* Now talking in #mast
* ChanServ sets mode: +o OPD
*OPD> cool
*Arnelos> nifty
*Arnelos> anyhow... wanna hear what Lego spilled to us?
*Arnelos> you guys need to hear this
*OPD> yeah
*Arnelos> one of the Lego guys was chatting with one of RP's guys in a PTWDG2 channel the other night, told us quite a bit
*Arnelos> 3 major things:
*OPD> yeah....
*Arnelos> 1. Legoland has Gunpowder
*OPD> wow
*Arnelos> 2. There is no source of saltpeter on Stormia!
*OPD> damn
*OPD> what about espania?
*Arnelos> 3. ND and GoW are apparently stockpiling UU's north of Spain... presumably for an assault. The Lego guy who told us this was VERY unwilling to mention HOW Lego might know this
*Arnelos> I presume Spain has a source of saltpeter
*OPD> this is bad
*OPD> how north of spain?
*Arnelos> dunno
*Arnelos> he was unwilling to talk about how it was that Lego knew
*Arnelos> only one of two ways, really
*Arnelos> either GoW and ND told them (loud mouths that they are) or Lego has their own boots on the ground
*OPD> for a major attack on spain or for an attack on Estonia?
*Arnelos> don't know
*Arnelos> they don't have a fleet to do any attack on Estonia, though
*Arnelos> so presumably, they're bound for Spain
*OPD> hmmmn this is very important
*OPD> how would you rate the reliablity of this?
*Arnelos> which we believe is the reason that GoW is holding the save
*Arnelos> GoW needs Nd's road network to get their riders to the front... the reason GoW is holding the save is that there's a problem with their RoP agreement... it won't let GoW use ND roads
*OPD> you mean the attack could be this turn
*Arnelos> it could be very soon
*OPD> ah I see
*Arnelos> we honstly don't know
*Arnelos> all that Lego mentioned was that they were stockpiling, not that they were moving
*OPD> I think first of all it would be a good idea to gift RP a city in north Estonia should the worst come to the worst
*Arnelos> btw... I'm currently acting leader of Spain... Togas declared me as Lord Regent during the King's illness (no computer)
*Arnelos> just so you know
*OPD> Perhaps ND - GoW decided to stockpile and attack when they can completely take you out
*Arnelos> my objectives are twofold right now... 1. move all available RP forces back into Pamplona
*Arnelos> 2. attempt to get Gunpowder off of Legoland
*Arnelos> if we can get Gunpowder, we even the odds
*Arnelos> assuming we can get saltpeter with it
*OPD> they may have attacked this turn
*Arnelos> Lego seems far more willing to help out right now because they are very scared of GoW and ND now... previously, they were far more scared of GS... but since you guys have no saltpeter and they say ND/GoW has TONS of UU's waiting to attack, they're more scared of ND/GoW right now
*OPD> it appears almost as if it doesn't matter how the war goes. If lego are prepared to aid the loser
*Arnelos> the point right now is that I want Lego to believe that we are going to be the loser
*OPD> are you guys giong to try and get it from them?
*Arnelos> I'll do my best
*Arnelos> I've been working on them for at least 2 weeks now
*OPD> cool
*Arnelos> to side with us
*OPD> how does their millitary compare to yours?
*Arnelos> I should let you guys know what I've been using as the endgame to convince them, if possiblle
*Arnelos> the IDEA is that RP would regain all previous land... we would give all available luxes to GS and Lego beyond what we use ourselves... GS would claim the NE quadrant of Bob. VOX CONTROLI could claim NW Bob (GoW lands) in order to maintain some balance in the world. All surviving parties agree to let the best builders win the game.
*Arnelos> of course, the reality that Lego doesn't know about is that we're allied to GS until the end of hte game
*OPD> hehehe
*OPD> and that GS are the best builders around
*Arnelos> the point is... I need to sell Lego something they'll believe and
something they'd be willing to fight for
*OPD> very true
*Arnelos> and make the alternative look like ND and GoW winning all of Bob to later threaten the Legos
*Arnelos> now that we know you guys don't have saltpeter, that makes ND and GoW winning all of Bob that much more scary to Lego
*OPD> ND and GoW must be aware that Lego have Gunpower?
*Arnelos> the objective here is to get Lego (and Vox) to help put ND and GoW back in their cage... and while we're at it... GS gets part of Bob... Lego seems somewhat open to this, interestingly
*Arnelos> I don't know if ND and GoW know
*OPD> they'd see if they were researching it
*Arnelos> assuming they check each turn
*Arnelos> from what i know of both teams I doubt it
*Arnelos> Aggie, Master Zen, Panzer... none of these guys count beakers... MZ had to ask for my advice in a PBEM game he was playing on how beaker-totals even work
*OPD> yeah but if it takes 10 turns then next turn only 7 they'll notice it
*Arnelos> true
*OPD> do you think Lego would offer anything other than financial help?
*Arnelos> I don't know... ZargonX said in my last chat with him a few days ago that Lego was considering help with "all available means"
*Arnelos> the problem is that Lego is split on the matter
*Arnelos> vondrack and Tiberius are very anti-GS and pro-GoW/ND
*OPD> yeah?
*Arnelos> ZargonX, Kloreep, Sharpe, and Nimitz seem to be more pro-RP and specifically anti-GoW/ND
*OPD> maybe you should trick them into the war
*Arnelos> the key matter is that Lego does everything by vote
*OPD> start asking questions about an exodus to lego land
*Arnelos> all we need is a majority of Lego to agree with our side
*Arnelos> which I think can be arranged...
*Arnelos> one or two are already strongly on our side.... if a few more can be convinced, a few more inactives PMed and brought back, and others convinced within their forums, we don't need vondrack and Tiberius
*OPD> It'd be a good idea to try and convince Vond and Tiberious too
*Arnelos> we can try, of course
*Arnelos> I'd like to have them united in favor of this
*OPD> or at least make them more attracted to it
*Arnelos> but if vond and tiberius are heartset on being pro-ND and anti-GS, not sure how much can be done for them
*OPD> yeah especially when things don't go to plan
*OPD> do you think GS can do anything about this?
*Arnelos> probably not
*OPD> lol
*OPD> ok
*Arnelos> oh, one other thing...
*Arnelos> you guys have any spare incense?
*OPD> yeah IIRC we have spare incense and furs
*Arnelos> cool
*Arnelos> Lego needs incense... we could... sweeten the deal
*Arnelos> in return for saltpeter, if they're willing, it would be more than worth it
*OPD> ok I'll post this in the forum and see what people think
*OPD> GS not having saltpeter would go a long way to convincing lego well build for the rest of the game
*Arnelos> possibly
*Arnelos> that's the deal I've been trying to convince them might just work
*Arnelos> the idea being that they KNOW Glory of War would NEVER agree to that
*Arnelos> no matter what Glory of War SAYS, Lego knows they won't just build
*Arnelos> it seems the same for ND
*OPD> yeah for a builder end game they need GoW out
*Arnelos> exactly
*OPD> just think how much better GoW would be doing if they'd attacked lego instead of you
*Arnelos> lol
*Arnelos> they would have rolled over them
*OPD> perhaps they still could
*Arnelos> Lego was weak to everyone, I believe
*Arnelos> GoW has no fleet
*Arnelos> they'd need to build one
*OPD> there was talk in the forum about a possible peace with GoW and ND going after Lego instead of us
*OPD> at least suggesting that you them
*Arnelos> it's possible that GoW/ND were thinking of it
* ChanServ sets mode: +o OPD
*OPD> cool
*Arnelos> nifty
*Arnelos> anyhow... wanna hear what Lego spilled to us?
*Arnelos> you guys need to hear this
*OPD> yeah
*Arnelos> one of the Lego guys was chatting with one of RP's guys in a PTWDG2 channel the other night, told us quite a bit
*Arnelos> 3 major things:
*OPD> yeah....
*Arnelos> 1. Legoland has Gunpowder
*OPD> wow
*Arnelos> 2. There is no source of saltpeter on Stormia!
*OPD> damn
*OPD> what about espania?
*Arnelos> 3. ND and GoW are apparently stockpiling UU's north of Spain... presumably for an assault. The Lego guy who told us this was VERY unwilling to mention HOW Lego might know this
*Arnelos> I presume Spain has a source of saltpeter
*OPD> this is bad
*OPD> how north of spain?
*Arnelos> dunno
*Arnelos> he was unwilling to talk about how it was that Lego knew
*Arnelos> only one of two ways, really
*Arnelos> either GoW and ND told them (loud mouths that they are) or Lego has their own boots on the ground
*OPD> for a major attack on spain or for an attack on Estonia?
*Arnelos> don't know
*Arnelos> they don't have a fleet to do any attack on Estonia, though
*Arnelos> so presumably, they're bound for Spain
*OPD> hmmmn this is very important
*OPD> how would you rate the reliablity of this?
*Arnelos> which we believe is the reason that GoW is holding the save
*Arnelos> GoW needs Nd's road network to get their riders to the front... the reason GoW is holding the save is that there's a problem with their RoP agreement... it won't let GoW use ND roads
*OPD> you mean the attack could be this turn
*Arnelos> it could be very soon
*OPD> ah I see
*Arnelos> we honstly don't know
*Arnelos> all that Lego mentioned was that they were stockpiling, not that they were moving
*OPD> I think first of all it would be a good idea to gift RP a city in north Estonia should the worst come to the worst
*Arnelos> btw... I'm currently acting leader of Spain... Togas declared me as Lord Regent during the King's illness (no computer)
*Arnelos> just so you know
*OPD> Perhaps ND - GoW decided to stockpile and attack when they can completely take you out
*Arnelos> my objectives are twofold right now... 1. move all available RP forces back into Pamplona
*Arnelos> 2. attempt to get Gunpowder off of Legoland
*Arnelos> if we can get Gunpowder, we even the odds
*Arnelos> assuming we can get saltpeter with it
*OPD> they may have attacked this turn
*Arnelos> Lego seems far more willing to help out right now because they are very scared of GoW and ND now... previously, they were far more scared of GS... but since you guys have no saltpeter and they say ND/GoW has TONS of UU's waiting to attack, they're more scared of ND/GoW right now
*OPD> it appears almost as if it doesn't matter how the war goes. If lego are prepared to aid the loser
*Arnelos> the point right now is that I want Lego to believe that we are going to be the loser
*OPD> are you guys giong to try and get it from them?
*Arnelos> I'll do my best
*Arnelos> I've been working on them for at least 2 weeks now
*OPD> cool
*Arnelos> to side with us
*OPD> how does their millitary compare to yours?
*Arnelos> I should let you guys know what I've been using as the endgame to convince them, if possiblle
*Arnelos> the IDEA is that RP would regain all previous land... we would give all available luxes to GS and Lego beyond what we use ourselves... GS would claim the NE quadrant of Bob. VOX CONTROLI could claim NW Bob (GoW lands) in order to maintain some balance in the world. All surviving parties agree to let the best builders win the game.
*Arnelos> of course, the reality that Lego doesn't know about is that we're allied to GS until the end of hte game
*OPD> hehehe
*OPD> and that GS are the best builders around
*Arnelos> the point is... I need to sell Lego something they'll believe and
something they'd be willing to fight for
*OPD> very true
*Arnelos> and make the alternative look like ND and GoW winning all of Bob to later threaten the Legos
*Arnelos> now that we know you guys don't have saltpeter, that makes ND and GoW winning all of Bob that much more scary to Lego
*OPD> ND and GoW must be aware that Lego have Gunpower?
*Arnelos> the objective here is to get Lego (and Vox) to help put ND and GoW back in their cage... and while we're at it... GS gets part of Bob... Lego seems somewhat open to this, interestingly
*Arnelos> I don't know if ND and GoW know
*OPD> they'd see if they were researching it
*Arnelos> assuming they check each turn
*Arnelos> from what i know of both teams I doubt it

*Arnelos> Aggie, Master Zen, Panzer... none of these guys count beakers... MZ had to ask for my advice in a PBEM game he was playing on how beaker-totals even work
*OPD> yeah but if it takes 10 turns then next turn only 7 they'll notice it
*Arnelos> true
*OPD> do you think Lego would offer anything other than financial help?
*Arnelos> I don't know... ZargonX said in my last chat with him a few days ago that Lego was considering help with "all available means"
*Arnelos> the problem is that Lego is split on the matter
*Arnelos> vondrack and Tiberius are very anti-GS and pro-GoW/ND
*OPD> yeah?

*Arnelos> ZargonX, Kloreep, Sharpe, and Nimitz seem to be more pro-RP and specifically anti-GoW/ND
*OPD> maybe you should trick them into the war
*Arnelos> the key matter is that Lego does everything by vote
*OPD> start asking questions about an exodus to lego land
*Arnelos> all we need is a majority of Lego to agree with our side
*Arnelos> which I think can be arranged...
*Arnelos> one or two are already strongly on our side.... if a few more can be convinced, a few more inactives PMed and brought back, and others convinced within their forums, we don't need vondrack and Tiberius
*OPD> It'd be a good idea to try and convince Vond and Tiberious too
*Arnelos> we can try, of course
*Arnelos> I'd like to have them united in favor of this
*OPD> or at least make them more attracted to it
*Arnelos> but if vond and tiberius are heartset on being pro-ND and anti-GS, not sure how much can be done for them
*OPD> yeah especially when things don't go to plan
*OPD> do you think GS can do anything about this?
*Arnelos> probably not
*OPD> lol

*OPD> ok
*Arnelos> oh, one other thing...
*Arnelos> you guys have any spare incense?
*OPD> yeah IIRC we have spare incense and furs
*Arnelos> cool
*Arnelos> Lego needs incense... we could... sweeten the deal
*Arnelos> in return for saltpeter, if they're willing, it would be more than worth it
*OPD> ok I'll post this in the forum and see what people think
*OPD> GS not having saltpeter would go a long way to convincing lego well build for the rest of the game
*Arnelos> possibly
*Arnelos> that's the deal I've been trying to convince them might just work
*Arnelos> the idea being that they KNOW Glory of War would NEVER agree to that

*Arnelos> no matter what Glory of War SAYS, Lego knows they won't just build
*Arnelos> it seems the same for ND
*OPD> yeah for a builder end game they need GoW out
*Arnelos> exactly
*OPD> just think how much better GoW would be doing if they'd attacked lego instead of you
*Arnelos> lol
*Arnelos> they would have rolled over them
*OPD> perhaps they still could
*Arnelos> Lego was weak to everyone, I believe
*Arnelos> GoW has no fleet
*Arnelos> they'd need to build one
*OPD> there was talk in the forum about a possible peace with GoW and ND going after Lego instead of us
*OPD> at least suggesting that you them
*Arnelos> it's possible that GoW/ND were thinking of it