I think
      Togas: Well, much of what I said recently was from what he posted to our forum
      vondrack: and that was?
      Togas: he posted a log of a conversation about your meeting GoW, contacts, etc.
      vondrack: oh, then you know
      vondrack: I offered a real deal
      vondrack: not tied to acquiring any contact
      Togas: I'll review it after this conversation. I'm sure it's a good deal.
      Togas: what important to me, though, is the big picture
      vondrack: basically, I offered trading Republic for (Polytheism+Currency)
      vondrack: same costs
      Togas: Sounds good.
      vondrack: plus, if you want to trade our contact with GoW
      vondrack: we might recuperate your spendings
      vondrack: if they are reasonable
      vondrack: as part of the deal
      Togas: That's an excellent proposal, one that I would be happy to agree with.
      vondrack: I just did not want to recoup any contact-related spendings
      vondrack: if there was no actual need
      vondrack: to have that contact
      Togas: Just to let you know, I don't usually do the deal making myself, I normally let my ambassadors handle it
      vondrack: that was what E_T initially asked about or for
      Togas: I step in on the big projects, and I set policy, approve things, etc.
      vondrack: yeah, I understand
      Togas: what's important to me in this case is the relationship between your team and mine
      vondrack: I feel honored to be a big project...
      vondrack: just btw, how much GoW asks for the contact?
      Togas: that's right, you asked that ... hold on, I'm going to ask in channel
      Togas: my team had a chat with GOW at 6am my time
      vondrack: oh, I am usually already sleeping by that time...
      Togas: I woke up and read parts of the summary, and got a quick update by the guys who were online
      Togas: .... ET might be idle. The other 2 guys in chat don't know :/
      Togas: I'll PM you when I find out from them.
      vondrack: no problem... I am just curious
      vondrack: I expected them to trade our contact around
      vondrack: just curious how much they think it is worth
      Togas: We expect that they will too, GoW is extremely opportunistic
      Togas: GoW is mostly responsible for the tech market being so deflated
      vondrack: I see
      Togas: they trade techs for far below their value, you probably got a very good deal from them, they seem to be more motivated by undercutting their rivals than actually making a profit
      vondrack: yeah, much like that
      vondrack: the deal was very good
      Togas: you guys will be modernized in no time at all.
      vondrack: that's correct
      Togas: for example, they gave us contact with Vox and GS for 40g, mostly so that we wouldn't buy it from Lux
      vondrack: hmmm, that's damn cheap
      Togas: if GoW thinks that we will get contact with Legoland "anyhow" by your boat coming down the shore, they might be willing to part with contact for pennies on the dollar
      vondrack: our contact should be much cheaper then
      vondrack: yes
      Togas: but if they know that we can't get it from anyone else.... things change
      vondrack: and if that's the case, Lego will be happy to throw in those few bucks into the tech deal I mentioned
      Togas: I'll get back to you as soon as one of my people gives me a #
      vondrack: the fact that GoW was actually "found" by our galley
      vondrack: and not the other way round
      vondrack: should help make better deals
      vondrack: ok, ttyl
      Togas: talk to you later. Sorry for causing such a fuss earlier
      Togas: Don't hold it against my team .... Our relationship with Legoland is a true priority to us, you have "most favored nation" trade status with us.
      vondrack: ok, I am glad we've found a common language
      Togas: agreed. I can be very passionate about things which are important to me.
      Togas: and I hope to not rub you the wrong way.
      vondrack: ok, no worries
      Togas: good
      vondrack: cya


      • #48
        Well I got a message from Thud the RPers now have contact with us they bought it from GoW and are ready to start dealing.
        Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
        Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
        President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


        • #49
          How much did RP end up paying?

          We agreed to compensate them if it was an unreasonable amount - reportedly GoW was asking Vox for 45 gold for example. So we need to know so that we can set aside an amount by then.

          We would pay it to them when we traded Republic for Currency (Commerce) + Polytheism.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Sharpe
            How much did RP end up paying?

            We agreed to compensate them if it was an unreasonable amount - reportedly GoW was asking Vox for 45 gold for example. So we need to know so that we can set aside an amount by then.

            We would pay it to them when we traded Republic for Currency (Commerce) + Polytheism.
            If GhengisFarb tells truth, RPers paid 40 gold for our contact. I believe it would be a nice gesture of good will from our side to recuperate RPers' expenses as part of that future tech deal (Republic+40g for Currency+Polytheism... Togas indicated he would be happy with a deal like that).

            A side-note: even though the deal was unofficially proposed to RPers and I believe it would be beneficial for both teams to make it, it was NOT officially accepted by either side yet and remains just a proposal... I would thus like to hear from everybody if it is acceptable.

            Shall we make a deal on trading The Republic and 40 gold for Polytheism and Currency with RPers?


            • #51

              We have successfully negotiated with Glory of War to aquire contact with your nation for 40 gold. We feel that contact with your nation is worth paying this amount (we probably would have paid more, and are glad we didn't have to!), and we are happy to have arranged it.

              We would like to ask that Legoland help pay for 1/2 of the cost of contact you. Please let us know as soon as you can.

              This just came from Togas... I believe that what they ask for is pretty reasonable and I would be okay to pay them 20 gold immediately, even if making it part of that more complex deal anyway.

              I guess we can ask the barbarians at the southern tip of Legos Minor to help with the funding...


              • #52
                Originally posted by vondrack

                This just came from Togas... I believe that what they ask for is pretty reasonable and I would be okay to pay them 20 gold immediately, even if making it part of that more complex deal anyway.

                I guess we can ask the barbarians at the southern tip of Legos Minor to help with the funding...
                I too, think we should kindly ask the barbarians to help us in returning those money immediately to the RPs.

                As for the treaty, the Republic for Currency and Polytheism plus some money (now we are going to pay half in advance, only 20 I guess) sounds good. But let's wait to see if we can be the first team to research it .
                Last edited by Tiberius; March 10, 2003, 02:06.
                "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
                --George Bernard Shaw
                A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
                --Woody Allen


                • #53
                  We could also mention that Vox and GS are probably reluctant to buy from Gow and that RP could sell for 20 each
                  Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


                  • #54
                    Well, if 20 is all they're asking for, no arguments here. And Redstar1 brings up a good point, RP may be able to cash in on selling contact to the other non-Bobians.
                    I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                    • #55
                      I see much has happened this weekend. I am still trying to sort it all out. I still get confused on who is who and where they are on the map. I'll try to get up to speed later today.

                      In any case, it seems that everyone is in agreement, so far. I will not attempt to hold up and deals.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by lmtoops
                        I see much has happened this weekend. I am still trying to sort it all out. I still get confused on who is who and where they are on the map. I'll try to get up to speed later today.

                        In any case, it seems that everyone is in agreement, so far. I will not attempt to hold up and deals.
                        Just to help you out a bit:

                        We are to the left, the contact with GoW has been done in the North. The white dot to the right of the contact spot is GoW's capital. South of GoW is ND, further South is RPers (cyan). The "red team" (Luxes) is no longer in the game, their territory now belonging to ND. Far in the right, Voxes in the North and GS in the South.

                        The fine catch-up deal was done with GoW. We currently negotiate another deal (Republic for Currency & Polytheism) with RPers and consider offering a deal to GS ("joint venture" research of the Republic).

                        Hope this helps.


                        • #57
                          An interesting piece of information over in the ISDG forum: apparently the RPers are also hard pressed for iron. E_T didn't elaborate, but he gave the impression that they probably either have iron at a very remote city, or perhaps none at all hooked up yet. WIth GoW also short on iron, it looks like we may have a very solid resource base to deal with other teams (either economically or militarily...)
                          I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                          • #58
                            This would be a good argument to give higher priorities for settling near/on resources (iron and horses), even if those cities are going to be very corrupted and useless for a while.
                            "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
                            --George Bernard Shaw
                            A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
                            --Woody Allen


                            • #59

                              Thank you for the summary of events. What you described is what I thought had happened, but I wasn't sure if I missed anything.

                              We are in a bit of a "power" position. Everyone is eager to meet us before the other civs. I suppose whoring the contact and the techs give them a bit more money. In any case, we must take the best deal.

                              No offense intended towards the other civs, but GoW was closer than the others and had a galley in the area.


                              • #60
                                If the RPers want us to gift 20 gold, let's by all means do so.

                                And the two proposed deals (Republic for Currency and Poly, joint Republic research with GS) both look good.

