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  • Cease-fire offer from GoW

    Hi there. As you withdraw you will notice units following nearby. Let me assure you that these units are strictly for occupation(or to ensure razing) of RP areas as you withdraw. These forces will be small so that they will pose no offensive capability toward your forces.

    As of this time, we are calling for a ceasefire between our forces to help you withdraw. I will not attack retreating forces. Rest assured that you can take paths without worring about defense bonus etc. They have fought well against superior numbers and with an ally that couldn't assist. Your valiant effort have give about 15 more turns to RP thatn they would have had. It is always harder to defend areas that you don't control than your on. Also I'll begin the planning of the return of your captured workers. This will be in a little while since we still will have to build some roads.

    Now here is the fun stuff. I realize that this might go against your RP alliance, but would you consider giving some of the RP cites for tech(say invention or other tech) or lux instead of razing them or gifting to RP. For the record a negative answer is understandable and I am just checking. I will send you peace accepted if you like this turn and perhaps wine could follow.

    I look forward to a profitable relationship in the future.

    As always, best wishes


    • to Aggie

      Hi Aggie,

      Thank-you for your peace offer. GS and RP are considering our team positions with regard to the future, but meanwhile there is an idea I'd like you and your team to consider.

      The recent carnage on Bob has seen the participants kiss goodbye to a staggering number of shields, as Lego's explosion on the powergraph dramatically illustrates.

      GS concluded that as long as its troops remained on Bob, the alliance against us would ensure that Lego win the game. Wheras a few turns ago we felt that ND was the primary obstacle to the interests of both GoW and GS, the recent combined shield losses have put Lego in a dominant position, and a lengthy, expensive conclusion to the status of Pamplona could be just what Lego need to become unnassailable.

      I want to suggest to all teams in the Great Bobian War that a final settlement could now be reached which offered immediate peace, security, mutual benefit and common interest.

      I stress again that this is not currently a GS team position - it is an idea that all four sides at war on Bob can consider simultaneously.

      The sticking point in such a game-saving deal of course, is the fact that many on the GoW side wish to eliminate GS and RP from the game. This is music to vondracks ears, I'm sure - and the implications of such sentiments as GoW policy are all too obvious.


      Cort Haus.


      • update / correction to Aggie


        Sorry to have bothered you. Please disregard my last PM suggesting possible peace arrangements. It has been furiously denounced by other parties so is a complete no-go.

        My apologies for wasting your time.



        • from Aggie

          I am sorry to hear that fact. Sorry for my own lack of response as I have had a cold(nothing major, just irritating now). But I do understand, I face similar arguements in my on team and in my own alliance. But what you said is correct. To win this game we will all have to work together or lego with their isolation and production will have a huge advantage. May I ask if the other parties were ND or RP or internal to GS?

          Best wishes and still hopeful for a mutually beneficial arraingement in the future.


          • To Aggie


            It's no surprise that you also see Lego as an immediate threat requiring a unified response, but does your team?

            Obviously GS's withdrawal from Bob was going to shake up the grand alliance. One permutation is that GoW and Lego might ally against ND, and that GoW would be prepared to help Lego win the game, while persuing their vendetta against GS. This is a perfectly legitimate playstyle, of course - but it does little to encourage GS into believing that GoW is a side it can reliably do business with.

            BigFree has (quite dramatically) rejected the notion of a 4-way peace deal on Bob - which was why I said 'scrub that idea' - but it's still possible that a settlement could now be reached which excluded RP - and could even see them removed from the game. Yes, you did read that correctly.

            You spoke about a possible deal for the cities still under our control in Spain and mentioned tech. We are, in fact, only a couple of turns away from gunpowder. Do you have other techs that you could trade?



            followed by an update on RP

            I have an update from GS to GoW to clarify - or possibly confuse. We've had word from other RP-ers telling us that BigFree's position is not in fact the official position of the team - that remains to be determined. It might also explain why they're holding the turn.

            PS - are you sure you want us off Bob? - you might appreciate another couple dozen knights to help whack Pamplona - j/k


            • to Aggie - re: cease fire

              Hi Aggie,

              Our troops continue with their evacuation of Bob. It should take two more turns after this one to complete the operation, so if the boat-planning is correct we should be all gone on our 420AD turn.

              Meanwhile, until a formal peace is established - is it OK to agree on a cease-fire while we evacuate and until an in-game peace is established? If so, could a public announcement of a cease-fire be made by GS & ratified by GoW on the public forum?




              • from Aggie

                Yes of course. I meant to send peace this turn but forgot I think. On the research front we are closing in on Chem. After you finsih gunpowder it might make sense to do 1 of 2 things. Either go for the upper one or hold at 0% until we get Chem and then rush to metalurgy. such potential deals are being debated on our forum etc as we speak.


                • From Aggie:

                  Here's an idea. Give us a price for Barcelona and any other city. We'll then determine if it's worth it to get the city. This would do wonders for good will. Also it would open the bazaar up and we do need to all start trading. We are approaching chem. Perhaps we could also start some tech negotiations and collaboration.


                  • from MZ

                    Greeting to our Stormian friends.

                    There are two issues that we would like to bring forward with your team:

                    1) Given that we agreed not to interrupt the evacuation of GS troops from southern Bob we would like to receive an assurance that GS will not raze those cities which are currently under its occupation in the continent.

                    2) We would like to schedule a "post-war" chat with your team since there is much to discuss especially tech and lux trades and the overall post-war situation as well as any other topics that GS wishes to bring up.

                    Best regards and happy holidays

                    -Master Zen
                    GoW CoFA


                    • reply to MZ

                      Thankyou for your message, MZ. It has been posted on our forum for discussion, but meanwhile here are couple of thoughts.

                      1) GS are at peace with GoW, but not yet with ND - from whom we have not recieved a reply to recent suggestions of peace. While we are still at war with ND, they could take the cities.

                      Further, whilst there is a theoretical possibility of a deal being done with these cities, we would naturally have to discuss the situation with the original owners of those cities, who, as you will understand, are slightly sore at the moment.

                      2) A post-war chat sounds an excellent idea. I'm sure GS will look forward to it

                      Best Regards,

                      Cort Haus


                      • Uh, I'm not going to put a log quote here, but...

                        Hold the horses, or Riders as it may be.

                        I have had a PM from an unexpected party on GoW asking if we would like to re-open discussions on a deal. Evidently, all is not hunky dory on Bob! I was asked to hold it in confidence, so I am just posting this way.

                        Let's not do anything precipitous, either in public or private, while chasing this opportunity down (good timing for me, as I am basically on holiday after lunch today, and can re-invigorate my participation here).
                        The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                        Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                        • Wow!


                          • to MZ

                            Hi MZ,

                            We have the turn, and in anticipation of possible GS-GoW co-operation and friendship, can continue to hold Barcelona and New Madrid for the time being. Whilst they are being held but not defended, there is the possibility of ND taking these cities - so if you guys are saying "don't disband them yet" we have to assume that you're not asking us to hold them for your allies to take, perhaps on your behalf.

                            We have gunpowder and can finally see the Saltpeter. Interestingly, we were holding some near Barc (and had settlers there recently), which helps us to understand the value GoW would place on Barcelona.

                            Would you be interested in trading tech for Barcelona and New Madrid? We should say that New Madrid has been a buggy city on some players PC's, but not fatally on mine. All the citizens are Chinese, not Spanish. The row of heads of the chinese citizens are invisible on the city screen on my PC, but apart from that the city functions as normal.

                            If you were interested, we don't know what technology you may have to offer - other than chemistry in a few turn's time. We will probably research astronomy in the meantime (won't take us long) - unless we had news that might sugegst alternative paths.




                            • to MZ and Aggie

                              Hi MZ - we still haven't heard from you regarding the fate of Barc and New Madrid. It's our turn again, and we can get all our units off now for a final farewell. Any news?

                              (cc Aggie)


                              • from Aggie:

                                Thanks for the info. Could you be so kind as to hold the turn until we have discussed this more. I have posted a proposal on the forum and need to see reaction first.

                                Also we have not yet recieved a peace offer from RP, could you put some pressure on them to make peace. My fear is that they intend to use the perpetual war for ww, even though the fighting is over. If your deal with them doesn't let you make them make peace would you be willing to allow us to take those cities, we'd then gift them all back to you. I think both GS/GOW agree that perpetual war for ww is an exploit.


                                and my reply

                                We can wait, and we should be able to persuade RP to make peace too.

                                While we're at it, maybe we could consider a luxury trade this turn too.

