Originally posted by Ming
Only after being dragged kicking and screaming to do what is right.
Only after being dragged kicking and screaming to do what is right.
Oh me. Ming, there are people all over the world on our team. It took a couple of days to track them all down to talk to them. Yes, there was a heated discussion about this. While the team was caught, all but one did nothing wrong. It has been a big disappointment that most have not recognized this fact. In the end the decision was made to agree with you and Beta.
Hmmm... so it's ok for your members to attack the administration and I should ignore it?
I don't believe I said that anywhere. If that was the implication you received then I would like to set the record straight. I do not condone any member attacking an admin...and to be clear, I do not condone any admin attacking a member. No implications...just a statement of how I feel. Hopefully we are clear on that one now.
Have you forgotten that this is a PRIVATELY owned site?
Nope...never have.
We have an interest in protecting the integrety of the games here.
I sure hope so. For all involved.
Your game is being hosted by this site... and the effects of this game are felt across the entire community.
Indeed...and in many different ways than it appears you are aware. I have received far more sympathy from members for the situation we are in than I have anything else. How the innocent members of this team are being treated is being watched by many.
Cheating has occured in this game... FACT!
And I do not believe anuone has disputed this. Yet it continues to be stated as if their was some debate?
It was done by a member of your team... FACT!
Again...no one debates this point. What of the other members that were completly unaware? It seems to be the policy of this site to "throw the baby out with the bathwater".
While you may all be disturbed by this, so is the admin of this site. This is a serious violation of site rules in addition to your game rules.
By your own rules, harsh penalities could have been applied to your team with no discussion needed. The violated team has not taken that action... Instead, they asked for a less stern way to deal with the problem... and your teams response was to ignore it, and then continue playing the game as if nothing happened.
In addition, some of your team even implys that the violated party is at fault for allowing a DL... And posted flaming posts...
By your own rules, harsh penalities could have been applied to your team with no discussion needed. The violated team has not taken that action... Instead, they asked for a less stern way to deal with the problem... and your teams response was to ignore it, and then continue playing the game as if nothing happened.
In addition, some of your team even implys that the violated party is at fault for allowing a DL... And posted flaming posts...
Yes, we are all disturbed by this for sure. Beta's understanding and expression of trust in Paddy went a long way at the beginning to ease the pain here. While Beta contemplated our counteroffer to his proposal (which we made to try to keep the game integrity from sliding further), the public forums started getting heated. Once it was decided that Beta wished to maintain his request for access we had to talk to members from literally around the world. This has taken time and the decision has been reached. Obviously, not all the team is happy with this solution (one could hope there is enough intelligence around to see why), yet we take this action in the best interest of the site.
These actions will NOT BE TOLERATED on this site.
Cheating will NOT BE TOLERATED!
Cheating will NOT BE TOLERATED!
Well, I would certainly hope not. Good Lord, what are you implying? That we condoned these activities by JTS? Please...
Now, your team has finally agreed to what they should have in the beginning... and yet the venom continues to drip. Now you attack the administration of the site that allows you to host your game on this site for free... even created the private forums for you.
Ming, I do hope you understand the above explanation I have offered on the time it took to come to this decision. I have not attacked the administration in any way that I know of. I simply asked you to "do the right thing". Sorry if that is considered an attack. The hosting of this game and the forums provided are greatly appreciated by all that I talk with.
I've even heard a comment that the Admin shouldn't have access to the private forums....
(I guess somebody forgot who owns this site)

(I guess somebody forgot who owns this site)
Perhaps you should listen a bit closer. That was a "game" admin and strategies are to be talked about for the next game that the "game" admin would be playing in. No one has remotely suggested that a site admin not be allowed access to the site's forums.
So I would highly suggest you stop with that crap.
If you have a problem, you are welcome to take your team elsewhere... But if you are staying, please be prepared for the Admin to protect the integrety of this site...
If you have a problem, you are welcome to take your team elsewhere... But if you are staying, please be prepared for the Admin to protect the integrety of this site...
Apparently we have different definitions of crap. We also are quite insistent that the Admin protect the integrity of this site.
No site that I know allows cheating... We expect the participants to police themselves and be civil about it.
When that doesn't happen, we will get involved.
When that doesn't happen, we will get involved.
Perhaps, if there is ever another such occurance (which we certainly hope tehre isn't), the admins will try to see both sides of an issue. Everyone in this game, including the non-cheating members of the Horde, are victims of these actions. We condemn them in the strongest possible terms. To imply that all the Horde would prefer a site that allows cheating is simply insulting and completely unfair.
Again, the issue here goes far beyond just your game.
And again, it would be wise for all to see this. I can assure you that the Horde does.
Be well. I hope I have answered your concerns.