Thanks for the quick reply.
Basically what is happening is that we are about to be overrun in the south, Barcelona will be captured probably next turn. There are 15 riders and 8 cats bearing down on us. Thus we are beating a hasty retreat. Our plans are to abandon Barcelona next turn and pillage everything around the area, evacuating our units via galley back to stormia. Do you have problems with any of that?
We need you to do the following:
Your workers nearr Barca can move 9, but if GoW advance thay should disband on the turn after.
Please leave road at Tol-3 and Tol-32 clear for our units coming south.
Perhaps you other workers could run into jungle?
Let us know if you need some cash to maintain your forces in Pamplona, and please get in touch anyway - we need to discuss the future.
What are the plans for Pamplona. Are you going to make a final stand there? It looks like ND will be hitting you, and GoW is working on our forces.
Anyway, that's a start with what we've been thinking recently. I would appreciate it if you passed it on.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Basically what is happening is that we are about to be overrun in the south, Barcelona will be captured probably next turn. There are 15 riders and 8 cats bearing down on us. Thus we are beating a hasty retreat. Our plans are to abandon Barcelona next turn and pillage everything around the area, evacuating our units via galley back to stormia. Do you have problems with any of that?
We need you to do the following:
Your workers nearr Barca can move 9, but if GoW advance thay should disband on the turn after.
Please leave road at Tol-3 and Tol-32 clear for our units coming south.
Perhaps you other workers could run into jungle?
Let us know if you need some cash to maintain your forces in Pamplona, and please get in touch anyway - we need to discuss the future.
What are the plans for Pamplona. Are you going to make a final stand there? It looks like ND will be hitting you, and GoW is working on our forces.
Anyway, that's a start with what we've been thinking recently. I would appreciate it if you passed it on.