Pals, I will be back tomorrow evening; I will plaz my turn latest on Tuesday!
No announcement yet.
World War One PBEM Playtest
Originally posted by Galvatron
It's !!VIENNA!! wohoo*"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta
Originally posted by conmcb25
I thought you lived in Bavaria, did you move or something?
I was born in Passau, which is in Bavaria and I also lived there some time. My dad is in the Engineering branch and therefore we had to travel alot: I lived some time in Italy (therefore my good command of Italian) and Vienna. After some time my dad got an offer from the Austrian part of the company to stay here. It was coupled with much higher payment, a huge flat and a car (both paid by the company). Of course he accepted and now we live in Vienna for some years and I have to say I like it more than Passau. There's much more nightlife and above all more good looking and cool girlsTherefore I decided to stay in Vienna. Now I've my own job (ok it's in the same company but hey I'm good at what I'm doing) and flat and of course a cool, styled and tuned car (hehe above all a cool subwoofer in it with lot’s of power
Dance to Trance
Proud and official translator of Yaroslavs Civilization-Diplomacy utility.
Ya Ok this is ringing a bell now. I remember the Italy gig.
And I remembered Vienna, but for some reason thought you were in Bavaria.
No worries, Im easily confused!
You still glad to be back? You behaving?*"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta
Originally posted by jim panse
Pals, I will be back tomorrow evening; I will plaz my turn latest on Tuesday!
Its wednesday."Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII
All those who want to die, follow me!
Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.
Originally posted by conmcb25
You still glad to be back? You behaving?apart from my old problems, you know the being late on weekends and trying to post and play a turn when you get home drunk and tired
And also my naughty comments are still there (well I think they are no prob I would call them comical
Hmm as we are nice talking I've a question:
I wonder who is checking my saves, may it be a so called Mr. Con and perhaps a Mr. Darius? No prob you can check whenever you like, I'm just curious if I guessed right
Dance to Trance
Proud and official translator of Yaroslavs Civilization-Diplomacy utility.
Originally posted by Galvatron
Hmm as we are nice talking I've a question:
I wonder who is checking my saves, may it be a so called Mr. Con and perhaps a Mr. Darius? No prob you can check whenever you like, I'm just curious if I guessed right
You'll never know unless of course you misbehave!
Glad your back and on the straight and narrow.
And now if only jim can get his notebook squared away, we are waiting for him at de Historibus as well.*"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta
Originally posted by Stalin II
Jims PC isnt working!
That is what i call bad luck.
I suppose that if his problem persists i'll have to play his turn."Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII
All those who want to die, follow me!
Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.
Okay!"Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII
All those who want to die, follow me!
Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.
The Ottoman Sultan has fallen ill!
Foul play by the British suspected!
Upon hearing these tragic news Kaiser Pericles deemed that the German military attache in the Sultan's court,
General Junker, immediately assumes command of the Turkish armed forces.
Up to the task Junker set about reorganising the turkish military doctrine.
The acknowledged head physician of the famous Berlin Physikalisches Institute, Dr. Lebenbrau has been summoned in Constantinople to take care of the dying Sultan.
Meanwhile General Bertoglu Pasha commanding the Syrian army attacked the British forces in Egypt.Port Said was seized in a daring nocturnal attack that took the african garisson by surprise. Any prisoners were hanged according to standard Turkish customs.
The English officer's women, fair skinned and soft , proved to be pleasant to the eyes and many were taken for the personal use of the troops.
The best were reserved of course for the Sultan's officers.
In the Caucasus the nightmerish fighting continues.Russian prisoners from the destroyed "Ukraine" division tell stories of asian hordes pouring from the mountains
into Turkey.The simple minded Arab soldiers believed that angels accompany the numerous russian troops.A mutiny was only prevented by the execution of the instigators by their German officers.
A cossack regiment was ambussed and anihilated near the ancient Greek city of Trapezous.No prisoners were taken.Attached Files"Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII
All those who want to die, follow me!
Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.
The English officer's women, fair skinned and soft , proved to be pleasant to the eyes and many were taken for the personal use of the troops.
The best were reserved of course for the Sultan's officers..
naughty, naughty ottomans!!!