Oh no
Is it my turn ?
Dare I venture a turn, or two, or eight?
Am I allowed to come out?
I'll make my feeble attempt as soon as I can muster the next limp to my computer.
No announcement yet.
Mongol Horde Succession Game
Rolling now.
Thousands of pounding hooves thunder across the Carthaginian plains... the great Khaness has sent her troops abroad to secure additional stocks of lime for her poolside margaritas...
I see we're not Spotless any more... is that a problem?
Lots of incremental buying of units. There's nothing much else to spend it on.
Eine frage - are cannons/artillery/howitzers allowed? At this point, I'm not planning on building any Cannons since we have Cavalry. Artillery will be very handy when we get them, though, since we can't remove walls with Diplomats. I'm assuming they are allowed, because:
There is only one rule:
If it doesn't have four legs, wheels, tracks, floats or flies - it's not allowed.
(Since when did a Mongol walk!)
Only exception Settlers and Engineers are permitted
Cannons have wheels, and so do Artillery pieces.
1796: More rebels revolt near Khorasan.
Communism cancels Marco Polo. Naturally, we have no embassies with anyone (no Diplomats!).
1798: We demand tribute from Carthagines > war. Carthage captured, 193 g. Utica and Sun Tzu's War Academy captured, 91 g. We advise the Carthaginians to get lost when they ask for parley.
Dye>Umtata, 480 g.
Carthagine Frigate attacks our Destroyer, and sinks. Wood Frigate vs Steel Destroyer, one would think the outcome would be predictable
1800: Electronics discovered; choose Communism next so that we can build the UN later. This is a big map; the free embassies will make it easier to hunt down the last few AI cities.
Beads>Tugela, 216 g, Silver>Isandhlwana, 445 g, Salt>Isandhlwana 138 g, Gems>Isandhlwana 326 g, Hides>Isandhlwana 158 g, Gems>Isandhlwana 132 g, Beads>Isandhlwana 260 g.
Tax rates adjusted to 5.5.0 and 1 elvis hired. We'll try to squeeze out some more celebrations if we can.
Tacitus determines that we are the most advanced society in the world
1802: Hoover Dam in Karakorum.
With the loss of 3 Cavalry against the walls, Rusicade is taken from the Carthaginians.
Gold>Mpondo 240 g.
Kerman founded.
Science rate tweaked up a bit to get a tech next turn, thus avoiding having to delay Freight deliveries that turn.
Celts start UN.
1804: Communism discovered, researching Steel. Science rate readjusted.
We provoke a war with the Celts by demanding tribute
Gades captured from Celts, 61 g. Girba captured, 131 g.
Naples founded.
French start UN.
Coal>Ngome 845 g , Salt>Isandhlwana 236 g, Hides>Isandhlwana 136 g, Oilx2>Isandhlwana 236, 230 g, Coal>Isandhlwana 136 g.
An executive decision in reached poolside; 'Isandhlwana' will henceforth be shortened to 'Isa'.
1808: United Nations completed in Ormuz. Others abandon it.
Steel discovered, researching Automobile.
Coal>Ngome 198 g.
Leptis Magna captured, 138 g.
Railroad gifted to Celts and we decide to accept a peace offer, for now. Considered giving them more techs to get their maps, but they demanded Conscription, and that was a bit steep.
RR and Industrialization/Invention gifted to Egyptians in exchange for maps. Now everyone has RR... hopefully this will make conquest easier.
Issus founded. Cunaxa founded.
Zulus learn Amphibious Warfare.
1810: Wine>Tugela, 400g, Silver>Isa 440 g, Gems>Ngome 972 g Celts politely leave when asked for tribute
Barbarian Frigate sinks one of our shipchain components (unloaded, La Fayette! Definitely unloaded! ) offshore from Zulu lands.
Peasant revolt near Naples.
Celts steal Chemistry>war. A couple of units killed by Celts.
1812: Automobile discovered, researching Mass Production.
Tara captured, 50 g.
Hides>Isa 150 g, Salt>Isa 158 g.
French learn Steam Engine, Egyptians learn Medicine.
1814: Gold>Mpondo, 258 g, Hides>Isa 150 g, Salt>Isa 240 g,
Cardigan captured, 38 g, Iona captured, 58 g, Rhayader captured, 32 g.
Celts bribe Iona from us! and take Metallurgy.
Zulus learn Corporation.
1816: We angrily rebuff Celtic peace emissary
Gold>Mpondo 384 g, Gems>Ngome 384 g, Oil>Isa 240 g.
Iona liberated from Celtic tyranny.
Carefully positioning Cavalry to avoid further bribery, STYOM returns the ceremonial towel to the poolhouse and retires.
We went from 43 Cavalry, 20 cities and 'Strong' to 71 Cavalry, 34 cities and 'Supreme'.
We still have lots of cash, so my successor may want to do some incremental buying before pressing enter. We have a lot of Engineers poised to build RR's through Celt lands and knock them off entirely before they can learn Conscription. Good luck!
Oh, and Mass Production should arrive next turn. I was aiming at Robotics.
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Yowza yowza!
Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' 'bout!
Great turns, Julius!
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Yowza, my turn again. I'll get 8 turns played in the next couple of days, I expect.
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Here is the saved game.
Carthaginians are down, and with all the horses near their city, the next wave of attack should start very, very soon. And we are rich too, very rich my friend : 5495 gold. My successor shall decide if we build many factories (combined with Hoover ?) or if buy cavalry directly. Watch out to spend quickly before the Zulus demand tribute.
Oups, I was forgetting : there’s a food caravan in Aleppo (for a future wonder). And barbarians near Karakorum should be taken care of (2 cavalries already there). Umtata demands dye and Tugela beads.
Have fun !
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So it was up to me to make all the bloody wars and the shameful deeds !
1778ad Revolution, we declare war on Carthaginians. Caralis captured, we own Magellan. (it’s tough not to build riflemen to protect it) Speaking of protection, many of our own cities are undefended. I decide to protect all of them with a cavalry before sending more units to attack. Maybe I am too careful, maybe not. My feeling is that we have time enough …
1780ad We build JSB and go fundy. I plan to make all the science through trade with the Zulus. 198 gold with caravan to Basra. 138 in Ngome. We go for the big cash and start buying many units.
1782 ad. Barbarians capture Amiens. Zulus build Women’s Suffrage. 276 gold in Mpondo. We take heavy casualties but capture Panormus (impossible to sabotage its city walls without diplos).
1784ad. We kill some errand Carthaginians units.
1786ad. We discover electricity, refining next (aiming for mobile warfare and its armors). 172+210 gold in Ngome. We capture Cartenna.
1878ad. Counterattack from Carthaginians, they can’t take back anything. 152+154 gold in Ngome.
1790ad. Zulus build Eiffel Tower. New meaningless counterattack from Hannibal. 240 gold in Mpondo, 245 gold in Ulundi, 146+132+158+172 gold in Ngome. We capture Malaca. History should deem 1880 a good year, and not only for red wine.
1792ad. We discover refining, combustion is next. 176+284+385+184+354 gold in Ngome.
1794ad. We make a cease-fire with Carthaginians. 100+318 gold in Mpondo.
1796ad. We discover combustion, electronics is next. 270 gold in Mpondo. 172+178+168+176+146+154 gold in Ngome.
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Yup, your choice -- I think that nine cavalry are within range. I just wanted your name to be the bloody one.
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Originally posted by Old n Slow
We can still take Caralis on this turn -- the Cavalry in Carthage have yet to commit to action...
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Originally posted by -Jrabbit
Julius Brenzaida, where are you?
I download the game and will play over the week-end
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Vintners of the world beware!
The SGs are on holiday and could be in your area.
Stock up! Stock up!
We'll need a special version of the SG smiley with sunglasses.
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Have fun!
Originally posted by Scouse Gits
Please continue and work around us as all Gits will be on holiday for two weeks from this weekend.
That puts it to the Six thousand Year Old Man.
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Thank you JRabbit and OnS for keeping things moving. Please continue and work around us as all Gits will be on holiday for two weeks from this weekend.
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Originally posted by Old n Slow
We can still take Caralis on this turn -- the Cavalry in Carthage have yet to commit to action...
Can't believe you didn't go for it, OnS...
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