Chat with RP up untill I left
* Now talking in #MilOps
*opd> allo again
*opd> sorry about that
*BigFree> np
*asleepathewheel> ah, can you stay on this time opd? I have to leave very soon
*asleepathewheel> I will post in our forum what has been said thus far.
*BigFree> ok
*opd> yeah I can stay
*BigFree> [13:45] * opd ( Quit (Quit: )
*BigFree> [13:45] *asleepathewheel> we also have 2 knights around meridia
*BigFree> [13:46] *asleepathewheel> (not sure where those got to
*BigFree> [13:46] *asleepathewheel> I meant murcia on that last part
*BigFree> [13:47] *asleepathewheel> hmm
*BigFree> [13:47] *asleepathewheel> what to do
*BigFree> [13:48] *asleepathewheel> I'm not quite sure
*BigFree> [13:49] *BigFree> Togas is playing the save now
*BigFree> [13:49] *asleepathewheel> if you move this turn, then they can take the stack, because we can't reach there soon
*BigFree> [13:49] *BigFree> I would count on him doing what I said
*BigFree> [13:49] *asleepathewheel> ah, ok
*BigFree> [13:49] *asleepathewheel> so is the plan for us to move to alamo, or take meridia?
*BigFree> [13:50] *BigFree> Well, we were justhoping tooprovide cover for you whiile you did what you needed to do
*BigFree> [13:50] *BigFree> plus we wanted to cut the Ivory
*BigFree> [13:51] *asleepathewheel> I see. hmm. I am pretty rushed right now (wife will be home any minute) hence why I'm a bit scattered
*BigFree> [13:51] *BigFree> Since they were pummeling us with those Cats you lost to GoW we figured we needed to move now
*BigFree> just what you missed OPD
*asleepathewheel> ah great
*opd> cheers
*asleepathewheel> I apparently have no idea how to do that
*asleepathewheel> anywya
*BigFree> I was also wondering if GS could build a new bas of operations North of NM
*asleepathewheel> I see the urgency to move now
*opd> yeah you could do with moving out
*asleepathewheel> new base where?
*BigFree> If you gave us Sirocco, we could use more tiles for Barcelona
*BigFree> I was thinkg that 9-9-9 of NM would be good; we'd need another road though
*asleepathewheel> true, it might increase our turn around time for unit transport.
*asleepathewheel> esp. if we are shipping units south
*BigFree> yes
*opd> how badly do you need the tiles for barc
*asleepathewheel> I will post to our forum (pretty dead there lately)
*opd> wait hmmn
*BigFree> Barc would be able t use the tile 8-9 of itself
*asleepathewheel> I don't see sirroco and barc overlapping, am I wrong or are you thinking of New Madrid
*opd> you mean NM?
* Arnelos_AWAY is now known as Arnelos
*opd> Re-baseing would be a pain in the ass
*opd> North of NM would defeat the purpose without roads through the jungle*asleepathewheel> yes
*BigFree> It also has the effect of us having another unit pruducing city that can shre tiles with NM
*BigFree> Roads would definetle have to come first
*asleepathewheel> we could shift the workers in Sir to the coast, that would give you another irrigated plain
*asleepathewheel> sir is on hill, not sure you would get that much produciont out of that square for a while, with one worker in the area
*opd> what are your plans regarding the troops next to the Alamo?
*BigFree> I have to reboot
*BigFree> we plan to move them all 1
*BigFree> then try to cut the raod
*BigFree> brbr
* BigFree has quit IRC (Quit: )
*opd> Moving them 1????
*asleepathewheel> I think he means adjacenet to alamo?
*opd> But they'll just get hit with cats untill they're all redlined?
*asleepathewheel> yes, basically Vox revisted
*asleepathewheel> I think the notion is to move them in, have the enemy kill of the units, and we swoop in and take meridia and the rest of the south with our knights
*asleepathewheel> using the 10 units as decoys
*asleepathewheel> and also to pillage the road from alamo to the rest of ND to sever the ivory pipe
*opd> I think thats a really bad idea
*opd> I don't think GS are in a position to launch a southern offensive
*asleepathewheel> I think it might be useful in 2-3 turns, *asleepathewheel> exactly, our knights are at least 2.5 moves away
*opd> GoW can take out the RP units by themselves with little loss
* BigFree has joined #MilOps
* ChanServ sets mode: +o BigFree
* BigFree sets mode: +psnk Right
*opd> While ND take out an attack we make
*opd> What can your units on the mountain adjacent to the ALamo see?
*opd> can you see any cats stationed outside Alamo?
-> [BigFree] PING
-> [Arnelos] PING
*opd> are you playing the save now?
*opd> hello?
*opd> hello?
*asleepathewheel> um anyone home?
*asleepathewheel> I think BF said Togas was playing the save currently
*asleepathewheel> or something
*BigFree> sorry
*BigFree> I can send you a screen, but we see a **** load of ANsars 1 of Alamo
*opd> any catapults in the stack?
*asleepathewheel> hmm
*BigFree> nope
*BigFree> I think all Cats are in Alamo
*asleepathewheel> cats stamped GS on the bottome
*opd> you guys aren't seriously going to move further into GoW territory?
*BigFree> Yes
*opd> hmmmmn
*BigFree> That is what Togas wants to do*BigFree> I was against it
*BigFree> but he doesn't want to just sit there
*Arnelos> people, let's not leave Pamplona underdefended... just a thought
*asleepathewheel> Its a few turns premature
*BigFree> I tried to tell him it would be better to coordinate
*asleepathewheel> we just aren't in position to do anything yet
*opd> you guys should be retreating
*Arnelos> I agree
*BigFree> With the lack of communication between us he felt the need to do something
*Arnelos> for future reference, it would help IMMEASURABLY if GS and RP would do all warturns together
*BigFree> I agree
*asleepathewheel> we understand, frankly GS has recently had a lack of communication amongst itself, if you know what I mean
*asleepathewheel> NYE is gone, my computer was dead for a week, etc etc
*opd> no one is around
*opd> shiber, zeit, Deepo
*opd> all gone
*opd> well not gone but not as active
*BigFree> WOOT
*asleepathewheel> so that is where we are at, we pitch in where we can, but...
*BigFree> Ok, Togas did not play yet
*BigFree> He left instructions for me to play it
*asleepathewheel> cool
*BigFree> :Phrew:
*BigFree> I had planned to rotate out the injured units back to our terr
*opd> I think maybe we should look into the forum exchange thing again*BigFree> wht is that?
*opd> Someone from GS joins RP and someone from RP joins GS
*opd> to act as conduits
*opd> or communication links
*asleepathewheel> I have to go guys, the wife is home, OPD, can you copy this stuff to our forum?
*opd> ok
*asleepathewheel> bye
* asleepathewheel has quit IRC (Quit: )
*BigFree> That woud be good
*BigFree> I will join GS
*BigFree> If it is ok with our team
*opd> ok I'll bring it up in the forum and make sure everyone is ok with it
*BigFree> good
*BigFree> I will play the turn now
*BigFree> rotating the units out
*BigFree> but keeping enough there to cause the discomfort
*BigFree> making them keep units at home
*opd> how many?
*BigFree> There are 10 there now 5 pikes 5 MI's
*BigFree> I will send 4 away and replace 2 of them with healthy units
*opd> thats cool
*BigFree> so8 wil end up ther I beilieve
*opd> you don't want too few to be susceptible to serious cat damage
*opd> BTW last turn they captured cats between each other to give them an extra turn of movement
*opd> We don't really know but they may do the same again to attack twice with them in the same turn
*BigFree> damnm that is cheating, IMO
*opd> yeah they probably won't do it again but they could
*BigFree> do you know much about irc?
*opd> not really
*BigFree> damn
*BigFree> I screwed something up
*BigFree> oh well
*opd> I know I didn't need a password to get into this room
*opd> what did you screw up
*BigFree> The cahnnels used to 'flash' when there was a new message....not anymore though
* Octavian_X has joined #milops
*opd> hoooray
*BigFree> Maybe Oct knows
*opd> Hello Ot
*BigFree> The cahnnels used to 'flash' when there was a new message....not anymore though
*BigFree> how do I fix that
*Octavian_X> Hello
* Arnelos is now known as Arnelos_IDLE
*opd> I if thats the worst of your problems you're doing ok
*BigFree> screw the helos just tell me how to fix it!
*Octavian_X> heh
*Octavian_X> right click the name of the channel on mIRC
*Octavian_X> select the 'Flashing' opiton.
* Now talking in #MilOps
*opd> allo again
*opd> sorry about that
*BigFree> np
*asleepathewheel> ah, can you stay on this time opd? I have to leave very soon
*asleepathewheel> I will post in our forum what has been said thus far.
*BigFree> ok
*opd> yeah I can stay
*BigFree> [13:45] * opd ( Quit (Quit: )
*BigFree> [13:45] *asleepathewheel> we also have 2 knights around meridia
*BigFree> [13:46] *asleepathewheel> (not sure where those got to
*BigFree> [13:46] *asleepathewheel> I meant murcia on that last part
*BigFree> [13:47] *asleepathewheel> hmm
*BigFree> [13:47] *asleepathewheel> what to do
*BigFree> [13:48] *asleepathewheel> I'm not quite sure
*BigFree> [13:49] *BigFree> Togas is playing the save now
*BigFree> [13:49] *asleepathewheel> if you move this turn, then they can take the stack, because we can't reach there soon
*BigFree> [13:49] *BigFree> I would count on him doing what I said
*BigFree> [13:49] *asleepathewheel> ah, ok
*BigFree> [13:49] *asleepathewheel> so is the plan for us to move to alamo, or take meridia?
*BigFree> [13:50] *BigFree> Well, we were justhoping tooprovide cover for you whiile you did what you needed to do
*BigFree> [13:50] *BigFree> plus we wanted to cut the Ivory
*BigFree> [13:51] *asleepathewheel> I see. hmm. I am pretty rushed right now (wife will be home any minute) hence why I'm a bit scattered
*BigFree> [13:51] *BigFree> Since they were pummeling us with those Cats you lost to GoW we figured we needed to move now
*BigFree> just what you missed OPD
*asleepathewheel> ah great
*opd> cheers
*asleepathewheel> I apparently have no idea how to do that
*asleepathewheel> anywya
*BigFree> I was also wondering if GS could build a new bas of operations North of NM
*asleepathewheel> I see the urgency to move now
*opd> yeah you could do with moving out
*asleepathewheel> new base where?
*BigFree> If you gave us Sirocco, we could use more tiles for Barcelona
*BigFree> I was thinkg that 9-9-9 of NM would be good; we'd need another road though
*asleepathewheel> true, it might increase our turn around time for unit transport.
*asleepathewheel> esp. if we are shipping units south
*BigFree> yes
*opd> how badly do you need the tiles for barc
*asleepathewheel> I will post to our forum (pretty dead there lately)
*opd> wait hmmn
*BigFree> Barc would be able t use the tile 8-9 of itself
*asleepathewheel> I don't see sirroco and barc overlapping, am I wrong or are you thinking of New Madrid
*opd> you mean NM?
* Arnelos_AWAY is now known as Arnelos
*opd> Re-baseing would be a pain in the ass
*opd> North of NM would defeat the purpose without roads through the jungle*asleepathewheel> yes
*BigFree> It also has the effect of us having another unit pruducing city that can shre tiles with NM
*BigFree> Roads would definetle have to come first
*asleepathewheel> we could shift the workers in Sir to the coast, that would give you another irrigated plain
*asleepathewheel> sir is on hill, not sure you would get that much produciont out of that square for a while, with one worker in the area
*opd> what are your plans regarding the troops next to the Alamo?
*BigFree> I have to reboot
*BigFree> we plan to move them all 1
*BigFree> then try to cut the raod
*BigFree> brbr
* BigFree has quit IRC (Quit: )
*opd> Moving them 1????
*asleepathewheel> I think he means adjacenet to alamo?
*opd> But they'll just get hit with cats untill they're all redlined?
*asleepathewheel> yes, basically Vox revisted
*asleepathewheel> I think the notion is to move them in, have the enemy kill of the units, and we swoop in and take meridia and the rest of the south with our knights
*asleepathewheel> using the 10 units as decoys
*asleepathewheel> and also to pillage the road from alamo to the rest of ND to sever the ivory pipe
*opd> I think thats a really bad idea
*opd> I don't think GS are in a position to launch a southern offensive
*asleepathewheel> I think it might be useful in 2-3 turns, *asleepathewheel> exactly, our knights are at least 2.5 moves away
*opd> GoW can take out the RP units by themselves with little loss
* BigFree has joined #MilOps
* ChanServ sets mode: +o BigFree
* BigFree sets mode: +psnk Right
*opd> While ND take out an attack we make
*opd> What can your units on the mountain adjacent to the ALamo see?
*opd> can you see any cats stationed outside Alamo?
-> [BigFree] PING
-> [Arnelos] PING
*opd> are you playing the save now?
*opd> hello?
*opd> hello?
*asleepathewheel> um anyone home?
*asleepathewheel> I think BF said Togas was playing the save currently
*asleepathewheel> or something
*BigFree> sorry
*BigFree> I can send you a screen, but we see a **** load of ANsars 1 of Alamo
*opd> any catapults in the stack?
*asleepathewheel> hmm
*BigFree> nope
*BigFree> I think all Cats are in Alamo
*asleepathewheel> cats stamped GS on the bottome
*opd> you guys aren't seriously going to move further into GoW territory?
*BigFree> Yes
*opd> hmmmmn
*BigFree> That is what Togas wants to do*BigFree> I was against it
*BigFree> but he doesn't want to just sit there
*Arnelos> people, let's not leave Pamplona underdefended... just a thought
*asleepathewheel> Its a few turns premature
*BigFree> I tried to tell him it would be better to coordinate
*asleepathewheel> we just aren't in position to do anything yet
*opd> you guys should be retreating
*Arnelos> I agree
*BigFree> With the lack of communication between us he felt the need to do something
*Arnelos> for future reference, it would help IMMEASURABLY if GS and RP would do all warturns together
*BigFree> I agree
*asleepathewheel> we understand, frankly GS has recently had a lack of communication amongst itself, if you know what I mean
*asleepathewheel> NYE is gone, my computer was dead for a week, etc etc
*opd> no one is around
*opd> shiber, zeit, Deepo
*opd> all gone
*opd> well not gone but not as active
*BigFree> WOOT
*asleepathewheel> so that is where we are at, we pitch in where we can, but...
*BigFree> Ok, Togas did not play yet
*BigFree> He left instructions for me to play it
*asleepathewheel> cool
*BigFree> :Phrew:
*BigFree> I had planned to rotate out the injured units back to our terr
*opd> I think maybe we should look into the forum exchange thing again*BigFree> wht is that?
*opd> Someone from GS joins RP and someone from RP joins GS
*opd> to act as conduits
*opd> or communication links
*asleepathewheel> I have to go guys, the wife is home, OPD, can you copy this stuff to our forum?
*opd> ok
*asleepathewheel> bye
* asleepathewheel has quit IRC (Quit: )
*BigFree> That woud be good
*BigFree> I will join GS
*BigFree> If it is ok with our team
*opd> ok I'll bring it up in the forum and make sure everyone is ok with it
*BigFree> good
*BigFree> I will play the turn now
*BigFree> rotating the units out
*BigFree> but keeping enough there to cause the discomfort
*BigFree> making them keep units at home
*opd> how many?
*BigFree> There are 10 there now 5 pikes 5 MI's
*BigFree> I will send 4 away and replace 2 of them with healthy units
*opd> thats cool
*BigFree> so8 wil end up ther I beilieve
*opd> you don't want too few to be susceptible to serious cat damage
*opd> BTW last turn they captured cats between each other to give them an extra turn of movement
*opd> We don't really know but they may do the same again to attack twice with them in the same turn
*BigFree> damnm that is cheating, IMO
*opd> yeah they probably won't do it again but they could
*BigFree> do you know much about irc?
*opd> not really
*BigFree> damn
*BigFree> I screwed something up
*BigFree> oh well
*opd> I know I didn't need a password to get into this room
*opd> what did you screw up
*BigFree> The cahnnels used to 'flash' when there was a new message....not anymore though
* Octavian_X has joined #milops
*opd> hoooray
*BigFree> Maybe Oct knows
*opd> Hello Ot
*BigFree> The cahnnels used to 'flash' when there was a new message....not anymore though
*BigFree> how do I fix that
*Octavian_X> Hello
* Arnelos is now known as Arnelos_IDLE
*opd> I if thats the worst of your problems you're doing ok
*BigFree> screw the helos just tell me how to fix it!
*Octavian_X> heh
*Octavian_X> right click the name of the channel on mIRC
*Octavian_X> select the 'Flashing' opiton.