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  • to Panzer :

    Sorry, Panzer, I meant to send you this too (you might know it anyway):

    Legoland forces:

    - 2 settler
    - 15 worker
    - 8 horsemen
    - 51 Cavalry
    - 85 infantry
    - 61 artillery
    - 16 ironclad
    - 15 transport
    - 6 subs
    - 8 DD
    - 9 BB
    - 1 bomber


    • to MZ & Panzer

      Hi MZ/Panzer

      Sorry I've not been as active as I would have liked to have been for discussing things like tech plans with you guys. I understand you're now researching Radio, so my apologies in not helping our teams to come to a deal on that one.

      Are you interested in working out a deal on Computers, which I gather should be coming available to us in the not-so-distant future? The modern era has many interesting paths and options, and hopefully GoW and GS can maintain our historic mutual technological co-operation to forge a path into the light.




      • from Panzer

        We'll have to discuss this within our own team, just letting you know I got it, and I wanted to ask a question - DDay is 1260 AD, right? This is the turn that we land on Lego's shores? We are going to have to declare war in 1250 AD (2 turns before DDay) to sink some sentry ships. Am I right in my thinking?


        • to MZ and Panzer

          Panzer / MZ,

          D-Day is 1265, not 1260. GoW would be able to DW a turn later than GS, but wouldn't it be better if war was declared simultaneously next turn? (3 turns before the landing).

          240 1250 GS Declares war, and attacks pickets.
          (*GoW group sets sail (?) declares war, and destroys pickets?)
          241 1255 GS North and South move (T-2->T-1)
          242 1260 All groups at T positions
          243 1265 D-Day. Amphibious invasions by GS and GoW.



          PS - I shall be away from Fri 22nd to Thurs 28th (hopefully with occasional 'poly access) so please copy DeepO with any messages, thanks


          • from Panzer

            With 1265 as D-Day, it would be possible for GoW to leave at 1255. The question would be whether to declare war in 1250, to show solidarity with you, or 1255 to maybe not give away the whole plan in 1250. What is GS' opinion on this?


            • Panzer, we would certainly appreciate it if you declare war in the same turn as us, even if it isn't strictly necessary. It doesn't really matter for the distribution of Lego's ground forces, but it does for their navy. Right now (as of last turn), we spotted the main threat to our invasion, being a stack of 7 battleships. We can handle that, and we could handle a few more but not much.

              We know Lego has a reasonable amount of subs, 3 of those are at least on our side (as we more or less know where they are), those other 3 should if at all possible be lured to your side.

              With this 1 turn 'delay', maybe we can do something useful. We know Lego has 85 inf (for the moment). We will threaten 5 cities through various forks on D-day. You will threaten 2... which makes ~12 inf per threatened city (if all other cities are empty, which they won't risk). Our marines should be able to handle that, but less defenders is always better. If you could threaten another city, our chances for both succesfully invading only rise.

              One of our fleet is a small detachment of 3 empty transports (plus defenders), within reach of the main fleet for chaining. It doesn't cost us much, but creates another target which Lego can't afford to leave undefended. It would be most helpfull if GoW could also set something like this up: a cheap, small but credible threat on one more Lego city.

              With 1265 as D-Day, it would be possible for GoW to leave at 1255. The question would be whether to declare war in 1250, to show solidarity with you, or 1255 to maybe not give away the whole plan in 1250. What is GS' opinion on this?


              • to MZ/Panzer

                Hi MZ, Panzer.

                Do you need Lego's current troop numbers from us or are you OK for that data?



                • from MZ

                  Combined Allied Command, Tactics, Units and Strategy.

                  Because of my absence I fear we haven't been able to do much communicating that has to change now that I'm back. I propose we chat one of these days (early next week?) or at the very least send detailed info about plans and troop dispositions etc. Here's a little recap of what happend on our turn:

                  Our fleet set sail with the carriers right behind them, the carrier aircraft bombed the 3 visible Lego ironclads which were subsequently sunk by destroyers. We have 19 transports with the following troops (off my head)

                  44 Tanks
                  34 Marines
                  42 Infantry
                  27 Artillery
                  5 Settlers

                  There are also 11 bombers and a fighter for naval support. A total of 19 destroyers are around the area... somewhere... 17 are actually protecting the transports and the carriers.

                  I was also a little confused about the exact date in which GS was planning to land due to the 5-year turn change which made things a bit confused. IIRC GS said it was trying for D-Day on 1265? That would be perfect as we can only land on Dye Fields that turn (on 1260 we'd be able to land the troops but not move them though we could still hit Jackson). Our fleet is currently at Zenophobia 3-3-3-3-3-2.

                  Also I miscalculated the distance for Bombers (damn 6-tiles in PTW, I thought it was 8), I was planning a massive bomber offensive from Little Bob against Jackson with the next 3 turns of production (about 30 bombers) but I guess not anymore, more tanks instead for the followup.

                  Oh btw, if you have the latest data on Lego's troops, send it my way please, I remember you sent us some data a while ago but don't know if it's updated.

                  Cheers and good luck next turn



                  • to MZ

                    Thanks for this, MZ, and good to have to you back! Thanks too to Panzer for stepping in over there. I'll try and reply asap with some info from GS, once I've caught up with the military minutes. (I've been in Lisbon this week), but I was able to quickly send the details of Lego's forces earlier.




                    • to MZ re: CACTUS


                      Just to clarify - those figures for Lego were before the battles of our turn, so casualties need subtracting.

                      On D-Day (1265AD) we intend to deliver ~56 Marines to the target city on Lego (west) to be sure of good odds, considering they may have plenty of backup cavalry defenders to garrison in at-risk ports. We would advise you to consider a similar number for your assault, especially if your bombers cannot join the fray. Hence Marines rather than Bombers could be the key to Lego's east.

                      I hope to send you a screenshot later of the naval situation in Mare Nostrum.




                      • to MZ

                        Hi MZ,

                        There is a bit of a problem with the diplo bug and Rubber supply.

                        Turn 242 is the 20th turn of Rubber and on 243 it expires. Presumably GS-GoW would have to to do the faux war thing to fix the bug and re-establish the supply.

                        The luxuries are one-for-one, I think, (most recent on T131) so we don't need use the diplo screen to renew them but the rubber will be gone for D-Day and the chaining of esential Marines.

                        The other subject is Computers, and whether GoW wishes to buy this tech off GS.

                        I have to go and visit my family now, I'll be back tomorrow (Sunday). Hopefully we can arrange a chat early next week as you suggested.

                        Many thanks,



                        • edited: wrong thread



                          • to MZ

                            Hi MZ,

                            I've just got back from visiting family - and there's been a turn! I'll send you the up-to-date battle reports for T241 (1255 AD) once they're prepared, but first off, here's the full report for T240 (1250AD) and Lego's forces at the start of T241



                            Situation scetch before movement:

                            Battle Report:
                            (DD1 is the first, but it was moved before the screenshot was made)

                            DD1 attacks Ir Shark . DD 4/4.
                            DD2 attacks Ir Southfork. DD 1/4.
                            DD3 attacks DD Achilles. DD 2/4.
                            Sub1 attacks DD Poseidon . Sub 2/4.
                            DD4 attacks DD Argonout. DD 2/4.
                            Sub2 attacks Sub U-Q2. Sub 1/4.
                            DD5 attacks DD Athena. DD 2/4.
                            DD6 attacks Ir Dagger. DD 2/4.
                            DD7 attacks Ir Sledgehammer. DD 3/4.
                            DD8 attacks Ir Maul. DD destroyed. Ir Maul 3/4.
                            DD9 attacks Ir Maul(3/4). DD promotes to elite 4/5.
                            DD10 attacks Ir Iron. DD 3/4.

                            Total: 12 attacks, 11 won, 1 lost, 1 promotion.
                            We lost 1 DD.
                            Lego lost 6 Ir, 1 Sub, 4 DD.

                            We basically have 3 fleet.
                            - Northern fleet leaves from Hurricane, and sails to the fork on Forkmouth, Sandonorico and Quanto Mechanico. Needs to sail close to Lego stack of BB.
                            - Southern fleet leaves from Sufa, sails to fork on Quanto Mechanico and Abilene.
                            - Deep Southern fleet is an empty fleet, and sails to fork on Abilene and Tiperrary. Only consists of 3 TR and a few defenders, but will be within chaining range of the S fleet. It could bring 24 M to Lego's shore, so they can't leave Tiperrary undefended.

                            We will try to chain extra troops to the transports during the next few turns. As we will not know which chains will succeed (there are Lego subs around), precise troop composition is uncertain. In total, our invasion force exists of
                            > 56 M
                            > 50 T
                            > 20 I
                            9 S
                            3 E
                            no artillery
                            a minimum of bombers

                            Further, RP is going to join us. However, we were late in planning it, and as a result, they will be a few turns behind us, they won't be present on D-day.

                            We will provide Lego troop numbers for as long as possible, but they might expose our spy. As far as we can see, Lego is the only other civ with a CIA built.
                            Please excuse the omission of economic data, at this point we're not quite sure what the protocol is on this info

                            Legoland forces:
                            at start of turn 241

                            - 2 settler
                            - 15 worker
                            - 8 horsemen
                            - 41 Cavalry (-10! Lego is using them to seed ships or tank builds, no doubt about that)
                            - 89 infantry (+4 built)
                            - 62 artillery (+1 built)
                            - 7 ironclad (-9 lost in battle)
                            - 15 transport
                            - 10 subs (+3 built, -1 battle)
                            - 5 DD (+1 built, -4 battle)
                            - 9 BB
                            - 2 bomber


                            • to MZ

                              Battle Report 1255 AD
                              fighter bombards sub U-Q1 (3/4). hit. sub 2/4
                              2/4 DD attacks sub U-Q1 (2/4). 2/4 DD sinks. Sub 2/4.
                              1/4 Sub attacks sub U-Q1 (2/4). 1/4 Sub sinks. Lego sub promotes, 3/5.

                              Total: 1 bombardment, and 2 battles. We lost a DD and a Sub.

                              Not such a good turn on the naval encounters, but our northern fleet is safe from attack by their BB next turn.


                              • final T141 report sent to MZ

