GodKing wrote on 10-01-2003 00:25:
Vox is the one team we have not met, nor have we been able to open relations with them in any significant way. We have met Lux and GoW. Lego and ... I cannot remember their name (ND?), are close to us and we expect to make contact with both of them soon IIRC.
You are on another continent. We have explored to our south and find an ocean between us. We have heard rumor that Vox is close enough to see, but is separated by water. Only rumor, so we have nothing to confirm with. Another civ is near Vox who is toward your NE we suspect.
We respect the right of secrecy. We are attempting to have good diplomatic relations with all civs. One cannot do that if one is a back stabber, liar, and so forth. Therefore, we regard anything said between civs as confidential. Any trades made between civs are confidential. That is why when asked earlier if we would trade another civs map - I had to answer no. Explicitly stated in the trades is the idea that it was between the two civs, and therefore not an option. The same holds true with your civ. If for example you tell me you have... oh say Code of Laws (love those goodie huts) and are willing to trade it, we will not tell any other civ that you are the one that gave it to us in exchange for Construction. That does not mean that we will not offer to sell it if it is to our advantage to do so, same as you would. But the knowledge of how we acquired said tech is nobodies business but ours. Does this make sense? The same holds true with maps at this stage. However, once we are in the later stages where map trading is possible, we expect world maps to go for lots, and territory maps to be the prime source of trading between civs. We hope to be able to trade territory maps at the appropriate time with most civs, but that is a ways away from now.
Current trades we would like to discuss:
Non aggression pacts: For X number (we have used 50) turns after our civs meet, there will be no aggression between our peoples.
Tech trades. Keep in mind what you have, and what you want. Once our civs meet up is more appropriate time to discuss such trades, but always keep in mind the what’s. I suspect we will try to send a boat (galley) your way soon. Trading current mini maps is a good way we can arrange this as we will know if there are land bridges we can send it across without sinking. We have also explored a lot of land, the most of any other civ that we have traded maps with, with perhaps the exception of Lego (who we traded to first and at that time were about equal to our area).
Wonder Agreements. You build a wonder, and we build another. Even if we don't get our wonder and have to waste the shields, we will not switch to your wonder. You do the same.
- Wonders we are potentially interested in are pyramids & Great Library.
- Wonders we are not interested in are Colossus & Lighthouse.
- The great wall, hanging gardens and oracle we are debating on.
Anything you might wish to trade or discuss. Sorry I have not been able to communicate as much as I would like lately, however that daemon RL keeps popping up. I hope the transition to nye leaving has not seriously effected your team much. Wishing you to come in second place….
RolePlay Team ambassador to Gathering Storm.
Vox is the one team we have not met, nor have we been able to open relations with them in any significant way. We have met Lux and GoW. Lego and ... I cannot remember their name (ND?), are close to us and we expect to make contact with both of them soon IIRC.
You are on another continent. We have explored to our south and find an ocean between us. We have heard rumor that Vox is close enough to see, but is separated by water. Only rumor, so we have nothing to confirm with. Another civ is near Vox who is toward your NE we suspect.
We respect the right of secrecy. We are attempting to have good diplomatic relations with all civs. One cannot do that if one is a back stabber, liar, and so forth. Therefore, we regard anything said between civs as confidential. Any trades made between civs are confidential. That is why when asked earlier if we would trade another civs map - I had to answer no. Explicitly stated in the trades is the idea that it was between the two civs, and therefore not an option. The same holds true with your civ. If for example you tell me you have... oh say Code of Laws (love those goodie huts) and are willing to trade it, we will not tell any other civ that you are the one that gave it to us in exchange for Construction. That does not mean that we will not offer to sell it if it is to our advantage to do so, same as you would. But the knowledge of how we acquired said tech is nobodies business but ours. Does this make sense? The same holds true with maps at this stage. However, once we are in the later stages where map trading is possible, we expect world maps to go for lots, and territory maps to be the prime source of trading between civs. We hope to be able to trade territory maps at the appropriate time with most civs, but that is a ways away from now.
Current trades we would like to discuss:
Non aggression pacts: For X number (we have used 50) turns after our civs meet, there will be no aggression between our peoples.
Tech trades. Keep in mind what you have, and what you want. Once our civs meet up is more appropriate time to discuss such trades, but always keep in mind the what’s. I suspect we will try to send a boat (galley) your way soon. Trading current mini maps is a good way we can arrange this as we will know if there are land bridges we can send it across without sinking. We have also explored a lot of land, the most of any other civ that we have traded maps with, with perhaps the exception of Lego (who we traded to first and at that time were about equal to our area).
Wonder Agreements. You build a wonder, and we build another. Even if we don't get our wonder and have to waste the shields, we will not switch to your wonder. You do the same.
- Wonders we are potentially interested in are pyramids & Great Library.
- Wonders we are not interested in are Colossus & Lighthouse.
- The great wall, hanging gardens and oracle we are debating on.
Anything you might wish to trade or discuss. Sorry I have not been able to communicate as much as I would like lately, however that daemon RL keeps popping up. I hope the transition to nye leaving has not seriously effected your team much. Wishing you to come in second place….

RolePlay Team ambassador to Gathering Storm.