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Mongol Horde Succession Game

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  • Scouse Gits

    Thanks for your robust constructive defence this is what the forum is about.

    WoWs the hard way - forgive me, but Darwin is abuilding in our cap - this is what I mean by the hard way!

    Celebrating Commie - exactly - it is the gain of Rep Trade with NO (well virtually none) corruption and its concommitent boost of the on-going and immediate trade bonuses that I seek.
    My choice of Fundy assured a very healthy cash income with a view to building many laundrettes - Temples & MarketPlaces in the first instance - perhaps even an odd Library much later once a representative government became viable

    Luxuries - OK we all leave the slider in the wrong place a turn or two when we are not completely on the ball - but I was in rcc mode

    Darwin - maybe you count beakers more carefully than I do

    Thanks - but I still think a semester at The Institute is called for


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  • sirsnuggles
    Oh Dear!
    A semester polishing the marble floors of The Institute for sirsnuggles

    One does not build WoWs the hard way once one has Trade!

    One does not build Darwin in the capital (unless you are extremely careful / lucky!)

    One does not go Commie until one can celebrate the majority of one's cities

    One does not build Libraries in order to gain 7 beakers/turn when an advance costs > 1000 beakers

    One does not run a luxury rate (even of 10%) when it neither stabilizes any cities nor celebrates any cities

    One does not keep >1000g in the treasury in any government at any time without a very good reason

    Other than that - good turns
    I don't build WoW's the hard way. I don't know where you get the misconception that I don't utilize caravans or rush building. In this present game, caravans are on the way to help K build the WoW. Gold is stockpiled to finish it.

    I don't understand your commie thing. Commie allows for better scientific advance when one utilizes the particular strategy that I use. I totally disagree concerning library's, you can read my thoughts on that issue in the BB forum. With the game map so spread out, my statements concerning that issue are entirely magnified.

    Besides, why would you really want to celebrate in commie (other than gaining tax and science as if one were under Republic), when you could rather celebrate in Rep (and gain trade as if one were celebrating under Demo), and gain 1 in size for celebrating it specifically in Rep (an advantage not achieved in commie).

    The 10% luxury rate actually was keeping at least two (I can't remember how many, but more than one), cities happy. With the rate at 0%, several of our cities were revolting. Your critique concerning the luxury rate should be obvious to all but the most novice of civ2 players, and of course, is not lost on me. IIRC, a number of our cities possessed only 1 military unit, and therefore were revolting. The 10% was required to maintain order until military units were created to do just that. Perhaps, and I'd have to check this, I forgot to reduce luxuries after creating those units.

    The Darwin thing, is a toss-up. It entirely depends upon when one determines to discover advances. Even in your method, one must wait to complete (rush build) Darwin's only after an advance is just discovered (and hence requires one to be careful and watchful). Either way, it works the same, one must watch and see when the advance will be discovered. Building Darwin's in the capital is usually easier, because it is centrally located to receive the caravans of its surrounding cities.

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  • -Jrabbit
    OK. All caught up in Lazy Summer (and 2 other sxn played in past week).

    Will gather the Mongol Hordes (none on foot) this weekend.

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  • Scouse Gits
    Darwin in the capital ...

    When Darwin is built your civ receives two tech advances and the beaker row is emptied. Thus in an extreme case when the capital city (normally the last in the build queue) would have just failed to fill the beaker box for Advance 1 - Darwin gains only 1 beaker + 1 Advance.
    With Darwin in the cap you need to arrange for the current advance to be completed by the penultimate city so as to gain the maximum profit from your 8 camels. This (for me) is extremely tricky hence my comment about careful / lucky.
    However, if Darwin is built in Dirthole#5 somewhere at the end of the build list - all that needs arranging is that the beaker box is empty-ish before you commit the 'vans thus getting two advances from Darwin and virtually all your empire's beakers in the box.

    Does this wandering diatribe make sense?

    Cheers, SG[1]

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  • rjmatsleepers
    Originally posted by Scouse Gits
    Oh Dear!

    One does not build Darwin in the capital (unless you are extremely careful / lucky!)

    Seriously, sirsnuggles, if any of the above need further explanation we will happily provide details of the justification for our 'theories' ...
    For my benefit, if not SirSnuggles, what's wrong with Darwin's in the capital?

    RJM at Sleepers

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  • -Jrabbit
    Downloaded and sent to home comp.
    Committed to playing Lazy Sxn first, but will do that tonight.

    Stay tuned...

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  • Scouse Gits
    Play Order - Second Round

    1) SG[1] - 8 turns
    2) SG(2) - 8 turns
    3) STYOM - 8 turns
    4) sirsnuggles - 8 turns
    5) LaFayette - 10! turns
    6) -Jrabbit -
    7) SCG -
    8) Old'n'Slow -
    9) Julius -


    Anyone seen SCG - is he likely to pick up this round?

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  • La Fayette
    They were in such a hurry to send me to the Gulag that I hardly managed to post the save
    Attached Files

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  • La Fayette
    Bad boy!
    I played 10 turns and then noticed that 8 turns was supposed to be OK.

    please SGs: no Institute

    No comment about the first glance at the Empire: the Gits said it all

    Well, I decided to finish Darwin ASAP, build a new shipchain to Zululand (transports instead of caravels, as soon as we get Industrialisation), build the backbone of the future Mongol TGV* network, and beeline towards The Corporation.

    (* TGV = Train à Grande Vitesse = High Speed Train; most French long distance trains now travel around 200MPH )

    Main events:

    1660: Industrialisation discovered; Gunpowder started
    1690: Darwin completed ( provides Gunpowder and University); Economics started
    1720: The Politbureau decides to send LF to the Goulag for no obvious reason (since the new shipchain is at work, the RR backbone between Karakorum and Aleppo is almost completed and Economics is to be discovered within 2 turns)

    Advice to my successor:
    Never trust the Politbureau.

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  • Scouse Gits
    Play Order - Second Round

    1) SG[1] - 8 turns
    2) SG(2) - 8 turns
    3) STYOM - 8 turns
    4) sirsnuggles - 8 turns
    5) LaFayette -
    6) -Jrabbit -
    7) SCG -
    8) Old'n'Slow -
    9) Julius -


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  • Scouse Gits
    Oh Dear!

    A semester polishing the marble floors of The Institute for sirsnuggles

    One does not build WoWs the hard way once one has Trade!

    One does not build Darwin in the capital (unless you are extremely careful / lucky!)

    One does not go Commie until one can celebrate the majority of one's cities

    One does not build Libraries in order to gain 7 beakers/turn when an advance costs > 1000 beakers

    One does not run a luxury rate (even of 10%) when it neither stabilizes any cities nor celebrates any cities

    One does not keep >1000g in the treasury in any government at any time without a very good reason

    Other than that - good turns

    I seem to recall that you were warned of the possibility of robust constructive criticism! We hate to dissapoint our readership!

    The SGs

    Seriously, sirsnuggles, if any of the above need further explanation we will happily provide details of the justification for our 'theories' ...

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  • sirsnuggles
    The new young, lithe cabana boy, Sirsnuggles, is elevated from obscurity amidst the cacophony of Barry Manilow. With his new found power, Sirsnuggles determines to imprison the aforementioned Manilow. Yet, following contemplation reverses his decision, and gifts the said mentioned Manilow to the Phoenicians (A Trojan horse).

    1540 AD: Regime implements new system of government: Communism.

    1560 AD: Trade routes with Zimbabwe established:
    Tabriz: 104 gold, +3 trade route.
    Ormuz: 88 gold, +4 trade route.

    1570 AD: Steam Engine discovered. Inquiries made into new types of transportation.
    Trade route with Zimbabwe established:
    Tabriz: 104 gold, +3 trade route.

    1580 AD: Xinning sites created.

    1590 AD: Trade routes with Zimbabwe established:
    Kabul: 92 gold, +3 trade route.
    Bokhara: 82 gold, +3 trade route.

    1600 AD:
    Trade routes with Zimbabwe established:
    Tabriz: 104 gold, +3 trade route.
    Karakorum: 156 gold, +4 trade route.
    Kashgar: 94 gold, +3 trade route.

    1610 AD: Discover Railroad, research Industrialization.
    Trade route with Zimbabwe established:
    Aleppo: 60 gold, +3 trade route.

    1620 AD: Just moving things about.

    Unfortunate bedroom scene between Sirsnuggles and the Khaness results in sudden banishment from the kingdom. Anonymous officials leak that when asked if he thought the Khaness’ new clothe lingerie from Zimbabwe made her look fat, Sirsnuggles foolishly replied, “Not that much.” In the wake of Sirsnuggles banishment, Barry Manilow reportedly seeks reentry into the kingdom. A dire day indeed.

    A rather short-lived rule, not long enough to implement any sort of system, or even gain a feel of the present situation.
    Attached Files

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  • -Jrabbit
    Hmm. Tried to open
    and got the infamous Poly "congrats, you found a missing page" form.

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  • Scouse Gits
    Play Order - Second Round

    1) SG[1] - 8 turns
    2) SG(2) - 8 turns
    3) STYOM - 8 turns
    4) sirsnuggles -
    5) LaFayette -
    6) -Jrabbit -
    7) SCG -
    8) Old'n'Slow -
    9) Julius -

    SG[1] [img][/img]

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  • Six Thousand Year Old Man
    Originally posted by Scouse Gits
    Thanks STYOM! The expansion of the Empire is important even though the accessible real estate is not that exciting.

    This is a frequent misconception! The Leo's upgrades for legged units goes as follows:

    Horsemen become Knights with Chivalry.

    Looking at the save, obviously you're right. I wonder why I just assumed that? Anyhoo, I defend my decision to build Leos, based on the future upgrade of Settlers and Caravels. Besides, I can't stand it when the AI builds it

    As for expansion... the real estate is decent. Some good sites in the north-east corner of our island. We had no decent units to go hunting Magellan (and not enough Caravels to ship them in) when I started my turns, but we now have several Caravels and are busy building Crusaders. Pump a few Caravans into the Zulu coastal cities, and we should have Steam.

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